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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


....Hmm time to check the internet and see if the starters have been.....made to do naughty stuff

Someone in the main thread said so.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It's frustrating to see people in the other thread who have no idea about Pokemon post stuff (i.e. graphics - somehow forgetting that the games were never focused on that save for battles and they have to store data for 600+ mons).
Yea it's weird seeing all this focus put on graphics outside the look of the pokemon themselves. I mean I could do with the overworld looking nicer if we gonna have to have a 3d world but It's like bottom of the barrel importance for me, so just weird all around.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Compared to the average game on the hardware this is probably the best looking set of games since the original Red and Blue actually.

Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal aren't even close to tapping out the GBC, but all of them except Crystal were dual boot GB/GBC games.

All of gen three were basically very low end 16bit era looking games compared to what the GBA could do.

Gen IV and V have their moments but none of them can really compete with the best of the DS.


Personally, like others, I could care less about graphics and all when it comes to Pokemon, but I also understand that it's an early trailer. Even at that, the games are looking pretty great, so far, and any sort of polish from here on can only be icing.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So what do you guys think is the chance of Ruby/Sapphire now.
We're 2 gens in now.

Probably going to use the Gen 6 engine. Game Freak isn't going to just stop making Pokemon games and rebooting to a new gen more than twice a gen is very risky.
So what do you guys think is the chance of Ruby/Sapphire now.
We're 2 gens in now.

Now more or less likely than it ever was, I think the system had more to say about remaking than the gen , though I guess we didnt (and still don't) have enough data points to make that statement.


So what do you guys think is the chance of Ruby/Sapphire now.
We're 2 gens in now.

I will continue to say what I always have - we will get Gen 1 remakes again before we ever get Gen 3 ones. There's just way more of a nostalgia pull with the first 2 gens, and until we get a major overhaul remakes aren't explicitly needed, so they're obviously going to go with the popular ones.

Also, Team Froakie and I think Team X but I'm torn because I usually get the second version but then that is usually the 'blue' version anyway.


I think they all look pretty terrible to be honest. I mean Fennekin isn't bad, but he isn't particularly exciting either.

Still pumped as hell though. Dem 3D battles <3


Chespin for me.....tho the firefox looks awesome too.

and every gen the starters are horrible then later people love them and hate the new ones


Surprisingly the reception on the starters seems far more positive this time around. They are actually kind of growing on me already...I mean I still think they look kind of silly, but in a cute way. I need final evolutions so I can pick who I want!

The legendaries look fucking boss though.


Hey guys

Remember that website that posted the rumor and claimed the source gave good info before and people believed on it despite the clear fanwank that it was and being a radical shift from what pokemon games are?

I do.


It's a tad disturbing that people think that video is the final product while they have 9 months to touch things up. heck there's even as disclaimer.

I'm hoping for something close to kid icarus uprising
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