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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

The pink label used vs. the US site's equivalent image intrigues me... maybe.

Though, psychic isn't really that shade of purple
I feel like they intentionally designed Sylveon so that you can't discern its type by looking at it. I can't think of any other reason for them to make it that ambiguous.

My bet's on Flying, for the record.



Might be interesting to note how Sylveon is drawn, relative to all the others and Eevee. Its stance is almost identical to Eevee's, while the others differ quite significantly (perhaps with the exception of Leafeon).

But right down to the orientation of the head, ears, eyes, and tail -- it all seems too perfect to be entirely coincident. Maybe it really is a normal-type level-up evo.


Nothing new from Smash this week, Sylveon's type appeared as '?' once again.

I don't think there'd be any reason to hide its type unless it's a new type, but this is only a weak theory so far.

They hide types all the time, it's nothing new :)
I will laugh at all of you when it turns out to be a Light-type pokemon.
Or moe-type.

Just going to go on record as to saying that Light-type is incredibly unlikely.

Dark-type isn't really a Dark-type, nor is it "Evil-type" as some translate Aku to be. It's more Evil in the sense of dirty, underhanded etc.

Fighting-type moves are considered to be the honourable combat styles. Dark-type moves, however, are the more dirty-fighting tactics. Things like Bite, Fling, Thief, Torment, Taunt etc. are all things that are considered dishonourable during fights. As such, that is why Fighting-type is strong against Dark-type and why Dark-type is good against Psychic-type (which in itself isn't Psychic, but ESP).

As such, Fighting-type and Dark-types are antipodes of eachother, with no need or logical reason for a Light-type :)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I always believe Red is the only player trainer with a loss record.

And then...theres scrafty. The Honorable dirty fighter.

He's a dirty fighter who has hints of being honorable from time to time when he feels like it. :D


Just going to go on record as to saying that Light-type is incredibly unlikely.

Dark-type isn't really a Dark-type, nor is it "Evil-type" as some translate Aku to be. It's more Evil in the sense of dirty, underhanded etc.

Fighting-type moves are considered to be the honourable combat styles. Dark-type moves, however, are the more dirty-fighting tactics. Things like Bite, Fling, Thief, Torment, Taunt etc. are all things that are considered dishonourable during fights. As such, that is why Fighting-type is strong against Dark-type and why Dark-type is good against Psychic-type (which in itself isn't Psychic, but ESP).

As such, Fighting-type and Dark-types are antipodes of eachother, with no need or logical reason for a Light-type :)

I was being facetious, Joe ;)


Started playing Soul Silver and looked up the original OT. Man, people really got into that game fierce on this board, compared to the Black/White games.

Kinda wish I was around back then :(


Neo Member
Nothing new from Smash this week, Sylveon's type appeared as '?' once again.

I don't think there'd be any reason to hide its type unless it's a new type, but this is only a weak theory so far.

Yeah I agree, if it is simply a flying/normal type why would they go out of their way to hide it? The only other reason I can think of, other than a new type, is because the evolution method is a big change for the game and so they're leaving Sylveon as ambiguous as possible until the big reveal.


Started playing Soul Silver and looked up the original OT. Man, people really got into that game fierce on this board, compared to the Black/White games.

Kinda wish I was around back then :(

Well, XY might have something like that. The 3D world and battles will bring some new people and maybe even some old timers back. SS/HG had a lot of nostalgia
going on.


HG/SS is the best Pokemon game real talk

I don't know. I'm playing it and I'm not finding it as fun as the B/W so far. I played the original Gen II games years ago.

But Gen V's sprite animations, faster battles with animations turned on, and varied Pokemon and reusable TMs are really nice. I only got SS to get some of the rare Pokemon not found in Gen V.

Reading the thread, you have people begging for TMs lol as they're consumable in Gen IV.

qq more

Too slow for me. The games have gotten so progressively faster, it's been a pain getting back into my D/P/Pt games.

I always have battle animations off.

D/P was definitely too slow, but Platinum and HG/SS fixed that a bit, while not the fastest but it was good enough for me. I appreciate B/W's speed, even though I wasn't really impressed with the game itself though.


Anyone else sort of want a "hard break" between generations soon, like between Gen 2 and 3? It's sort of impossible to catch them all now, and a hard break would mean they have to give out all the event pokemon again.
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