Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Heh, despite people complaining about "legendaries are all dragons", it's only the 3rd most abundant type in legendaries. The most abundant is psychic, followed by flying.
Heh, despite people complaining about "legendaries are all dragons", it's only the 3rd most abundant type in legendaries. The most abundant is psychic, followed by flying.
Yesterday I found out Victini is part Psychic. I had no clue. I should probably have figured considering there's a Psychic type card of him and everything but yeah...
And yeah gonna enter the friendly with some of the 'mons sitting around in my boxes. Can't wait to use Lugia again. I'll have to transfer him over to Black 2 though. Think it's currently in my Black which I transferred him over into from HeartGold for a local tournament...
I LOVE new gen rumours. Nothing else better.
Actually, that X and Y anime one sounds plausible. That Genesect movie one... doesn't.
We need some better flying moves.
This friendly is actually more exciting to me than the VGC ones since the format is so novel. I expect to see some crazy stuff in rotation ubers.And yeah gonna enter the friendly with some of the 'mons sitting around in my boxes. Can't wait to use Lugia again. I'll have to transfer him over to Black 2 though. Think it's currently in my Black which I transferred him over into from HeartGold for a local tournament...
I really hope Ash keeps his Pokemon going into the 6th gen.
This is easily his best set, and there hasn't been nearly enough time with them.
It would be nice especially since some of them have so much potential if they would only evolve. If his Scraggy evolved it would be sensational.
That said if the rumor is true it's going to be weird for him to not have the grass type starter. I mean he's always had the grass type starter.
But the reason I don't believe the rumor is the fact he'd be traveling with three other people. With Ash doing the gym battles what does that leave for all of them to do exactly?
It would be nice especially since some of them have so much potential if they would only evolve. If his Scraggy evolved it would be sensational.
That said if the rumor is true it's going to be weird for him to not have the grass type starter. I mean he's always had the grass type starter.
But the reason I don't believe the rumor is the fact he'd be traveling with three other people. With Ash doing the gym battles what does that leave for all of them to do exactly?
It would be nice especially since some of them have so much potential if they would only evolve. If his Scraggy evolved it would be sensational.
That said if the rumor is true it's going to be weird for him to not have the grass type starter. I mean he's always had the grass type starter.
But the reason I don't believe the rumor is the fact he'd be traveling with three other people. With Ash doing the gym battles what does that leave for all of them to do exactly?
I liked the Duskaman rumor better.
I'm trying to compile all the X/Y Rumors by the way, going to start keeping track of them. Anyone know of other ones to add?
Heard of those fake scans?
Girl takes the Max role of learning about Pokemon without actually doing anything with them, sporty guy can be quirky Cilan-style comic relief, and jazz musician guy can have a mysterious past or a quest for vengence; basically, filling the role that N looks to be filling in Episode N.
Hoenn had three traveling companions as well, and, well, they had Brock and Max doing nothing and were perfectly fine with it.
We don't know what Gen IV has in terms of side-quests, though. If Musicals return, maybe they'll focus on those?
It would be nice especially since some of them have so much potential if they would only evolve. If his Scraggy evolved it would be sensational.
That said if the rumor is true it's going to be weird for him to not have the grass type starter. I mean he's always had the grass type starter.
But the reason I don't believe the rumor is the fact he'd be traveling with three other people. With Ash doing the gym battles what does that leave for all of them to do exactly?
Oshawott should never evolve.
Oshawott should never evolve.
Synre found out only a day before me. Victini isn't allowed in competition so we never paid attention to it. A bunch of us have been doing Smogon Doubles for shits and giggles with troll teams and VGC teams and I found out that way when hovering over it XDno fucking way
you're kidding right >_>
He only had 3 Water Starters though.
He had every Grass Starer and all but 1 Fire Starter, so it's not surprising he has most of them fully evolved.
That Medusa fakemon looks interesting.
Where did you see that?
Water Starters don't evolve cause their evolutions are always ugly.
But in reality, all Starter Evolutions are ugly.
Water Starters don't evolve cause their evolutions are always ugly.
But in reality, all Starter Evolutions are ugly.
Give Ash a competent travelling companion. Someone who acted like a wise mentor and got him out of some tight spots when necessary would be cool.
That and have him evolve all of the Pokémon in his party so that his victories with unevolved 'mons don't feel like flukes.
What type of small changes would you make to the anime to make it better?
I would add a competent female rival. Bianca was nice addition to the cast but she's treated more as a joke then as a serious threat
Give Ash a competent travelling companion. Someone who acted like a wise mentor and got him out of some tight spots when necessary would be cool.
That and have him evolve all of the Pokémon in his party so that his victories with unevolved 'mons don't feel like flukes.
I think they tried but she never had enough appearances to stay relevant. While we're on the subject, why did the writers use future Cheren when they kept past Bianca and N? It just feels so weird.
Hey guys, 2 new videos up today.
The first is Episode 1 of Generation One, our new Podcast. The audio kinda sucks on it, but we are working on fixing it for future episodes.
The second is Episode 6 of Treeks & Geeks, found here. Please watch and let me know what you think.![]()
Ugh Ash needs to get booted and replaced by male trainer from XY lol
I wouldn't mind them replacing Ash if they had at least let him win a league first. Until then I'd rather not go back to ground zero
He practically does anyways. It really doesn't matter anymore.
The question is why did they reset? Did the writers change or something? If so how do we get rid of the current ones and bring the old ones back?
Why kick off Cilan if they are going to FRANCE?
I'll probably warm up to the new sidekicks in due time, I guess if the leaks prove true.
To mimic the fresh approach of the Gen V games. You know, no old Pokemon pre-E4.
I don't recall there being a major shift regarding WHO worked on the show.