Still better than Chrome to me.![]()
Cuteness Overload is no longer allowed to have opinions.
Excuses are for the weak.
Chrome is too manly for a puny laptop.
I bet you would.
I was wrong to leave this thread in your hands...proper measures must be taken...!
Bribes no work here!
You aren't prepared for the proper measures...that's why they are proper. And measures.
Did you know that to Internet Explorer 10, Pokémon is valid, while Digimon is not?
How would a plushie know proper measures? :3
btw I didn't see your FC that's why I wasn't able to add you
Also is this board like part of furrygaf's venn diagram?
Actually I really doubt Blaziken = Digimon. If anything he looked very more Pokemon than Digimon (i.e. Digimon isn't averse in maintaining an animal head and anatomical detail whereas Blaziken looks like a dragon-bird hybrid with a simple human "shape").
I thought you'd be angry about Masaru getting a Charizard because Charizard sucks and as much as I hate GundamAgumon he's much better than Charizard.
Zoroark has a shitty movepool tbqh. You can get better dark types like Zweilous.
Mine's 3437-3170-2657.
I don't know about that.
The Deino line is pretty shitty ingame. I know this from second hand experience, since I got one bred for my younger brother to use for his B2 playthrough (egg moves and a decent nature) and it was really mediocre. The fact that it evolves at lvl 50 means that you have to suffer through 60-65% of the game with dragon with terrible stats who stops being useful quickly. Even Zweilous isn't impressive once it evolves, since Hustle is a bullshit ability and its stats for the most part suck ass (its slow and frail :/). Keep in mind, my brother's Deino was a trade mon AND I gave him Lucky Egg and it still manages to struggle like crazy.
As for Zoroark, I sorta see where you're coming from with the movepool comment, but if you can Dark Pulse + Low Kick, it should be able to pull its weight in game. You're laughing once you get Flamethrower & Nasty Plot (and Focus Blast in the post game). IMO the only dark-types better than Zoroark are Scrafty & Krookodile, both of which are a very good in their own right.
Hey Twiggy, I added you.
I'm going to not get hyped as hype has betrayed me so many times these last two-three years, but for those who are going to get hyped, there you go.
Life size Pikachu coming to the US!
Most disappointing plushie?
On another topic I want to be an evil Victini. Why? It sounds a bit funny.
I'm going to not get hyped as hype has betrayed me so many times these last two-three years, but for those who are going to get hyped, there you go.
I thought you wanted to be a dragon?
When's the last time they hyped something to this degree (both Japan and North America), and it didn't turn out to be a mainline game?
When's the last time they hyped something to this degree (both Japan and North America), and it didn't turn out to be a mainline game?
It's not that I doubt it's a mainline game, but it being a mainline game doesn't mean I'm going to like it. So many games in the past 2-3 years have ended up disappointing me greatly so I'm not going to get hyped this time, I'll wait till I see more screenshots/videos and possibly play the game.
It basically fixed most of the problems with Diamond and Pearl.
I recommend using the anime to start for One Piece as it helps get the music and voices in your head - both of which are absolutely wonderful.Even people who like One Piece say the anime is shit!
Anyway what if Motoi Sakuraba composed in Pokemon
It should start around Saturday 5:30 PM EST (the show is Sunday 7:30-8:30 AM JST).What time is Smash on?
Well, with TPCi hyping an announcement for next week on their social media outlets I assume we'll have something.Even if there's a tournament this week, and no chance of news, it probably won't hurt to take a peek...