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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
The trainer art gives it away. Something quite amateurish about it, such as the vest's shading, and the harshness of the lines. The nose is also too much to the left, and glasses aren't straight, angling too far down left. A good design, but Sugimori's art is more professional in both shading and proportions.
Yep, that's Cheren's sleeve/ elbow.

Remember when /vp/ brought up the rumor about a trainer named Grey chasing after N and Team Neo Plasma? Neither do I. All I remember was that it was a recolored Ace Trainer.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Remember when /vp/ brought up the rumor about a trainer named Grey chasing after N and Team Neo Plasma? Neither do I. All I remember was that it was a recolored Ace Trainer.

No, I remember that.

It was pretty in-depth, because everyone was in on the joke and really played it off well...it was obvious bullshit since no way something like that would be missed by every major site, but a nice team effort lol.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Around what time does CoroCoro leak, by the way?

If it will leak "tonight" (this is my time, EST), it's usually around 11:00 p.m. or so...because that's when it's around the time shops open up in Japan and the leaker perhaps can obtain an early copy.


This is my second time playing the game to completion, and yes. I just haven't played it in years.

I enjoyed XD quite a bit. Obtaining pokémon with unique moves was pretty fun. I have a Scyther from there that I use still (not good competitively, but still has great stats).

If only there was a way to swap abilities on older Pokémon.
XD was fun. It's not what I want out of a console pokemon game, but it was still a decent game. I hope whatever WiiU iteration we get is not similar.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Thunder is quite prominent in Drizzle teams. All the auto-weather teams are immediately at the high tiers save for Abomasnow


I've been watching Marriland's Pokemon Yellow playlist of late.

Boy have these games changed.

I still have a lot of nostalgia for those Gen I games. Gen V is still my favorite and great way to end the 2D series. But it's funny how much I remember from Gen I, the pokemon distribution, the dialouge, etc.

Anyone else had this?

I've been watching Marriland's Pokemon Yellow playlist of late.

Boy have these games changed.

I still have a lot of nostalgia for those Gen I games. Gen V is still my favorite and great way to end the 2D series. But it's funny how much I remember from Gen I, the pokemon distribution, the dialouge, etc.

Anyone else had this?


I had this one.

I had the second handbook. It acted like the Dark type hadn't been revealed yet and it only had like half of the new Pokemon. Quagsire but no Wooper, barely any of the new Gen II evolutions, Ho-oh and Lugia but no Celebi or dogs.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
There's a Twitter I saw brought up on 4chan which posted this:

>First tweet
"Ah! Gonna go take some pictures of this early release!" ("Warage" is the word they use, and it's basically a catch-all for getting stuff prior to the actual release)
>Second tweet
"Let's have a look at these six or so new Pokemon, shall we? One of them kinda looks like Patrat." (They literally say "let's lift the ban", so that might mean you have to peel open the stickers to see the Pokemon or something.")

Twitter Link

I won't get banned if this twitter ends up posting leaked scans, will I?

I believe this person has leaked stuff before?


I've been watching Marriland's Pokemon Yellow playlist of late.

Boy have these games changed.

I still have a lot of nostalgia for those Gen I games. Gen V is still my favorite and great way to end the 2D series. But it's funny how much I remember from Gen I, the pokemon distribution, the dialouge, etc.

Anyone else had this?


Yup I had that. It was in about that condition too last time I saw it. I also had that handbook with the Togepi that other people are posting.


I do have the actual official guide for Gold/Silver. It's not in amazing shape, but it rests still on my bookshelf, adjacent to various other player's guides of the era.

Really want to track down the missing issues of Pokemon Power. They have to be somewhere in this old-ass house.


Got the Yellow and Emerald NP guides, as well as the Ruby/Sapphire NP guide and the special edition Emerald guide they only sold at the Pokecenter.

My GSC guides are all Versus, though. I nearly had a role in the Ruby/Sapphire Versus guide, before, you know.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Apparently the Twitter folk, including Nyomo, the dude who leaked them last time, say the CoroCoro stuff isn't that great...although the first tweet seemed to imply there was at least one new Pokemon it seemed.

Who knows. Perhaps they're just withholding the info like usual. :0
This was probably my favourite guide ever when I was young:


It was so useful for finding the more well-hidden secrets like Snorunt, the Regis and the missing Winstrate member.
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