That would be the day I stop playing pokemon. Well, new pokemon.
You'd at least have to finish moving your stuff to Gen V so you and I could play together. ;~;
That would be the day I stop playing pokemon. Well, new pokemon.
Haha, awesome.
Yah my Mom is a pretty supportive of my crazyness of Pokemon. She even handmade me a Pikachu plushie and my Ash costume!
Pretty much every single time since Ruby/Sapphire, when my parents find out I've bought a new Pokemon game, their only reaction is "What? You're still into that?"
They don't care though, lol.
Shuckle is the most annoying Pokemon EVER.
Ugh......I need a leak already!
Another thing I realized last night about Sylveon in this older pic: Every Eeveelution in the picture below has their typing matched with a colored box. I never believed Sylveon would be a Normal type for many reasons, but now it seems even more clear, since Eevee's box is colored in white, indicating the color for Normal typing. Now, the only other type for Sylveon I could imagine is Flying, but a pink box would not denote a Flying type Pokemon. Thus, I really strongly believe Sylveon will be a new type.
But look at the type effectiveness. Umbreon across from espeon, ans flareon from glaceon. That would suggest slyveon being of the flying type.
Not necessarily. It would only suggest that between Jolteon and Sylveon, whatever type Sylveon ends up being, it will be strong/weak against Jolteon.
Not necessarily. It would only suggest that between Jolteon and Sylveon, whatever type Sylveon ends up being, it will be strong/weak against Jolteon.
Flying is the best type.
I said in a previous post it would be stupid for gamefreak to hide the typing if its something already known. But to temper my own expectations im going with flying even though i dont know why pink would be the color of choice there.
Twitter seems to think someone confirmed Slyveon as flying type from corocoro
But look at the type effectiveness. Umbreon across from espeon, ans flareon from glaceon. That would suggest slyveon being of the flying type.
And I thought Arcanine couldn't get any more badass...wish he kept the move!Arcanine can learn Teleport in Gen I from TM 30. I never gave this piece of information any recognition until reading through my Yellow Version guide again.
Or (and this is far more likely) they have the evolutions that were first introduced at the top, 2nd in the middle, and 3rd at the bottom.
I think my brain is about to meltdown. I'll just go to bed.
Why Fire/Ghost? None of its 'dex entries have ever hinted at it having ghost-like qualities. It does, however, learn a fair few Psychic type attacks, can understand human speech and communicate telepathically with people. Each of its tails is also imbued with a mystical/supernatural power.Well, Fire/Ghost is more apt for Ninetales...
Why Fire/Ghost? None of its 'dex entries have ever hinted at it having ghost-like qualities. It does, however, learn a fair few Psychic type attacks, can understand human speech and communicate telepathically with people. Each of its tails is also imbued with a mystical/supernatural power.
It definitely should have been turned into Fire/Psychic when Gold/Silver came out :/
Bulbapedia's Twitter said:Early reports from Japan indicate that this month's CoroCoro does not have any new info for Pokémon X/Y. We'll keep you posted.
Why Fire/Ghost? None of its 'dex entries have ever hinted at it having ghost-like qualities. It does, however, learn a fair few Psychic type attacks, can understand human speech and communicate telepathically with people. Each of its tails is also imbued with a mystical/supernatural power.
It definitely should have been turned into Fire/Psychic when Gold/Silver came out :/
Impossible, Coro site says more info in XY for next issue.
I don't think it's it for the following reasons
1. The CoroCoro website specifically said there would be an XY supplement, of which we have seen nothing.
2. Last month's CoroCoro said that more secrets of Sylveon will be revealed, of which we have seen nothing.
While plans do sometimes change, I doubt they'd have removed everything. Can never know for sure though, it just seems they're going off one user by saying that. We'll see by tomorrow
It was always likely that we wouldn't get anything, guys. I've been saying this for weeks by this point.
Apparently one of the /vp/ guys just up and asked the leaker if there was more in the magazine, and he said no.
Okay, I'm a relatively new player to post-1st gen Pokémon games. But can anyone explain to me, why they've made it so that you can't trade Pokémon as soon as you get to the first Poké Center? I just got White 2 and the manual says that you have to finish the storyline first. I remember playing the 1st gen, and trading as soon as I got to Viridian City. :/
You can trade Pokemon as soon as you can capture Pokemon and have more than 1 of them, just like in the original games.
Oh! So Poke Transfer Lab is just for previous DS titles? Does the trading work like you said between let's say Black 1 and White 2?
Hepburn is a type of Japanese romanization, along with Kunrei-shiki and Nihon-shiki. In a quick sense, Hepburn renders syllables according to how they sound (in English, I think), while Kunrei-shiki and Nihon-shiki renders them according to the syllable's actual self. So for example, the following are some differences (first is the symbol, followed by Hepburn, then Kunrei-shiki):Oh, Nymphia is confirmed for official romanization? Also why does Wikipedia call romanization "Hepburn".