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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


Yes. Unfortunately that does mean you were disqualified. How was your (and your opponent's) connection during the competition? This means too many DCs happened and it sucks :(

Thanks for answering.

I was disconnected on 3 times while winning, and my connection dropped once while sending the results of a match I won to the server (the match didn't count as a result).

I think this is so unfair :( What should I do to prevent stuff like this to happen in the next tournament? Also, how do I know if I got the 1-hour ban? Does the game tell me or does it simply get stuck infinitely looking for an opponent. I remember after that disconnection the game would not find me an opponent (it would keep on searching for a long time)


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Here's a question for you all: what direction do you want the franchise to go in next?
Every time someone brings up this question my answer is the same. The biggest problem the franchise has as a whole is its awful UI. Why am I playing these games on systems with 8+ buttons and only using 2 of them? Every game comes out with AT MOST incremental improvements to functionality, usually at the expense of half a dozen other features. Like we were 5 generations in before we got a favorites menu for items and there are still so many ways that feature could be improved if they just used shit like the L and R buttons which have NEVER been used in a meaningful way in any of these games. HG/SS finally made the DS's touch screen worthwhile to use then they took a hundred steps backwards with the C-gear. Why don't I have a fully configurable touch screen where I can throw my favorite items and whatever menu buttons I use the most in?

Arcane subsystems are also a problem. They keep adding little, pointless systems and gameplay elements that have marginal bearing on the actual game yet manage to be so obtuse that I can't figure them out as an adult, I have no clue how the kids that play these do. I've played a ton of White and a little of Black 2 now and I have NO freaking clue how a lot of its stuff works. Shit like Xtranciever or Entralink aren't much more than abstract ideas to me just based on the in-game descriptions. I'm sure the dreamland is a neat way to get Pokemon but I don't want to play a shitty flash game for an hour a day to do so. Pokewalker was a fine little bonus but it didn't come at the expense of wasting the entire touch screen. Stuff over the course of all the generations like beauty pageants, starring in movies, sports. musical theater? I have no clue what any of these things do. I shouldn't have to read a wiki page at bulbapedia to find out.

I guess I'd love to see stuff like the 4-direction, isometric view done away with. Maybe lose random battles in lieu of something more like DQM Joker where you see generic enemies while walking around. I don't know if that stuff would work in Pokemon though. It almost feels like the decades of systems they've heaped on top of each other have hamstrung the series to any real evolution. Also if they changed it up too drastically I'm sure there's a contingent of purists that would absolutely shit themselves.

To me Pokemon is one of the last traditional, Japanese franchises I follow, but it's the closest to being cut. I came really close to giving up on the franchise for good with Black and White (the first time I got to Celestia City I literally said aloud "Fuck this awful shit" and turned off the power without even saving). But it's too easy to just blast through the games, collecting whatever monsters I can along the way and not really succumb to their deeper bullshit. I still honestly feel it slipping away every time a new game comes out.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You sorta already fixed the random battles with rustling grass - and even then the problem is that despite the Pokemon "looking" the same its values (i.e. IVs and what not) are different.

I really hope Nintendo isn't trolling us for tomorrow.
No to iOS ROM dumps of old games.

No to remakes of old games.

No to Wii U game. No to Snap, no to Stadium, no to PokéPark.

New game. New region. New Pokémon. Exclusively for 3DS.

It is the only way.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I hope it's a new DS game just to see the meltowns on here.

I will file a class action lawsuit against Nintendo and GameFreak to get the cost of my 3DS refunded since the potential for a new Pokemon game is the only reason I got one as opposed to just getting a new DS.
I've always wondered, what if I had to draw something from memory?

This is the result. I must say, I find it rather... appealing.



Thanks for answering.

I was disconnected on 3 times while winning, and my connection dropped once while sending the results of a match I won to the server (the match didn't count as a result).

