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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

They're drawn bigger because they are bigger.

Does anyone happen to have a Dreamworld female snorunt, or female ralts? I've had a hard time getting a hold of either pokemon.

Why is the GTS so useless? All the trades on it are impossible, level 9 legendaries? da fuq

Stage On

May is better than both.


Misty was cool at first but once she got Togeip she really became bland... Honestly I think that egg sucked the soul out of her or something. And even then being a water expert it was hard for her to shine since many of her team couldn't even battle with out a pool or a lake or some other body of water.

and Dawn... Dawn was a bloody mary sue. Getting Top 2 in the Grand Festival on her first try was such utter bs. Not to mention getting handed Togekiss on a Silver platter.

I'd still take Dawn over Iris though. At least Contests where fun to watch even if she was just a lesser version of May. Iris doesn't do much but waste important screen time with her Axew most of the time and call Ash childish which is the pot calling the kettle black. The fact she got handed such an ubber Pokemon as Dragonite on a silver platter is just gag worthy.

May at least actually added something new to the show with contests which made for an interesting diversion from Gym battles. She actual felt like a real costar and not just a sidekick

1 - May
2 - Dawn
3 - Misty
4 - Iris

Also Advanceshipping has more hints then any other pairing involving Ash in the series. At one Point two characters talk about how romantic it would be to split a contest ribbon by tying at a contest... And Ash and May actually DID split one at the end of Advanced Generation and it's one of the few things that actually came up again later in Diamond and Pearl



Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness/Sky

The game that made me feel <3 to Grovyle

Omg Grovyle <3 Really enjoyed Explorers of Time, it was my first experience with a Mystery Dungeon game and it was pretty cool. Looking forward to the 3DS versions.

Pokemon Snap will forever be the *best* spinoff game though. I still play through it from the start about once per year :p

Stage On

Gen VI should just be Ash alone and he actually becomes a character.

Well I didn't mind Dent at all since he's actually funny, just don't keep he around for 4 generations like Brock so he doesn't become stale.

Ash by himself all the time would be boring since he needs somebody to play off and would likely starve by himself.

That said I want them to write him as competent again like they did in Advance Generation and Diamond and pearl. Pre reset Ash would have utterly destroyed that dipstick Trolltsu

Stage On

Just another confirmation that the anime doesn't do what anyone wants it to do.

You'd better take Scraggy into the new region with you, Ash!

Oh come on, we both know it'll be Oaked only to Almost never be seen again other then the occasional cameo in an opening or if we're really lucky during one of the extremely rare occasions he actually uses his reserves.
What gen6 should be:
-no ash or brockizied ash as supporting character
-new character with eevee
-no team whatever
-new writers/animators


See, I don't think Ash has to be boring without 2 randoms if he plays off of his Pokemon.
Pikachu's gotten really dull in Black/White, they could develop him more, as well as Ash's Pokemon.

Stage On

See, I don't think Ash has to be boring without 2 randoms if he plays off of his Pokemon.
Pikachu's gotten really dull in Black/White, they could develop him more, as well as Ash's Pokemon.

How do you Develop Pikachu more? He's either in God mode or heavily nerfed so he doesn't own things left and right.

And it's not like he can really learn any more attacks or really needs them since his move set is pretty good as is.


What new moves did he get this gen besides Electro Ball?
Maybe he could've gotten Wild Charge or something.
Wait, I forgot he had Volt Tackle, could've tried learning that again too.

They nerfed him in Black/White, but never capitalized on that.

Heck, why doesn't he know Return.
That could be a thing.

Stage On

What new moves did he get this gen besides Electro Ball?
Maybe he could've gotten Wild Charge or something.
Wait, I forgot he had Volt Tackle, could've tried learning that again too.

They nerfed him in Black/White, but never capitalized on that.

Heck, why doesn't he know Return.
That could be a thing.

At one point in the anime it used to be Pokemon could have almost any number of moves but in more recent times they actually seem to be inforcing the 4 move limit thing to reflect the games more.

Electro Ball is better for Pikachu then Volt tackle since it deals damage based on Speed and Pikachu is pretty fast. Plus it doesn't have recoil damage

He's always going to have Thunderbolt since that's his signature move

Iron tail is how he deals with stuff he'd normally have trouble with like Rock types

And Quick attack because he needs his speed.

Maybe they could upgrade Quick attack to Extreme Speed but other then that his move set's pretty solid.


Electro Ball is better for Pikachu then Volt tackle since it deals damage based on Speed and Pikachu is pretty fast. Plus it doesn't have recoil damage

Not really though. The damage is based on how much faster Pikachu is than its opponent. I think too match Volt Tackle's damage his opponent would have to have a base speed of around 30 which is pretty slow.
Not really though. The damage is based on how much faster Pikachu is than its opponent. I think too match Volt Tackle's damage his opponent would have to have a base speed of around 30 which is pretty slow.

Not in anime logic.

Pikachu is as fast (or slow) as the plot requires.

One time he used Thunderbolt on his Electro Ball to boost its power to beat the almighty Dragon Rage attack. Yeah.

Stage On

There's a reason it took so long for Pikachu's moveset to change. It was set in late Advance Generation with him learning Volt Tackle and didn't change until Best Wishes since it honestly didn't need it.

Now that he's gotten rid of the one draw back of Volt Tackle and doesn't need to worry about recoil damage it really doesn't need to change again.

I mean his Electro ball is already the stuff of legends, how much more powerful does the little guy need to be? Honestly I'd be happy if they DIDN'T nerf him for once and just saved him for the really big battles and spread the spotlight around more.

Honestly if Pikachu hadn't hogged the spotlight for as Many gym battles as he had maybe Ash's team could have been developed a bit more and then we could have gotten a more satisfying league as a result.

PK Gaming

At one point in the anime it used to be Pokemon could have almost any number of moves but in more recent times they actually seem to be inforcing the 4 move limit thing to reflect the games more.

Electro Ball is better for Pikachu then Volt tackle since it deals damage based on Speed and Pikachu is pretty fast. Plus it doesn't have recoil damage

He's always going to have Thunderbolt since that's his signature move

Iron tail is how he deals with stuff he'd normally have trouble with like Rock types

And Quick attack because he needs his speed.

Maybe they could upgrade Quick attack to Extreme Speed but other then that his move set's pretty solid.

well actually, the formula for Electro Ball is REALLY tight

If the target's Speed is greater than 50% of the user's Speed, the move has 60 Base Power. If its Speed is between 33.3% and 50% of the user's, the move has 80 Base Power. If its Speed is between 25% and 33.3% of the user's, the move has 120 Base Power. Finally, if its Speed is lower than 25% of the user's, the move has 150 Base Power.

so Pikachu, with its "ok" speed stat would need an agility to make it really powerful

I should know, I tried making Electro Ball Raichu work >_>




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