Some Soul Silver questions.
1.) How early can I trade to Platinum?
2.) How early can I get the National Dex?
1. Immediately. Pokemon not in the Johto dex are just shown as no. ???.
2. It's given to you as you begin the postgame quest, I think.
Probably about 7 or 8, the 12th is the usual leak (and this Saturday we'll probably see a silhouette on Smash for the Pokemon they've reveal for Movie 16 the week after).
I actually think they're hold off major X/Y News for awhile since it's still so far away, the upcoming CoroCoro will be focused on Movie 16 and the New Pokemon that will undoubtedly star alongside Genesect.
This time next week's probably a decent bet.
Hell, we might get something this weekend, on an outside chance.
Prepare yourself for many months of drought after that, though.![]()
They sold out pretty much instantly and there's not much chance of a restock. Thankfully my friend's source was able to get me oneThey're starting to reach about $100 on eBay now I think.
I named my Tentacool...hentai. >_>
(No, this account has not been hacked my Chet).
You answered too lateSo I named it already. I promise the first Magikarp I get will be named in your honor.
Etsy copycats where!?!?They sold out pretty much instantly and there's not much chance of a restock. Thankfully my friend's source was able to get me oneThey're starting to reach about $100 on eBay now I think.
Episode 5 is up now guys.
Sorry it took so long today. I haven't been feeling to great and it took a while to get the audio working this time. Hope you enjoy it!
I need a dragon type to round out my team. Salamence or Garchomp?
Dat Magikarp was bulky, took forever to kill him.
I need a dragon type to round out my team. Salamence or Garchomp?
They sold out pretty much instantly and there's not much chance of a restock. Thankfully my friend's source was able to get me oneThey're starting to reach about $100 on eBay now I think.
I need a dragon type to round out my team. Salamence or Garchomp?
I'd say garchomp, but we need the rest of your teamI need a dragon type to round out my team. Salamence or Garchomp?
I found a copy of Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs in the reserve at work today. It was only $5, so I snatched that shit right up.
Question: can I obtain a Deoxys from the game somehow, or was that a Wi-Fi event mission or something?
One day I'm going to go on a murderous rampage and it's going to be because of people who do this.Australian Meloetta Details:
Following on from the North American & Canadian reveal of the Meloetta event, we now have details of the Australian & New Zealand distribution. Like America, this distribution runs in various stores. In Australia it will run in EB Games and Target while in New Zealand it runs in JB HiFi stores. The distribution runs from March 4th to April 19th
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii
One day I'm going to go on a murderous rampage and it's going to be because of people who do this.
One day I'm going to go on a murderous rampage and it's going to be because of people who do this.
You criticise, but there are other parts of North America (Central America isn't a seperate continent) which have the same dates as the US distribution. However, Canada has it different.
Which other countries? Got a link to the Mexico promotion?
I really hope we get new stuff in coro :S
Probably the new mon featured in the movie.
*prays it's a Dragon/Fighting dragon martial artist*
dat 2011 anomaly
dat 2011 anomaly
February 2005: Lucario revealed (name and silhouette. Fully revealed in March)
February 2006: Manaphy revealed
February 2007: Darkrai revealed (officially)
February 2008: Shaymin revealed (officially)
February 2009: Arceus revealed (officially)
February 2010: Zorua & Zoroark revealed
February 2012: Keldeo revealed, and Meloetta in a poster
That, my friends, is an awesome pattern![]()
February 2011 is when they revealed the special feature of there being two movies, so they still did a massive movie reveal then
Hmm true.
I hope we get some info about typing of Xerneas and Yveltal though.
And I take it Lucario and Zoroark's typing were revealed the next month?
Episode 5 is up now guys.
Sorry it took so long today. I haven't been feeling to great and it took a while to get the audio working this time. Hope you enjoy it!
I guess a Hariyama could be useful eventually? Though it only learns stuff like Cross Chop from breeding. Vital Throw's probably its best Fighting attack without wasting the Brick Break TM. Oh well, I'm happy to be a part of things!![]()
So, I've been thinking...
At first I thought we'd have a new psuedo-Legend in Movie 16 proper, and the Mini-Movie would also debut a new eeveelution or two, like how the older movies used to have new Pokemon in the Mini-Movies.
But with the way Smash has been going showing off the Eeveelutions, I'm starting to think the real star of Movie 16 AND the new Eeveelution are one and the same. If they're going with the "all classic Special types have Eeveelutions", that leaves Dragon, which would probably be pretty strong and could carry a movie pretty well.
EDIT: Doesn't Oha Suta usually reveal the full movie poster a bit early on as well? I remember seeing Lucario there first back in 2005.
Who did mew give birth to today?
This is early information I’ve received from an acquaintance in Japan who works at OLM, the animation company who works on the Pokemon anime series, about the X/Y Series. Although production on it has not yet started really, as they’re still finishing up the “N” Saga, there are already various model sheets of the new characters as well as promotional material that’s been produced which will be run in Japanese magazines and such later this year to hype up the premiere in October. Here is some preliminary information he’s shared with me based on various early assets he’s seen at work.
