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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Could someone explain to me the new exp system in black? I don't see the difference between that and the fourth gen

"In Generation V the amount of experience gained is dependent on both Pokémon's levels: the higher the defeated opponent's level is compared to the user, the more experience points the user will gain."


I must be the only person in the world who likes that there are so many terrible, unusable Pokémon lines on the roster. Like, Flareon should just stay bad forever. I hope Farfetch'd NEVER gets an evolution. And so on.

And I like Farfetch'd!


You probably could have saved Slagathor if you had switched in CasaBonita. Since it is Water/Grass, Ember would have only been neutral damage. :/

In retrospect I see that, but I was worried as hell for all my other Pokemon and I wasn't too attached to her yet. :(

CasaBonita is earning her keep!


I must be the only person in the world who likes that there are so many terrible, unusable Pokémon lines on the roster. Like, Flareon should just stay bad forever. I hope Farfetch'd NEVER gets an evolution. And so on.

And I like Farfetch'd!


Too bad he's half decent.
In retrospect I see that, but I was worried as hell for all my other Pokemon and I wasn't too attached to her yet. :(

CasaBonita is earning her keep!

Good episode. RIP Slagathor, may you biteanate all of the peasents you please in doggy heaven.

Also, I just realized that Casa Bonita is a Mexican restaurant in Denver. You from Denver, Aggrotek?


Good episode. RIP Slagathor, may you biteanate all of the peasents you please in doggy heaven.

Also, I just realized that Casa Bonita is a Mexican restaurant in Denver. You from Denver, Aggrotek?

I used to live there. I've been to the restaurant before. Its crazy. They have an indoor waterfall and a guy that dresses up as a gorilla and chases people around. Roaming mariachi bands and a cave to explore. Its ridiculous.

The name was a reference to South Park, when Cartman begs Kyle to let him come to his Birthday Party there.


Beat World Tournament PWT so many times I unlocked the Champions one! Challenged the Champions and won that too.

With a little help from Alakazam, Gyarados took out all those bastards.
I used to live there. I've been to the restaurant before. Its crazy. They have an indoor waterfall and a guy that dresses up as a gorilla and chases people around. Roaming mariachi bands and a cave to explore. Its ridiculous.

The name was a reference to South Park, when Cartman begs Kyle to let him come to his Birthday Party there.

I see. That's pretty neat!

We don't really have too many cool themed restaurants up here in Canada, but there is a bar in Vancouver that serves Pokémon-themed martinis if memory serves.


Beat World Tournament PWT so many times I unlocked the Champions one! Challenged the Champions and won that too.

With a little help from Alakazam, Gyarados took out all those bastards.

what's your PWT team? I'm getting tired of ruby so I might start dicking around on black 2 again.


what's your PWT team? I'm getting tired of ruby so I might start dicking around on black 2 again.

Alakazam @ Choice Band
~ Trick
~ Thunder Wave
~ Psyshock
~ Focus Blast

Gyarados @ Leftovers
~ Substitute
~ Dragon Dance
~ Waterfall
~ Bounce

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
~ Fly (lol...its my in-game Flier)
~ Superpower
~ Dark Pulse
~ Draco Meteor.

Basically, Alakazam switches item with Choice Band, then paralyzes the foe. Gyarados comes in (either direct switch or just purposely let Zam die), Intimidates the Choice Band boost. Then sets up. After that...sweep.

Paralyze is very helpful, I kept on Subbing on Raichu's Thunderbolts until it got Paralyzed. DD'd up, then Waterfalled it into an oblivion.

Stage On

The subbed episodes of most of the Unova league are out. Gotta say it's worse then the screenshots and summaries made it out to be.


Alakazam @ Choice Band
~ Trick
~ Thunder Wave
~ Psyshock
~ Focus Blast

Gyarados @ Leftovers
~ Substitute
~ Dragon Dance
~ Waterfall
~ Bounce

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
~ Fly (lol...its my in-game Flier)
~ Superpower
~ Dark Pulse
~ Draco Meteor.

Basically, Alakazam switches item with Choice Band, then paralyzes the foe. Gyarados comes in (either direct switch or just purposely let Zam die), Intimidates the Choice Band boost. Then sets up. After that...sweep.

Paralyze is very helpful, I kept on Subbing on Raichu's Thunderbolts until it got Paralyzed. DD'd up, then Waterfalled it into an oblivion.

