A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
I'm going to yell at a cloud and say: I really don't like the designs of these new guys.
Dwebble's doing fine.
Chespin needs support right now. It being the least liked starter of this batch is an outrage.
EDIT: Subbed in a cuter one.
The one I made was cuter! And it has sad, lonely, abandoned Dwebble.
Would you mind giving Kanji a Ches-pet? I would be forever grateful :3
Black/White 2 JUST came out...
I was already messing around with one. :3
The one I made was cuter! And it has sad, lonely, abandoned Dwebble.
where the fuck is "TerraRuby" and "MarineSapphire?!"
Hedgehog, according to the etymology of its other names.What is Chespin supposed to be anyways? A hedgehog? A moonrat? A shrew?
What is Chespin supposed to be anyways? A hedgehog? A moonrat? A shrew?
Hedgehog, according to the etymology of its other names.
Oh yeah, welcome to #TeamFroakie
There's no way Fennekin will evolve to another fire fighting right? Right?
Just wait until you see his final form.
So something like this expect with more foam?
I'd like to play a Pokemon game with the RPG elements of the handheld versions, but on a console. Does one exist? It seems like all the console games are just focused on battling. Can any of the handheld versions be played via the Wii's virtual console?
Also I would be ok with these final evos
Also I would be ok with these final evos
Wow, the Worst Pokémon Designs thread actually isn't mind-numbing. Bravo, Defied Data.
And Scrafty hasn't been mentioned yet :> ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU!
So I'm like 3 hours into Black. Is there a way to get a Charmander early on?
So since all 3 starters are good this time, that must mean all the evolutions will suck.
I'm looking for a relatively low level Beldum (lvl1 or egg(not sure is possible) is preferred Lvl 25 at the most)
belts suck![]()
#TeamFennekin is the only one that matters.
I really want to use all three of them though. I wonder if I would be able to hold off until I could get eggs for the other two? Probably not. :<
everything besides the pokemon models look like shit
everything besides the pokemon models look like shit