* The series is called “Pocket Monsters XtraordinarY” [ポケットモンスターイックストロードンリー], and the title is written out in English like that under the katakana, with the X and Y resembling the X and Y logos.
* The promotional poster for it that’s currently at OLM displays Ash, a young girl, and two guys playing with Pikachu and the Gen VI Starters in a field with a giant tree looming in the background, with Xerneas and Yveltal seen in the distance on the ground and in the air respectively.
* Ash’s new outfit resembles the Gen VI boy’s, except he’s got on a red leather jacket, and his hat is black with red trimmings, and a white Pokeball. He’s still got the BW eyes. He’s got Fennekin on his other shoulder, with Pikachu on the other, so it appears to be his. One of the character sheets shows him with Scraggy too.
* According to a character sheet the girl’s name is (マージ, which is written in romanji as “Margy”. She’s the female lead, but apparently lacks Pokemon as there’s no artwork of her with a Pokemon or holding a Pokeball. She’s got long blond hair, a red jacket, and a white sun-dress.
* One of the male characters is named on the character sheet as (リート, written as Reed. He looks like a jazz musician, with a black fedora, vest, tie, etc. outfit with light purple highlights, and he’s got dark purple hair that spikes up around the rim of the fedora. He’s shown playing a harmonica on the poster, and Froakie is sitting next to him, so it seems they’re distributing the Starters again. Most of his model art shows him looking angry all the time.
* The other male character is named (エイジ, Eiji. He’s got brownish blonde hair which partially covers one of his eyes, and he wears a little orange helmet-thing, and a greenish tank-top and cargo shorts. On the poster he’s doing a little break-dance move alongside Chespin, and the model sheet shows that he’s got in-line-skates built in to his shoes and is very athletic.
* One other character not seen on the poster, but appearing on a model sheet, is a guy named (シンヤ, Shinya. He’s got super-slicked back hair, and is wearing a police uniform and one picture shows him with Plusle and Minun sitting on both shoulders. He seems to also be Ash’s new Rival.
* There are three new Pokemon he’s seen on model sheets. First is Dondonya (ドンドニャ, a fat, bipedal striped cat with a large stomach. It has a long tail which it uses to hit its stomach like a drum-stick it seems as shown by the model art, and it’s Reed’s Pokemon. Second is Bibibatta (ビビバッタ
, a small, grasshopper with a springy-coil abdomen and springy antennas, which it can bounce on its bottom or bounce on its head in the art. It’s Eiji’s Pokemon. Finally there’s Kasepio (カセピオ
, which looks like a weird armored scorpion creature with manacle claws, and tail. It can extend its tail with chains as the art shows. It belongs to Shinya, the rival character.
>The new Pokemon of the film is called Ryuuvui (リュウブイ. Its Species is Evolution (しんか
, the same as Eevee. It's 1.3 m and 33.2 kg.
There are actually THREE Ryuuvui appearing within the film, as it appears to be a Multi-Form Pokemon. They all have basically the same appearance, basically Ryuuvui is a bipedal, dragon/canine creature with Eevee's ears, dog-like paws, a long dragon tail, white spikes on its back, and large dragon wings. The difference is their color scheme, and the style of a "beard" it has around its neck, as well as type.
>Showers Form (シャワーズのすがた. Bluish body, light-tan on the inside of its wings. Has a white, fin-ridged beard.
>Thunders Form (サンダースのすがた. Yellow body, black on the inside of its wings. Has a spiky, white lightning-bolt beard. Dragon/Electric.
>Booster Form (ブースターのすがた. Orange body, dark-bluish inside of the wings. Has a tan, fluffy beard.
Ryuuvui is described as exceeding evolution, and it seems that it actually evolves from the other Eeveelutions, or at least the original three, which decides what Form it takes. The magazine has a little sidebar showing the other Eeveelutions, and speculates if there may be other Forms of Ryuuvui yet unseen.
Team Plasma appears within the film and are involved with a battle with a new villain named Double (ダブル, a dude with red-and-blue braided hair that forms a double helix within the city. The three Ryuuvui belong to Double and battle against the Genesect, with Ash and co., as well as the rest of the city, caught in the middle. The movie hints that both villains are searching for something within the city. The full film is called The Extreme Speed Genesect VS Exceed (the Exceed is written out in English, with an orange, yellow, and blue E super-imposed on top of one another) Evolution Ryuuvui (神速のゲノセクトVSエクシード進化リュウブイ
> X/Y Information only includes artwork of the male and female protagonists, Sugimori Art of the three Ryuuvui Forms as well as showing them in-game against the three Starters. Thunders Form is fighting Chespin, Showers Form is fighting Froakie, and Boosters Form is fighting Fennekin.
> There is a little poster showing Pikachu and the Gen VI Starters drawn in Anime Style. There's the Pokemon Anime Logo with (X TとO Y) written underneath it, with と between the T and O. Seems to be a pun, as the title can be read as "X and Y", or "X To Y".
> There are three silhouettes said to be revealed next month. One looks very angular and birdlike, one has a wide bottom and a thin top (like a potted plant?), and the last one is looks humanoid-shape with spikes.