Nice strategy. I loathe grinding for TMs.
Man, I just brute forced my way through the PWT :p

I used:

Scrafty @ Leftovers
~Drain Punch
~Ice Punch
~Dragon Dance

Cloyster @ Focus Sash
~Icicle Spear
~Rock Blast
~Hydro Pump
~Shell Smash

Togekiss @ Quick Clas
~Air Slash
~Aura Sphere
~Thunder Wave

Send in Scrafty first. Dragon Dance once if the opponent can't KO me in one hit, otherwise either switch to Togekiss or risk a Drain Punch/Crunch depending on the opponent. Moxie boosts Attack after every kill, meaning some battles are over once momentum is obtained.

Togekiss is for utility and stalling out bulky types. Always Thunder Wave first unless a KO is guaranteed with an attack move. Air Slash if all attacks give neutral damage or when up against something with significant bulk. Quick Clas luck haxxes many Koboyashi Meru situations.

Cloyster is for cleanup sweeping. Focus Sash guarantees one Shell Smash unless faced with priority moves, which are mercifully uncommon. Icicle Spear/Rock Blast brute forces most foes to death, and Hydro Pump kills physical walls.

So yeah. Only opponent who consistantly gave me trouble was Bugsy due to Togekiss' Flamethrower being the only SE move. Otherwise, cool runnings all the way to the Champion tourney.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The subbed episodes of most of the Unova league are out. Gotta say it's worse then the screenshots and summaries made it out to be.

Best Wishes Season 2 has been a disaster.

I hope they just go back to old-eye Ash and revert to the level Diamond and Pearl was at where Ash was genuinely a decent trainer.

Stage On

Best Wishes Season 2 has been a disaster.

I hope they just go back to old-eye Ash and revert to the level Diamond and Pearl was at where Ash was genuinely a decent trainer.

Even Episode N doesn't seem to be an improvement so far. They did a big thing showing off Charizard in the trailer for it but apparently it might not even be the Charizard we where expecting.

If it's not Ash's Charizard that will be a monumental failure on the writers part.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Even Episode N doesn't seem to be an improvement so far. They did a big thing showing off Charizard in the trailer for it but apparently it might not even be the Charizard we where expecting.

If it's not Ash's Charizard that will be a monumental failure on the writers part.

Nah, it's gonna be Ash's...because we see it in the poster for Movie 16, and it'd be weird if a random Charizard popped up in the show and the movie. Plus the OP makes it pretty clear it's THE Charizard.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What if it's the charmander

Also I wouldn't if it's Ash's Charizard... who then promptly gets beaten up by Reshiram.

Stage On

Nah, it's gonna be Ash's...because we see it in the poster for Movie 16, and it'd be weird if a random Charizard popped up in the show and the movie. Plus the OP makes it pretty clear it's THE Charizard.

At this point after how they ruined the league I wouldn't put anything past them

Part 8 of Episode 9 is Burn! Charizard vs Dragonite... I've having Orange island flashbacks


WTF I didn't even know I could battle Alder or Cynthia in White 2.

Is it like in White 2 where you can only fight her during one season of the year?

Stage On

Has a unique Lucario tho

It still doesn't change the fact that the leauge totally sucked since we didn't even get even one proper 6 on 6 battle.

And the fact Ash actually regressed in the rankings is unforgiveable. At least before we had the illusion of him being able to win a league and now even that's been totally shattered.

I can't think of another anime that holds back the main character from Advancing like Pokemon has.


Update on my Regional Championship adventure two weekends ago.

I choked in the TCG and ended up 5-3. 38th of 229 players and missed the top cut (32 players moved onto the single elimination portion of the tournament). I was using Garbodor / Landorus / Mewtwo / Terrakion.

I ended up doing kinda poorly in the VG and ended up 4-3. 25th of 101 players and was way outta range of the top cut (8 players moved onto the single elimination portion of the tournament).

BUT the important thing is: Scrafty did work. I will have a battle video for ScraftyDevil to see the little guy in action against my friend who I had to play in the last round soon <3

Also, Salem Oregon is a complete shithole.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It still doesn't change the fact that the leauge totally sucked since we didn't even get even one proper 6 on 6 battle.

And the fact Ash actually regressed in the rankings is unforgiveable. At least before we had the illusion of him being able to win a league and now even that's been totally shattered.

I can't think of another anime that holds back the main character from Advancing like Pokemon has.

Oh I'm not saying it isn't terrible. I just thought he has a unique Lucario. :p

Stage On

What if they do a 2nd league and he wins.

Do they even have the time to do that properly with X and Y coming out in October?

Doing another proper league type situation would take over a month. I'm not sure they could pull it off and still tell a satisfying Team plasma story between now and then
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