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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

MikeMyers! I'm saving this one just for you! YOU HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET!


Adamant, Moxie, and crazy IVs.


Actually spreading HM moves among your pokemon works better than HM slaving.

Same with in many cases just running three or four pokemon to keep your levels higher.

Why does spreading HM moves work better? Especially if you're only training 4 Pokemon. That leaves two slots for HM slaves and you never have to worry about wasting a move slot on Cut.
Chocobro asked about the IVs on the Pokémon I've been sharing and if I was using a Ditto, so I figured I'd share my methodology for the task. Getting five or six great IVs is entirely luck, but I do use a guaranteed method for grabbing at least three 31 IVs.

None of this is news to people who already breed a lot, but I don't know how much detail most players familiarize themselves with when reading about IV/nature/ability breeding.

I'll just quote myself.

I do have a Ditto with 31 IVs! I traded for it on the GTS, though it is probably a clone. I don't think anyone just gives them away for free!

I usually breed with it until I get another parent with at least a 31 in HP and Speed, or sometimes a 31 on Attack or Special Attack (depending on which Pokémon I'm after).

I'll use Magikarp as an example for everything I did.

I had an Adamant Gyarados (holding an Everstone) and my 31 IV Ditto (holding a Power Anklet) breed until I got a son with the father's Adamant nature and two of the Ditto's 31 IVs.

My explanation for this step is simplified a lot, because if anywhere along the line I got an Adamant Magikarp with one or two of the 31 IVs I needed, I swapped it in as the parent.

Step 1 said:
Gyarados (Everstone) + Ditto (Power Anklet) =

"Male Magikarp 1": Adamant, Swift Swim, 31 HP/31 AT/31 DF/31 SP

To get the Dream World "Moxie" ability on Gyarados, I couldn't breed using Ditto. So I bred using the above "Male Magikarp 1" along with my Dream World "Female Magikarp 1." I started by passing the Adamant nature to a new "Female Magikarp 2." It inherited the father's 31 HP and Attack, and I randomly got a 31 SpD IV.

Step 2 said:
"Male Magikarp 1" (Everstone) + "Female Magikarp 1" =

"Female Magikarp 2": Adamant, Rattled, 31 HP/31 AT/31 SpD

I next bred "Male Magikarp 1" with "Female Magikarp 2." This child is the one I posted. Thanks to hold items, it got its Adamant nature from its mother, and the father's 31 Speed IV. It also got the Rattled ability from its mother and her 31 SpD stat and the father's 31 DF. The 30 HP, 28 AT, and 31 SpA are the surprise stats because neither of the parents had those IVs.

Step 3 said:
"Male Magikarp 1" (Power Anklet) + "Female Magikarp 2" (Everstone) =

"Male Magikarp 2": Adamant, Rattled, 30/28/31/31/31/31

For Pokémon without DW abilities it is easier to breed because I can use Ditto all along the way. It is more difficult when you need to breed both parents before breeding the desired child.

As for getting all of those great IVs together, that is entirely from luck after hatching sometimes what feels like hundreds of eggs. I play on Black Version 2 and have the Oval Charm to get eggs faster, and I hatch them using a Pokémon with the Flame Body ability.

I hope this wasn't too much for an explanation! If you have anymore questions, I'd be glad to try answering them!


Hey guys, first time posting in the Pokémon community topic. Just recently decided to get back into the games with White 2, last I played was HeartGold. It's been a while, but I'm itching to get some of my old team members back from my last experience.

Specifically, I'm looking for a Murkrow/Honchkrow. Nothing fancy, just a good old fashioned Pokétrade. This thing is a bugger to get in White 2 (impossibly small percentage encounter in a hidden grotto in Pinwheel Forest), and even though I'm post game, I've not encountered any trainers rocking either in the overworld yet. Even if I had, searching the GTS is basically pointless, as I've found (by luck, I've managed to find a Togepi and a Munchlax I was after). What's with all the Lv9 and Under Zekrom/Reshiram/Whatever requests? Seriously?

