Sounds about right. A main series pokemon game has come out every year since 1998 except '02, '06, '08.
This would be 2 years after the 3DS launch, and a well needed addition to it's library. Probably been in development for 3+ years. Although B2/W2 came out recently they are sequals and I'm sure Ninty will feel comfortable pushing a new gen come next year. Plus they need to keep up the systems momentum. Another year without Pokemon and people will really be clambering. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the design in BW was a direct result of working on the 3DS pokemon engine, so I'd expect things to be getting pretty flushed out. Unless they are working on some Wii U crossplay trading network then it may be farther off.
I imagine BW2 is in part meant to keep the franchise around while they build the next game and the 3DS builds it's player base. I imagine a 3DS pokemon will sell systems, but at this time will be inhibited in sales by the fact that the 3DS doesn't have a massive player base yet.
So my friend pulled a bitch move in our game. We are meant to stop at each gym and do battle so our teams are at even capabilities. He decided tog et someone online at Gym 3 to evolve his Eevee to a Glaceon since he didn't want to wait for it. So I'm looking now to get a Budew. I know it doesn't seem like the greatest choice, but I'm not looking to be cheap either. I can get a roselia now, but I want a nice budew with a good IV so I can level it from scratch. I need a grass pokemon on my team, and I also really want toxic spikes so it's exactly what I need.
Anyone have a good roselia they can maybe breed me a Budew? I don't current'y have much of anything on my team so I don't have much to offer :/
Currently on the plane going towards gym 5, wishing I could evolve my Growlithe but I gotta wait until I get some better moves, Arcanine is going to be boss by the end of this game.