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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Oh and I'm watching Suede's vids of Pokemon (he did crossover with Linkara and Jew Wario for Movie 1 and 2, and I'm eagerly waiting for 3), and alone he did shorts (to cover movies 1 and 2) and for his Christmas he did Jynx episode. Apparently that episode was still added in DVD. They're pretty well done especially when you rarely see a video of a Pokemon fan doing a review without gushing so much.

Hello Pokegaf. I am playing Black 2 and thought of a question...Are the Japanese names for the pokemon as 'punny' as they are in english? (e.g. Maractus looks like a cactus, etc.)

I think they are. For instance Klink is Giaru, Klang is Gigiaru, Klinklang is Gigigiaru (see the pun?). Rufflet is Washibon. Swoobat is Kokoromori (kokoro = heart). Audino (I dunno) is Tabunne (maybe). Leavanny is Hahakomori, which takes its name from the Japanese term for shut-in individuals called hikikomori (Swadloon pretty much fits that) - the name means it stopped being a shut-in. Garbador is Dasutodasu (dust to dust).







I think they are. For instance Klink is Giaru, Klang is Gigiaru, Klinklang is Gigigiaru (see the pun?). Rufflet is Washibon. Swoobat is Kokoromori (kokoro = heart). Audino (I dunno) is Tabunne (maybe). Leavanny is Hahakomori, which takes its name from the Japanese term for shut-in individuals called hikikomori (Swadloon pretty much fits that) - the name means it stopped being a shut-in. Garbador is Dasutodasu (dust to dust).

Haha that's funny. Thanks.
So shiny Gilble and non shiny Gilble really don't look that much different do they.


Oh and I'm watching Suede's vids of Pokemon (he did crossover with Linkara and Jew Wario for Movie 1 and 2, and I'm eagerly waiting for 3), and alone he did shorts (to cover movies 1 and 2) and for his Christmas he did Jynx episode. Apparently that episode was still added in DVD. They're pretty well done especially when you rarely see a video of a Pokemon fan doing a review without gushing so much.

Damn I remember really liking the third movie, would like to see that review. The fourth movie sucked, all I have seen is the first 4, I assume all the rest of the movies after it sucked though, any good ones in there?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Watch Lati@s and Lucario.

I think Arceus is a pretty okay film but that means you have to watch the Darkrai movie (which was decent) and Shaymin (which was meh) to get more of it.



Oh and I'm watching Suede's vids of Pokemon (he did crossover with Linkara and Jew Wario for Movie 1 and 2, and I'm eagerly waiting for 3), and alone he did shorts (to cover movies 1 and 2) and for his Christmas he did Jynx episode. Apparently that episode was still added in DVD. They're pretty well done especially when you rarely see a video of a Pokemon fan doing a review without gushing so much.

I think they are. For instance Klink is Giaru, Klang is Gigiaru, Klinklang is Gigigiaru (see the pun?). Rufflet is Washibon. Swoobat is Kokoromori (kokoro = heart). Audino (I dunno) is Tabunne (maybe). Leavanny is Hahakomori, which takes its name from the Japanese term for shut-in individuals called hikikomori (Swadloon pretty much fits that) - the name means it stopped being a shut-in. Garbador is Dasutodasu (dust to dust).






What the fuck... I don't remember this...

This is some discovery channel shit...

love those


I haven't been playing Pokémon in a while. I still need to beat White 2 on Challenge Mode. :(

Oh well, hopefully before X/Y come out!
I don't even remember the context of this scene. Why was he licking it?

I don't remember either, all I remember that when I was in high school, I drew that scene only replace Brock with May.
... WHAT ?!?!?! How... No, I don't want to know. I'll classify that as an illusion created by a random pokemon. That's a logical explanation.

You see him inflate them not to long before than. He dresses up like a girl a lot anyways.
I wish I had paid attention to PokéGAF a few years ago.

I just saw that there was a thread with leader battles and everything.

Nobody does anything like that now.



Okay, Poke-GAF, I'm tired of my smarter, better friend whupping my butt in Pokemon, so I'm putting together 5 teams (6 when Gen 6 hits) but the thing is: I suck super at Pokemon. Like, I haven't ever done it competitively, just for fun on my own. My friend, meanwhile, kicks my butt and does tourneys and stuff.

So, I tried to use the Smogon team thing, but I'm stupid. I know WHAT EV and IVs are, but I'm not super smart about them. I've gone over Serebii a bit, and read the Pokemon of the Week stuff for a few, but I've never really applied myself, you know?

So I was hoping for either a 1) really good resource for putting together a team or 2) that you guys could maybe help me whip these 24 Pokebutts into fighting shape? Obviously not all in one go, but getting them sorted into good teams would rock to me.

I have Fire/Psychic/Dragon as my favorite types, but I've mostly gone through my boxes and picked the non-Ubers I liked most. Well, excluding Wobbuffet, who I threw in because he's hilarious.

So I'll just list in groups of six (the rough current team assortments) what I have to work with here, and if anybody feels like taking a stab, that'd rock.

So: Snorlax, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Raichu and Espeon (Charizard and Espeon are personal favorites of mine.)
Dragonite, Umbreon, Typhlosion, Blissey, Gengar, Lucario.
Tropius, Vanilluxe, Scizor, Xatu, Flygon, Machamp.
Arcanine, Alakazam, Metagross, Salamence, Scrafty, Slaking.
Jolteon, Steelix, Wobbufet, Wailord, Hydreigon, Shedinja.

All of them are at points where I can adjust them however necessary for their setups.

Thank you, Poke-GAF, for your time and attention!
Let's get down to business
To defeat your friend
Heed my every order
Or you'll face your end
You're the saddest fool
I've ever met
But you can bet
Before we're through
Mister, I'll make a 'mon
out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your team
you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale
pathetic punk
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man
out of you

You must be swift as
a boosted Ninjask
With all the grace
of a deft Linoone
With all the strength
of a raging Groudon
Mysterious as the
truck that shelters Mew


Let's get down to business
To defeat your friend
Heed my every order
Or you'll face your end
You're the saddest fool
I've ever met
But you can bet
Before we're through
Mister, I'll make a 'mon
out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your team
you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale
pathetic punk
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man
out of you

You must be swift as
a boosted Ninjask
With all the force
of a great typhoon
With all the strength
of a raging Groudon
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

"I'm never gonna catch my breath"
"Say goodbye to those who knew me."
"Now I really wish that I knew how to SURF."

Stage On

4Kids, you used to be cool.

Yeah Pokemon was one of the dubs they where generally pretty good at since for the most part their wasn't much to censor out in the first place.

I remember watching some of the advance series late in the run and it was so hilarious since the actors where ad libbing jokes that would go straight over a kids head. It's a real shame that Nintendo took the dub away from them.
I have the following Pokémon to give away:


Someone please take them. I don't want them in my way anymore. They're from Gen III/IV, and I caught new ones in Black 2.
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