Randomly found this on 4chan:
So beautiful. Gen 1 makes anything better. Especially the music! and the towns...
some of these are really well made
Randomly found this on 4chan:
So beautiful. Gen 1 makes anything better. Especially the music! and the towns...
Have you wondered why the sprites for Red, Blue, and especially Japanese Red and Green look all kinds of wrong?
Because it was the very first game in the series and they had next to nothing to go off of?
What if...
it's an empty slot?
He isn't, as far as we know.Wait, how can Eevee guy beat Ash if the final episode for the current season/arc is Pikachu vs Lucario?
He isn't, as far as we know.
We've seen some Eevee merchandise for Episode N, though, so it's a reasonable assumption that he might turn up again.
Ball's in your court, MikeMyers.
Hey man, I never capture Gyarados evolved. I always train it straight from a Magikarp.
Except for Red Gyarados obviously
I named my Magikarp -> Gyarados Bob... until I realized she's a girl.
Saw this today and it gave me a chuckle. The website doesn't allow hot-linking...
It actually came out pretty nice!
Man, oh man, is today's anime episode ever going to piss you off, Stage On...
You mean ash is going to lose to a trainer that took only 5 pokemon to a 6 v 6 battle?
You mean ash is going to lose to a trainer that took only 5 pokemon to a 6 v 6 battle?
That's better than losing to the guy who only brought two, like he did last gen.
10 bucks says the rest of Tobias' team was Phione, Sunkern, Tyrogue and Magikarp as his trump card.
Man, oh man, is today's anime episode ever going to piss you off, Stage On...
I'm curious now. If you had access to every one of Ash's pokemon and were facing that Darkrai what would be your team?
I'm curious now. If you had access to every one of Ash's pokemon and were facing that Darkrai what would be your team?
Ooh, that really burned me watching that. It was such a perfect counter at the time, and yet...I'd just destroy it with Sleep Talk Heracross.
Oh wait.
I'd just destroy it with Sleep Talk Heracross.
Oh wait.
You mean ash is going to lose to a trainer that took only 5 pokemon to a 6 v 6 battle?
Arcus damn it! How can they keep screwing over the main character like this? It's insane since I can't think of any other series where the main character is NEVER allowed to win a big tournament at some point and advance.
Wait, Virgil (the eeveelution guy) is still in the tournament! There's still hope!
Pft, at this point I have no hope seeing at how bad the first half of this battle has been handled. Literally full of fail.
Even if Ash somehow beats Trollketsu by using his last unrevealed Pokemon any further battle against Virgil would be so rushed that it couldn't possibly be satisfying.
It really is sad that Ash keeps losing. It's the #1 reason I get frustrated with the anime. Dude should be a world-class trainer by now with all of the crap he's been through.
He won the imaginary Orange League!
I thought the whole point of the Pokemon anime was that winning didn't matter, and what's important is you're a good person who takes good care of your Pokemon.
and marketing toys and video games to young boys
I honestly can understand his loss in Johto and Hoenn league. It's the fucking Sinnoh one that annoys me a lot.
Was the battle frontier really filler? I consider it canon in a sense that it has some semblance in the games.
Was the battle frontier really filler? I consider it canon in a sense that it has some semblance in the games.
Maybe we would, if some genius didn't bring a Torkoal and a Gible to fight a Darkrai...
Didn't that trainer also have a Latios?
Seriously, they allow legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon League? That's BS!!!