So what do people want to see in Gen VI?
-Better use of local wireless functionality. I expect GF will expand on the C-Gear stuff again, maybe in a different device, because C-Gear's stuff is 3DS-lite (IR, "Streetpass", etc.)
-More trainer customization.
-More ambiguous morality enemy teams.
-Varied early locations that require transport - trains, planes, etc...
-I dunno, lemme roam some plains or something.
-Limited availability of pokes outside of the regional dex (like BW). Force me to use the newer ones more, I say.
-Auto run.
-Streetpass secret bases~
-High-res Pokemon/trainer sprites (LOL)
-Online Battle Factory

Actually, one thing that could happen is something like the Trainer House - when you Streetpass, the player's current team is sent there, and you can have matches with them there.