Sceptile is a disgrace to its otherwise great line
much like Oshawott
O_0 but Oshawott is so funny how can you not like him?
Sceptile is a disgrace to its otherwise great line
much like Oshawott
Dewott is amazing
Yes, I just wish he could duel wield in the game like he can in the anime
Dewott is amazing
Chespin and Fennekin's first evos are okay. The rest are crap.
I just want Froakie evolutions to be badass, just like charmander's line
There's only one badass charmander line and it's charmeleon
There's only one badass charmander line and it's charmeleon
Anyone know where I can get a Lum Berry in Platinum?
Route 208 (Berry Master), Route 212, Resort Area
Watch Da Birdie said:So, thinking about the "Nin" in Ninfia, and how it may come from "nymph", and thinking over the possibility of a new type. Today I had an idea for a "Fairy-type", an alternative idea for a Dark counterpart compared to Light. Dark Pokemon seem to be categorized as having tricky, vicious, or misunderstood natures, and aren't, except for rare cases like Spiritomb and Dark Pulse, actually associated with the Dark element. Thus, a Light/Dark dichotomy seems odd.
Fairy Pokemon, on the other hand, would be Pokemon that are mostly pure, friendly, and otherwise happy Pokemon contrasting the Dark-type. I was thinking that this could also help dilute the large amount of Normal Pokemon by taking some of the weirder ones that don't seem quite normal, and yet don't fit into any pre-existing elemental typing...
* Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable
* Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff
* Happiny, Chansey, and Blissey
* Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
* Dunsparce (because it's based off a mythical creature)
* Snubull and Granbull
* Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud
* Skitty and Delcatty
* Audino
I haven't fully thought out the Type Chart with Fairy Added, but I was thinking it'd mainly interact with the more "mystical" Types as opposed to the elemental ones...
* Fairy Pokemon are IMMUNE to Dark-types. Well, they're too pure to be affected by Dark Pokemon.
* Fairy Pokemon RESIST Psychic-types and Dragon-types. I thought being resistant to other "fantasy" types would be a cool little theme.
* Fairy Pokemon are WEAK to Bug-types, Poison-types, and Ghost-types. I just thought those types are kind of what little fairies would be afraid of, plus I wanted another type for Bug and Poison to be good against.
Fairy Type Moves would also tend to be helpful support moves, or ones that don't hurt the foe directly. There are quite a few Normal Moves I think could be recategorized too and, since most of them don't do actual damage, it wouldn't change them up too much. After You, Sing, and, for actually attacking, DoubleSlap, since it's the "signature" move of Clefairy and Jigglypuff sort of.
My idea for this came about in two ways...first of all, I believe that X/Y will incorporate more than just France, and will, due to the bigger 3DS cartridge, be based off multiple European regions, thus we may see a fairy-tale like forest...the scene with Xerneas looks like such a locale and, in fact, I could see Xerneas being part-Fairy, kind of like a Princess Mononoke Forest Guardian Spirit.
Second, Ninfia, who I think its name comes from "nymph". I was thinking it was a reference to the bug-type, given the butterfly motif and such, but then I thought a "nymph", or "fairy" type, would be pretty neat to see and a bit different than the stereotypical Light-type.
Here's my New Type Speculation...copy-pasted from my post in the CoroCoro thread, made before we found it was Sylpheon in English...which actually fits my theory.
I'm starting to hype myself up that I might be onto something. :0
Charmander is cute, not badass. When I saw that pic I thought "Awww wook at da wittle lizard holding a nerf gun awwww!"
You say that but when it goes toe to toe with a Primeape your jaw will be on the floor about just how cool Charmander can be.
They're hardly any different from Chespin and Fennekin.
The other day I had an idea for Chespin's evolution...Grass/Bug.
His shell ends up looking like a giant, red-spiked caterpillar, while he grows into a powerful hedgehog-armadillo. So, like, when he curls up and rolls, the shell surrounds him so it looks like a giant bug curled up. I was even thinking the front spikes on Chespin's hood could have little eyes on them.
Two things.
1. Hedgehog should stay away from bugs.
2. 4x fire weakness, Do not want.
The other day I had an idea for Chespin's evolution...Grass/Bug.
His shell ends up looking like a giant, red-spiked caterpillar, while he grows into a powerful hedgehog-armadillo. So, like, when he curls up and rolls, the shell surrounds him so it looks like a giant bug curled up. I was even thinking the front spikes on Chespin's hood could have little eyes on them.
Grass is really a poor defensive type that its combination type is rather limited![]()
Grass/Poison with Thick Fat.
Resists Water, Electric, Fighting, Grass
Weak to Psychic & Flying
Make it happen!
They should just nerf Stealth Rock rather than have to work around it.
But I don't want Chespin to be chubby
Eh, 25% loss isn't that big tbqh
Anyone find Chespin looking a bit weird when it comes to the "hoodie" part?
No, but I do find you weird.Anyone find Chespin looking a bit weird when it comes to the "hoodie" part?
It's more like a cool hat.Anyone find Chespin looking a bit weird when it comes to the "hoodie" part?