Can anyone help me out? Not specifically looking for any Hidden Abilities/Movesets/Shinies or whatever. Just an honest legit Murkrow or Honchkrow. I don't have much to offer in return, but my boxes are completely full of Dream Radar pokés (Rotom etc.) I can offer.

My PAL Code is 4513-8432-1371 if anyones feeling generous? Thanks!
This Dent guy is awful

also the weird juxtaposition of Ash being in late-season baller-as-fuck mode and his diddy appearance is super jarring

this intro is fucking amazing though, that song plus Charizard <3

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
This Dent guy is awful

also the weird juxtaposition of Ash being in late-season baller-as-fuck mode and his diddy appearance is super jarring

this intro is fucking amazing though, that song plus Charizard <3

Most people love Dent, hate Iris.

You actually need to watch the early BW episodes, because in the beginning he was really low-key. But, like around episode 20 or so, I guess they realized how popular he was and began to really jump the shark and make him "wacky" to the point of being obnoxious.

Iris is the far-superior character. :)
Yeah, I don't mind Iris. I take it Axew fucking everything up is a recurring trend?

Man, Lizardon vs Kairyu was all amazing flashbacks and Charizard kicking ass holy fucking shit. I need a dub now.

One day they'll bring back Tracey for real and it'll be amazing, poor guy didn't even move in that episode

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What I hate about the anime is the "you won't evolve when you're cute pokemon" shit.

Also still no leaks...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Most people REALLY take offense at Iris' "your such a kid" catchphrase, though. Like, I've seen people post rants on Bulbagarden and such over it, it's bizarre. My theory? It hits too close to home. :p

The funny thing is Iris' view of Ash is pretty much the same as most fans.

Yeah, I don't mind Iris. I take it Axew fucking everything up is a recurring trend?

Man, Lizardon vs Kairyu was all amazing flashbacks and Charizard kicking ass holy fucking shit. I need a dub now

Yeah, Axew is the "cute mascot", like how Piplup was in Diamond and Pearl. I find Axew adorable though, and less intrusive. Oshawott is probably more along the lines of "forced mascot", but he's a pretty cool dude so I don't mind.

The worse Pokemon in the group for me is Snivy, because I don't like the species, she's stereotypically snobby, and hasn't learned a new move since she was caught lol. Emolga, her "rival", is just as bad but barely appears.
Three days of work, and what do I have to show for it? The exact same team I already had!

Almost. :3

I changed Arcanine from Jolly to Adamant, Lucario from Adamant to Jolly, and made Luxray and Zoroark girls! I think when I get to Dragonite it will be a girl too. The name I want to use for it would be better on a female.

The IVs aren't much better than their predecessors though. Luxray is actually a little worse defensively. Oh well.

I think I mentioned it before, but Arcanine and Luxray are named from Code of Princess and the story of Saint Solange. The princess in CoP is named "Solange Blanchefleur de Lux," so I went with the "de Lux" -> "Luxray" part. The Saint Solange story provided Arcanine's name. The man who killed Solange is usually referred to by the name "Bernard," which also happens to be the name of a breed of dogs, which were named for another saint! So St. Bernard and St. Solange are referenced, along with St. Solange's murderer Bernard. And it all started with a video game character who has "Lux" in her name!

Lucario's name is just the guy from D/P/Pt (because I was momentarily creatively bankrupt), and Zoroark is named from the episode in the anime with the Zorua playing the part of "Princess Yuria."

Gyarados is named for a mythical sea monster, a dragon of the waters, the "demonic angel of the sea". The name is used "to indicate rage, fierceness, insolence, pride."

Dragonite will be named Ceirean, which I think is pronounced with a K (it's Celtic) and sounds sort of like the name "Karen." I like it because it is "a large sea monster," and its disguise is a "small, silver fish when fisherman come in contact with it," which sort of made me think of Dratini.

This man is a gentleman. Thanks again.

You're welcome! I can help almost anytime!

