So I've got somewhere between one and eleven billion hours of pokemon played in my lifetime among every gen and I've never tried actual battling aside from just throwing my single-player team into the shit for funsies (and getting thrashed royally). I've gotten it in my mind over the last couple days that I want to try. I've been looking at Smogon for general tactical advice/pokemon builds even though I don't aspire to that level of craziness or prowess. I'd be happy enough just whooping the occasional random kid or forum acquaintance on WiFi, so my expectations are mostly low and in check.
That said, after picking my first couple pokemon that I want to use, I've started what I consider the basic, preparatory stages of putting a team together and it seems like an incredible timesink. I mean I'm doing stuff like researching breed chains to egg moves on my guys and trading for them, making sure I have equipable items that I need (it seems like I will need multiple leftovers and some other rare items), and finding stray TMs that I haven't picked up yet (I'm still making my way through post-game stuff in Black, haven't touched B2W2 yet).
I haven't even done any final breeds yet, or done any EV training (I feel like I'm going to have to spend 20+ hours in the subway getting power items just for that), and I've already all but given up on the concept of breeding for IVs because that seems just too ridiculous for me. It honestly feels like it is going to be weeks, if not a month or more before I finally have a full team of battle ready pokemon. Am I totally off base and doing something wrong, or do the majority of people that battle, either in hardcore competitive scenes or just casually put this amount of work into assembling a crew?
Sorry if tl;dr. I'm scared.