that lvl 99 shiny magikarp must be so cute.
Maybe there would be more love if you posted in this thread more often.
I'd put him on my team
You mean the song? (GSC)(HGSS)(BW2)Guys, am I weird for not liking the Red battle?
You mean the song? (GSC)(HGSS)(BW2)
In that case, I would probably say that I'd agree in that it's not my favorite "last battle" music - something like the RBY one in it's many forms would be it probably (FRLG version is cool as welll, BW version *might* be my favorite since I am biased towards its style).
It's not my least liked "champion music" though (that would be the BW Adler one).
So like, the fight itself in the game?No, I mean the battle itself. I think it's overrated.
Best Champion music is Iris', by the way. Dat whimsy.
So like, the fight itself in the game?
I would probably not be conclusive on that, since last battles have happened at different stages of my pokéxperience, and difficulty/fun is on a sliding scale for me, due to different teams I've run.
Also, darn the whimsy, more guitar/drums plz![]()
The Trainer Red battle at the end of Pokémon Gold and Silver wasn't very good in retrospect. It was a cheap trick meant to artificially lengthen the game's crappy second region by forcing unnecessary grinding, masked by a manipulation of the player's nostalgia for the firt game. If t were any other trainer; people would have been rather upset with the battle.
Oh, and it's usually not as "epic" as people make it out to be, as his team is kind of just garbage Pokémon at high levels and the battle will consist of one side curbstomping the other 9/10 times due to discrepancy in level.
Plus I hate how we're never going to see a trainer with higher levels than Red now because GF doesn't want to ruin the "scale" of the battle.
Pokemon gym battles are almost always a let down. No crazy new game mechanics or anything. I would love for the gameplay molds to be broken for gyms, and especially for the champion battles. Having it be like any other trainer battle (even if harder) doesn't do much for the game.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but Barry's final team in Platinum were higher leveled than Red's team until HG/SS, and even then only his Pikachu outleveled most of his team. Red existing isn't stopping them from making a high leveled final battle, they just don't seem to want to.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Still, the fact that they gave Red's levels a boost in HGSS just so he could regain his proverbial crown proves the kind of mindset GF has regarding that battle. My kingdom for a climactic boss with higher levels than Red.
I would say that if Red himself is a "nostalgic manipulation" only in the sense that the entire Kanto post-game region was a "nostalgic manipulation" - every major battle in the region was a nostalgic throwback, Red isn't alone in this IMO. I mean, the whole point of GSC was that it was originally going to be a sequel - it's gonna refer to the prior game. It's nostalgic.I posted this in the Controversial Opinions thread:
I just don't think it was that cool. If the trainer had been some random dude, people probably would have been crying foul of the game throwing in an arbitrary "last boss" just to extend its length. Plus I hate how we're never going to see a trainer with higher levels than Red now because GF doesn't want to ruin the "scale" of the battle.
It just rustles my jimmies when people praise it out the butt without stopping to consider the facts.
It's just numbers anyway - there are tougher battles to be found everywhere.Still, the fact that they gave Red's levels a boost in HGSS just so he could regain his proverbial crown proves the kind of mindset GF has regarding that battle. My kingdom for a climactic boss with higher levels than Red.
I have two little cousins (5 and 7 years old), and I've been wanting to get them to play Pokemon for a while now, but they haven't been able to read very well. Just recently though, the 7 year old has been doing excellent in class and she can read books very well now (she just finished diary of a wimpy kid, her first book), so I figured it was time to introduce her to Pokemon. I cleared my soulsilver file, and now I've been letting her play it for the past hour. She is absolutely loving it, and the starter she chose was Chikorita. Seeing her play Pokemon for the first time and how much fun she is having brought a single tear my eye.
I would say that if Red himself is a "nostalgic manipulation" only in the sense that the entire Kanto post-game region was a "nostalgic manipulation" - every major battle in the region was a nostalgic throwback, Red isn't alone in this IMO. I mean, the whole point of GSC was that it was originally going to be a sequel - it'gonna refer to the prior game. It's nostalgic
I also wouldn't call it a "cheap trick", it's just a battle with a high-leveled opponent - every game does this to some extent. Red happens to be 30+ levels over his peers of course, but he's still a bonus boss. It's not required to beat him to end the game, since the player has already done so essentially, 8 gym battles ago. It would have been better if everyone in the post-region were like lv. 60-70, BW/2 style, rather than 50-60, because then the player would be better prepared for the fight however.