I just put it all in the pokegen and out pops my dude

Yeah, Charizard kinda makes the rest of Ash's team look weak as fuck. Gotta save some of them so they can evolve in the Gen 7 league episodes or some shit *glares at Cyndaquil and Phanpy*


Three days of work, and what do I have to show for it? The exact same team I already had!

Almost. :3

I changed Arcanine from Jolly to Adamant, Lucario from Adamant to Jolly, and made Luxray and Zoroark girls! I think when I get to Dragonite it will be a girl too. The name I want to use for it would be better on a female.

The IVs aren't much better than their predecessors though. Luxray is actually a little worse defensively. Oh well.

I think I mentioned it before, but Arcanine and Luxray are named from Code of Princess and the story of Saint Solange. The princess in CoP is named "Solange Blanchefleur de Lux," so I went with the "de Lux" -> "Luxray" part. The Saint Solange story provided Arcanine's name. The man who killed Solange is usually referred to by the name "Bernard," which also happens to be the name of a breed of dogs, which were named for another saint! So St. Bernard and St. Solange are referenced, along with St. Solange's murderer Bernard. And it all started with a video game character who has "Lux" in her name!

Lucario's name is just the guy from D/P/Pt (because I was momentarily creatively bankrupt), and Zoroark is named from the episode in the anime with the Zorua playing the part of "Princess Yuria."

Gyarados is named for a mythical sea monster, a dragon of the waters, the "demonic angel of the sea". The name is used "to indicate rage, fierceness, insolence, pride."

Dragonite will be named Ceirean, which I think is pronounced with a K (it's Celtic) and sounds sort of like the name "Karen." I like it because it is "a large sea monster," and its disguise is a "small, silver fish when fisherman come in contact with it," which sort of made me think of Dratini.

You're welcome! I can help almost anytime!


Who else is gunna be on the team?

Edit: derp Dragonite.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Yeah, Charizard kinda makes the rest of Ash's team look weak as fuck. Gotta save some of them so they can evolve in the Gen 7 league episodes or some shit *glares at Cyndaquil and Phanpy*

They DID evolve.

Phanpy came back after Hoenn for the Battle Frontier Arc and evolved into Donphan.
Cyndaquil came back for the Sinnoh League and evolved.
They DID evolve.

Phanpy came back after Hoenn for the Battle Frontier Arc and evolved into Donphan.
Cyndaquil came back for the Sinnoh League and evolved.

That's what I meant. I should have said "Quilava and Donphan". Basically there's always Pokemon that never seem to evolve until years later, when they're not even regulars any more.

I guess they'll always get me watching those episodes. I didn't watch any of the DP run, but when I saw that one episode had Cyndaquil return I was all over that thing.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
That's what I meant. I should have said "Quilava and Donphan". Basically there's always Pokemon that never seem to evolve until years later, when they're not even regulars any more.
Corphish I imagine will be the next one. Back then I guess they had that "no Dark-type Pokemon", and with its evolution being a main force of Team Aqua, they thought it'd be weird.

I guess they'll always get me watching those episodes. I didn't watch any of the DP run, but when I saw that one episode had Cyndaquil return I was all over that thing.
Diamond and Pearl BLOWS Best Wishes out of the water in every way, except perhaps Best Wishes has a better main trio (but even then their Pokemon don't live up to the DP crew) and the art style has better quality over all, even if there's a ton more episodes a lot of them are great and they were very good at keeping plot-lines going.

The battles were also way better than the stuff you get in Best Wishes which has resorted back to the "type advantage doesn't matter, one attack wins!" style of the older days.

Best Wishes is honestly the first time an entire saga of Pokemon turned me off. I guess they wanted to capture the idea of a "fresh start", and thus tried to ape the Kanto Style, but it just doesn't work. It feels stiff, uninspired, and unfortunate when Diamond and Pearl seemed like the writers were trying to improve.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Just remembered that while my time (American) has jumped forward an hour, Japan is still the same time. The last time CoroCoro popped up around 11 p.m for me, so I was kind of bummed when nothing showed up...then I realized it's actually 10 p.m., so there's still hope tonight!

