Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh and I'm watching Suede's vids of Pokemon (he did crossover with Linkara and Jew Wario for Movie 1 and 2, and I'm eagerly waiting for 3), and alone he did shorts (to cover movies 1 and 2) and for his Christmas he did Jynx episode. Apparently that episode was still added in DVD. They're pretty well done especially when you rarely see a video of a Pokemon fan doing a review without gushing so much.
I think they are. For instance Klink is Giaru, Klang is Gigiaru, Klinklang is Gigigiaru (see the pun?). Rufflet is Washibon. Swoobat is Kokoromori (kokoro = heart). Audino (I dunno) is Tabunne (maybe). Leavanny is Hahakomori, which takes its name from the Japanese term for shut-in individuals called hikikomori (Swadloon pretty much fits that) - the name means it stopped being a shut-in. Garbador is Dasutodasu (dust to dust).
Oh and I'm watching Suede's vids of Pokemon (he did crossover with Linkara and Jew Wario for Movie 1 and 2, and I'm eagerly waiting for 3), and alone he did shorts (to cover movies 1 and 2) and for his Christmas he did Jynx episode. Apparently that episode was still added in DVD. They're pretty well done especially when you rarely see a video of a Pokemon fan doing a review without gushing so much.
Hello Pokegaf. I am playing Black 2 and thought of a question...Are the Japanese names for the pokemon as 'punny' as they are in english? (e.g. Maractus looks like a cactus, etc.)
I think they are. For instance Klink is Giaru, Klang is Gigiaru, Klinklang is Gigigiaru (see the pun?). Rufflet is Washibon. Swoobat is Kokoromori (kokoro = heart). Audino (I dunno) is Tabunne (maybe). Leavanny is Hahakomori, which takes its name from the Japanese term for shut-in individuals called hikikomori (Swadloon pretty much fits that) - the name means it stopped being a shut-in. Garbador is Dasutodasu (dust to dust).