Last, I think that GF isn't afraid to do "high-level" end bosses - they've been dipping regularly into the 60-80 region since GSC. They've got ways of making tough fights regardless of raw level, I think.
In any case, I am not hype on the last fight either.
It's just numbers anyway - there are tougher battles to be found everywhere.
Aggro almost got swept in his Nuzlocke by a Swords Dance Zangoose. Luckily Ike the Hariyama was there to save the day.
I have two little cousins (5 and 7 years old), and I've been wanting to get them to play Pokemon for a while now, but they haven't been able to read very well. Just recently though, the 7 year old has been doing excellent in class and she can read books very well now (she just finished diary of a wimpy kid, her first book), so I figured it was time to introduce her to Pokemon. I cleared my soulsilver file, and now I've been letting her play it for the past hour. She is absolutely loving it, and the starter she chose was Chikorita. Seeing her play Pokemon for the first time and how much fun she is having brought a single tear my eye.
What the heck even prompted you to vent about that fight of all things? Lemme guess, people considered it one of their favorite/most memorable moments in gaming?
What prompted me?
Haha; that's implying that my behaviour has a rational cause.
I saw a YouTube video listing him as one of the best bosses of all time with the reasoning being "Cuz it's Red!"
I completely forgot what is in the postgame of White 2. Help?
THAT'S TOO MUCH. I need links and stuff.Lake trio
regirock/ice I think in white
all the closed off areas.
White tree hollow
More pokestar goodness.
An ecounter with N if you follow zoroark in victory road.
colress rebattle
THAT'S TOO MUCH. I need links and stuff.
There's some merit to that, though. I just don't get why you can't accept people praising that fight. I thought it was one of the coolest moments in the franchise. If you don't like it, that's fine, to each their own. People like things for different reasons than you do and there's nothing wrong with that.
Ehhh, it's alright, everyone has that moment.Maybe I'm just crazy and grumpy then. I haven't been having a great week either, so I guess I'm just venting.
Why are you taking a Youtube video as gospel anyways?
If you haven't realized, I'm a very petty man. Stuff like not justifying decisions bothers me for some reason.
*shrug* I don't know why you're letting a Youtube video "best bosses" list, of all things, bug you. Let it go.
To Gyarados or not Gyarados, that is the question. I want it to be golden.
She is absolutely loving it, and the starter she chose was Chikorita. Seeing her play Pokemon for the first time and how much fun she is having brought a single tear my eye.
I posted this in the Controversial Opinions thread:
I just don't think it was that cool. If the trainer had been some random dude, people probably would have been crying foul of the game throwing in an arbitrary "last boss" just to extend its length. Plus I hate how we're never going to see a trainer with higher levels than Red now because GF doesn't want to ruin the "scale" of the battle.
It just rustles my jimmies when people praise it out the butt without stopping to consider the facts.
Yea, I was helping her with some stuff, telling her what potions did, when to use them, etc. It was awesome.It's a beautiful sight, isn't it? I bequeathed my copy of Sapphire to my little brother 2 years ago and I went through the same process. Just wait until they ask you to beat something for them; that feeling of being the "coolest brother/cousin in the world" is something that can't be described.
I played my first Pokemon game when I was 7 so I figured it would be a good time for her to try it out too haha.Haha that is so sweet.
I lurk this thread and I knew you would say something about her choiceNice!
Uh, the point is that it wasn't some random trainer. It was his canonical team and thus tied the games together. Not really nostalgia since it was only 2-3 year difference. I just think you're being controversial because you want to be. Bending it into something that isn't significant.
Also, there's no reason to grind for it, it's an easter egg if anything since it's mostly a sidequest at the end of a bonus "dungeon."
Yea, I was helping her with some stuff, telling her what potions did, when to use them, etc. It was awesome.
I played my first Pokemon game when I was 7 so I figured it would be a good time for her to try it out too haha.
I lurk this thread and I knew you would say something about her choice![]()
Yeah fuck Red. Dude doesn't talk or have any personality or anything.
He's not suppose to talk.
You're not supposed to talk.
I'm a bit behind in your run. Did Estragon die or is he just in hiding/the PC?