EDIT: Apparently there's already Inazuma 11 CoroCoro stuff leaking...but the dude who does the Pokemon leaks apparently, from what I hear, kind of likes to taunt the fanbase by withholding it lol.
Corphish I imagine will be the next one. Back then I guess they had that "no Dark-type Pokemon", and with its evolution being a main force of Team Aqua, they thought it'd be weird.

Diamond and Pearl BLOWS Best Wishes out of the water in every way, except perhaps Best Wishes has a better main trio (but even then their Pokemon don't live up to the DP crew) and the art style has better quality over all, even if there's a ton more episodes a lot of them are great and they were very good at keeping plot-lines going.

The battles were also way better than the stuff you get in Best Wishes which has resorted back to the "type advantage doesn't matter, one attack wins!" style of the older days.

Best Wishes is honestly the first time an entire saga of Pokemon turned me off. I guess they wanted to capture the idea of a "fresh start", and thus tried to ape the Kanto Style, but it just doesn't work. It feels stiff, uninspired, and unfortunate when Diamond and Pearl seemed like the writers were trying to improve.

I never liked Corphish. :/

And sure, you may well be right about DP compared to BW, I have no idea. I'm not really thinking that strongly about the quality- it's mostly a nostalgic indulgence. I never thought that highly of the show after I grew out of it. It doesn't seem too bad, though... I like the look of it. I like how it ties more into the games and the upcoming movie(!). The only reason I'm watching any of this is just because I want to see Mewtwo's new movie, and I figure some background could help. Hence why I'm starting at Episode N. Charizard coming back just sealed the deal.

I'm not a Gen 1 purist nutjob, but the original series was a big part of my childhood, so...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I never liked Corphish. :/

And sure, you may well be right about DP compared to BW, I have no idea. I'm not really thinking that strongly about the quality- it's mostly a nostalgic indulgence. I never thought that highly of the show after I grew out of it. It doesn't seem too bad, though... I like the look of it. I like how it ties more into the games and the upcoming movie(!). The only reason I'm watching any of this is just because I want to see Mewtwo's new movie, and I figure some background could help. Charizard coming back just sealed the deal.

I'm not a Gen 1 purist nutjob, but the original series was a big part of my childhood, so...

Yeah, Diamond and Pearl's not big on nostalgia really, except till the very end when the old Pokemon return. It probably has the best inter-continuity of any of the sagas, though, which I loved. Every episode usually has something that pops up later.

Well, there were two-episodes back-to-back which referenced Caterpie's goodbye and Pikachu losing to Lt. Surge (the episodes themselves were basically take-offs of those episodes, the first one having Jessie releasing her Dustox due to similar reasons, and the second had Ash fighting a Raichu again), but that's pretty much all I remember when it came to past season references.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Just remembered that while my time (American) has jumped forward an hour, Japan is still the same time. The last time CoroCoro popped up around 11 p.m for me, so I was kind of bummed when nothing showed up...then I realized it's actually 10 p.m., so there's still hope tonight!

EDIT: Apparently there's already Inazuma 11 CoroCoro stuff leaking...but the dude who does the Pokemon leaks apparently, from what I hear, kind of likes to taunt the fanbase by withholding it lol.

Oh god why

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I hear the guy got pissed with 4chan screaming at him to leak the information, so now he always teases them lol.

To be honest, it's not really his responsibility to leak it since he could get in trouble over it...but at the same time, hey, if you're gonna leak CoroCoro info once, don't be surprised when people beg you for it in the future.


As in "Heathcliff"
I hear the guy got pissed with 4chan screaming at him to leak the information, so now he always teases them lol.

To be honest, it's not really his responsibility to leak it since he could get in trouble over it...but at the same time, hey, if you're gonna leak CoroCoro info once, don't be surprised when people beg you for it in the future.

That would make sense.
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