I think this is so unfair :( What should I do to prevent stuff like this to happen in the next tournament? Also, how do I know if I got the 1-hour ban? Does the game tell me or does it simply get stuck infinitely looking for an opponent. I remember after that disconnection the game would not find me an opponent (it would keep on searching for a long time)
Honestly I don't know what you can do aside from taking as many steps as possible to make your connection stable. Play near your router maybe?

You'll get a message if you're banned I believe. If you can't find a match for ages, just press B and get out of the lobby then re-connect. That usually fixes it.

Your disconnection rate was just around the amount we expect people were disqualified around.

Stage On

It's meant to be challenging. But it isn't very difficult to get a Pokemon with a max speed IV anyway. That levels the playing field a bit.

Challenging is one thing but it should be realistic not hax.

If you play another human how likely is it that EVERY pokemon they have has perfect IV? Not very likely at all. It should be the same for when playing the computer.


Challenging is one thing but it should be realistic not hax.

If you play another human how likely is it that EVERY pokemon they have has perfect IV? Not very likely at all. It should be the same for when playing the computer.
Another player at an official competition at the top tables? 95%. Why wouldn't you have all your Pokemon with perfect IVs in the stats that matter (aka everything but the stat you don't attack with excluding Hidden Power cases).


Challenging is one thing but it should be realistic not hax.

If you play another human how likely is it that EVERY pokemon they have has perfect IV? Not very likely at all. It should be the same for when playing the computer.

Most of my Pokemon have perfect IVs. Don't battle me I guess.

Stage On

Another player at an official competition at the top tables? 95%. Why wouldn't you have all your Pokemon with perfect IVs in the stats that matter (aka everything but the stat you don't attack with excluding Hidden Power cases).

Maybe, but the bulk of people playing Pokemon are more casual players so they certainly won't have perfect IV's. I know I don't bother with them because it'd be far too time consuming.

I don't want hax artificial difficulty garbage for the single player mode where the computer cheats.

Hard mode is more the right balance where the computer gives you trouble because it actually has more Pokemon and can battle better but at least that mode is fair. The only thing is they need to make it selectable from the start with out needing a key from someone else.


Maybe, but the bulk of people playing Pokemon are more casual players so they certainly won't have perfect IV's. I know I don't bother with them because it'd be far too time consuming.

I don't want hax artificial difficulty garbage for the single player mode where the computer cheats.

Hard mode is more the right balance where the computer gives you trouble because it actually has more Pokemon and can battle better but at least that mode is fair. The only thing is they need to make it selectable from the start with out needing a key from someone else.
How the hell is that artificial difficulty? The best trainers have the best Pokémon. If you're going to do PWT / Subway at higher levels, you damn well better be competitive. That's who the mode is aimed at.

People doubted it could happen. But here we are.

I believed all along.~

Are we going to be allowed to talk about it here, or should it stay elsewhere to avoid spoilers?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What's there to spoil? We just have to speculate.

So... stag legendary looks like steel/grass or steel/rock while bird is flying/fire.
All worth it.

Even though yes, it looks jank in plenty of places (as expected), just take my money Game Freak. Simultaneous release, yes please. Yes please.
I'd like to have something other than yet more frogs and foxes but I like them both enough to let it slide for now, not sure what grass dude is all about right now, i'm intrigued to see where that design heads.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Movement seems to still be restricted to 4 directions. :(

That said, the starters are cute and the graphical update at least puts it at DS level so it won't feel like playing a gussied up GBA game anymore. I consider my 3DS purchase vindicated.

Edit: You guys... rollerskates.
Chespin is the best. I love his hood.


My fries shall be plentifully salted this morning. Cheers, Ike.

I'm starting with the fennec fox. Nothing will sway my choice.

Chespin is the best. I love his hood.


My fries shall be plentifully salted this morning. Cheers, Ike.




Anyone know what the 2nd move Froakie is using?
Chespin uses X-Scissor, Fennekin uses a Psychic move (I think?), can't tell Froakie though.
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