Don't give me that innocent look D:[img]
Don't give me that innocent look D:[/QUOTE]
I've only ever had this thread's best interests in mind.
What the fuck is going on in here?
It shrinks them based on their width, not height.EDIT: why won't quote shrink the thumbnails!
*thinks of distraction*
...proto English Gen 1 names ! (?)
(I like Fowler for Farfetch'd, really)
D:Hehe. But it wouldn't help it up the tier ladder anyway.
I think it's because they thought they would only have space for 7 letter names, instead of 10.And some of them looked like somebody missed keys on the keyboard, too. :3Maybe that's the reason why some of them got changed obviously
Also how come the names looked like they have a much shorter character limit
It was a fine holiday, full of many foods which may or may not have been beef (I ate a lot of ham and oxtail yesterday). And then some quality time with various people, but otherwise it was subdued.
Am I the only person indifferent to everything posted here?
Nope. PokéGAF's great; warts and all.
EDIT: Except for Ponymon. Ohgodwhydoesthatexist
Picked up black today, this is my first game since Diamond.
I didn't play any of the GBA games is it worth picking up FireRed and Emerald along with Soul Silver? ( have to re-live those childhood memories)
Nah bro, skip the GBA games. They're totally fine but that shit's in the past. You'd have a better time if you just got some of your favorite pokes in your copy of Black.
Ahh cool so I guess Soul Silver is still a good pickup?
Definitely. I still keep my copies of Silver and Platinum around. I don't have B2W2 yet, but having Plat and HG or SS makes it easier to get most pokemon without having to do all kinds of stupid pal park transfer nonsense.
HG/SS (correct me if I'm wrong) is the only game with the running shoes on a toggle switch(!). I swear those games were made by geniuses and then they let tards run the asylum for BW.
I could swear to god that running makes trainers more likely to turn to you. If that's not coded in I will be genuinely surprised.I think NOT running is actually beneficial when you want to sneak by Trainers and some terrain require not running. Also, the encounter rate mechanics were changed since HGSS so that running actually reduces the actual steps for an encounter to occur instead of just looking faster because you went through tiles fasyer, too. Seems like it. Or something.
Why would you ever want to avoid trainers? They have so much sweet exp and dollar bills. Are you guys raising some pussy ass pokemon that need breaks?! Break their necks and make some better ones!
I could swear to god that running makes trainers more likely to turn to you. If that's not coded in I will be genuinely surprised.
I use Castelia Cones.
I prefer Lava Cookies.
Definitely. I still keep my copies of Silver and Platinum around. I don't have B2W2 yet, but having Plat and HG or SS makes it easier to get most pokemon without having to do all kinds of stupid pal park transfer nonsense.
HG/SS (correct me if I'm wrong) is the only game with the running shoes on a toggle switch(!). I swear those games were made by geniuses and then they let tards run the asylum for BW.
Real men use Old Gateau.
K-On Arcanine doesn't want your old cake anyway. She just wants to play light music!
Yeah, well Ironscale Shyvana doesn't want your crummy cookie! She just wants to contemplate life and/or prepare for a butt-kicking :T
Happy holidays, buddy
So, what do you guys think the twin Gen 6 games will be named?
The trademarked names that currently would make sense are Scarlet and Crimson, I think, anyway. Other ideas?