Anyone know when we'll get the next trickle of info for Y and X?
Next week
probably as soon as the 13th.
Anyone know when we'll get the next trickle of info for Y and X?
Hey guys, episode 2 of our podcast is up. This time with vastly improved audio.
Generation One - Episode 2
I listened to it late last night.
For the design aesthetics talk mentioned at the end, you guys should critique Arcanine. And by critique, I mean talk about how awesome it is.
Next week
probably as soon as the 13th.
This just made my day. Can't wait.
Next week
probably as soon as the 13th.
Anyone know when we'll get the next trickle of info for Y and X?
Hmm, what if we didn't get anything?
Well, last night I got a Cleffa that was Brave and with Magic Guard, but didn't notice until I leveled her to 16 that she didn't have Wish. Togetic was in the daycare so long it was level 44 and had learned moves over Wish.
So... this morning I had to raise Cleffa's happiness until it evolved, which was 26, then heart scale'd Wish back on Togetic, then Everstone'd the new Clefairy to keep Brave.
another 20 eggs later and I finally get another Brave (2nd in this breed cycle) that had Magic Guard.
I think I'm sick of seeing Cleffa, which used to be my favorite baby with Mime Jr., and I don't even want Wish anymore.
Now I'm thinking of training two different Clefables, one as an attacker and one as an annoying wall.
I'm pretty sure Pokemon don't learn new moves from daycare until you take them out. As long as Togetic was in the daycare it would have passed Wish on to all eggs unless you took it out and put it back in at some point.
Also what game are you breeding on? I know in BW2 there's a way to pass on abilities easier.
There's a reasonably good chance that we won't.
I'd be unsurprised if we didn't get any Pokemon/X and Y info until May from Coro Coro. That'd match up better with the info releases for previous gens.
There's a reasonably good chance that we won't.
I'd be unsurprised if we didn't get any Pokemon/X and Y info until May from Coro Coro. That'd match up better with the info releases for previous gens.
If true, that is actually worthy of the "videogame facts that blow your mind" thread.I'm pretty sure Pokemon don't learn new moves from daycare until you take them out. As long as Togetic was in the daycare it would have passed Wish on to all eggs unless you took it out and put it back in at some point.
If true, that is actually worthy of the "videogame facts that blow your mind" thread.
UK Pokeman fans, Manchester Tournament #5 is coming up next month. The UK Pokemon community always does an amazing job with this. Normally they're at HMV gamerbase but this time it'll be in the Kyoto Lounge. I'd recommend checking it out! Grab yer train tickets soon if you're not in Manchester!
Each gen makes breeding a little more easier and less time consuming, so maybe this will also be the case with XY but we can't know for sure. Are you breeding for battling or for completing the dex? I transfer my best pokemon after the storyline, then maybe a bunch of others if it's easier to transfer than catch again to complete the dex.
The latter and probably the Battle Subway. I used to battle competitively with my friends but that was in high school, maybe that'll change in the coming months.
Follow up question regarding breeding, on average how long does it take to get (legitimately) a Pokemon you're completely satisfied with? Because I'm OCD about getting the highest possible stats on anything and breeding will probably kill me lol. Back in HS, I had to use pokesav to get Pokemon's with 25+ IVs so I can battle my friends because I had very little leisure time to breed.
just 25 plus with the mechanics introduced in gen iv and v? An hour tops. Less time with good max stat dittos.
just 25 plus with the mechanics introduced in gen iv and v? An hour tops. Less time with good max stat dittos.
Hmm that doesn't sound too bad, much faster than I expected (took 3+ hrs to get a good Chimchar without Ditto iirc in Plat.). I'll just need a way to get 25-31 IV Dittos for when I do decide to breed. What IVs do you guys usually aim for anyway? Or anything under 31 in the main stats is unacceptable?
Looking at UltimateIke's Arcanine, my jaw is on the ground.
That Arcanine was actually especially lucky; I got it after only hatching a dozen or so eggs. But I've been breeding them for so long previously that both parent Arcanine already had 31 IVs in HP, Attack, and Speed. It was just a matter of using a Power Anklet to force the dad's Speed to pass down, using an Everstone to pass down the mom's Adamant nature, and hatching eggs until I got the 31's on HP and Attack to pass down.
The high Defenses were special because I don't usually try for those. I think my new Luxray, for example, only has Defense/Sp.Defense IVs of 16/12.
Getting the EV items is important because it lets you keep breeding your best stats without just hoping to get lucky. Once you have two potential parents with the three stats you need high enough, all it takes is hatching eggs until those particular three are the ones to get passed down.
Just finished EV training a new Arcanine!
And I stopped using Pokérus because it doesn't like that all I have is the default strain. So now instead the issue is I trained without it. It doesn't matter what I do, they complain.
Yeah. No reason not to re-use the assets they already create.It is pretty safe to say that Hoenn remakes will use the X/Y 3d engine? I'm wondering if I should wait or just get a copy of Emerald on eBay/Amazon.
I'm almost done with Soul Silver, then Platinum, then either wait for X/Y or play Emerald.
It is pretty safe to say that Hoenn remakes will use the X/Y 3d engine? I'm wondering if I should wait or just get a copy of Emerald on eBay/Amazon.
I'm almost done with Soul Silver, then Platinum, then either wait for X/Y or play Emerald.
I suppose Luffy can be Volbeat since they're both so ugly drawn.
Most of the top players RNG. PokeSav/Gen/whatever the kids are using these days is not allowed in competition. Manipulating the RNG is perfectly legal.How rampant is RNG abuse compared to straight up hacking pokemon?
I've skimmed articles over the years about RNG and it just seems so absolutely shady that you may as well just pokesav.
I would love to go to local tournaments (LOL if they even existed) but for fear of RNG/Hacking I don't. the fact that my pokemon's IV's are the only mystery is really all that makes them "unique." Which I believe is the whole point of them "inherent values" and all that.
Though, they are more negligible than EV's and natures, which I can cope with, albeit with a mountain of eggs.
Also, I was doing some wifi battle factory earlier today, since that's the only battling I can do, but it is limited to 3 pokemon. If that wasn't disappointing enough, I have to fight people that use legendaries or semi-legendaries.
Every team had a fire and electric pokemon, and then would interchange with legendaries or other gambit pokemon. It's also bullshit my pokemon didn't scale UP to 50, but it was funny watching my level 36 Kecleon tearing up some level 50 guys... well as much as he can. I was able to beat a handful of teams, but my TR team isn't meant to be halved.![]()