That's it, I'm getting the new Mystery Dungeon by this weekend. For the dialogue.
it's definetly tempting, but I could never get into the gameplay, even when I really liked stuff like Shiren the wanderer and such
still have one of the DS ones
That's it, I'm getting the new Mystery Dungeon by this weekend. For the dialogue.
That's it, I'm getting the new Mystery Dungeon by this weekend. For the dialogue.
How is it so obvious that it's a new type?
They wouldn't even straight out say Mewtwo's new form was actually it's new form and where playing it up as if it was totally new Pokemon until the movie trailer revealed the truth.
That's it, I'm getting the new Mystery Dungeon by this weekend. For the dialogue.
I'm sure that's your only reason.
Oh dunsparce.
Yeah I heard PMD3 has a "less nicer" Pokemon community compared to PMD1's Pokemon village or PMD2's Treasure town.
Still, I got more feels for PMD2.
also looks like Hiro will say something again this week
I'm sure that's your only reason.
All that Fairy talk
also looks like Hiro will say something again this week
Hehehehehe... Still thinking of that, huh?
If he's speaking the truth, then he is just going to be digging his own grave. I almost got completely screwed just for reposting stuff. He's posting stuff with his name attached, knowing how he got it.
What if he's just messing with us? He's had a taste of power before, so maybe he's just trying to get that feeling again. Perhaps he'll claim he was silenced by Nintendo before he could leak anything when in reality he had nothing to leak at all.
Part of me wishes this is the case as A) I don't want him to stupidly throw his job away and B) I want to go into X and Y relatively fresh, which will be really hard if nondisclosed spoilers are drifting around the 'net.
The fact that we know nothing and have thousands of pages all over the internet arguing about its type. Eevees are easily distinguishable in their appearances for what type they portray. The biggest indicator is in its name. Every Eevee's name coincides directly with its name. It's not going to be a Nymph/Fairy/Syph named Pokemon and end up being Flying type. The next biggest clue is the type badge symbol at the end of the new trailer for the movie, it looks like an egg with a fairy-esque wing/Sylveon's ear. Fairy/Cosmic/Holy/Light/Whatever - take your pick, but it's almost obvious now that it's a new type. Hiro's just riding on the wave...
Why couldn't a Syph/Fairy/nymph be a flying type? In many myths they are air elementals so it wouldn't exactly be far fetched.
The symbol from the movie even has a wing in it which could easily symbolize flying.
At this point it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards the theory that it's flying type and they simply didn't stat that outright because we'd talk about it more if we didn't know for sure what type it was.
Hopefully the type will help buffer Poison and Ice types.I really don't know how to feel about the idea of a new type , I'm trying to imagine the strengths and weaknesses , it's both exciting and really hard to imagine .
Hopefully the type will help buffer Poison and Ice types.
No, screw them, they had their chance, this type should be another weakness for dragon though, just for reasons.
Most Dragons die to Ice Beam anyway, however another Dragon resistance would be good.
Yea, that -pretends like they know what is needed- . I honestly wouldn't know what would make sense for "fairies" to be strong and weak to.
Well, I suppose they'd be Super Effective on Dark? Or maybe the other way around?
Going off of Harry Potter (shut up) electricity is generally weakened by a build-up of magic, so Electric types should totally have a Fairy weakness, as if they weren't shit already
Going off of Harry Potter (shut up) electricity is generally weakened by a build-up of magic, so Electric types should totally have a Fairy weakness, as if they weren't shit already
It's the main reasons why electronics go haywire in Hogwarts - it was stated pretty early on in the series, I think. It's also the reason that things like toasters and whatnot are novelty to the magical community.Wait, when did that happen?
bu-bu-but snape redemptionIt was stated in book 4 and I dont recall if it said that there were specific enchantments that stop electrical items from working or the sheer number of enchantments at Hogwarts being the cause. I will lean towards the later, also any Harry Potter OT would just devolve into "It sucked after book 4/5/6/7"
bu-bu-but snape redemption
Just accept that Prisoner of Azkaban was the best book.
The series died with Sirius :'(
I could totally see them being weak to steel over that bit of fairy lore about metals and stuff causing them burns.
I haven't heard that one. What else can you tell us about fairy lore?
Why couldn't a Syph/Fairy/nymph be a flying type? In many myths they are air elementals so it wouldn't exactly be far fetched.
The symbol from the movie even has a wing in it which could easily symbolize flying.
At this point it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards the theory that it's flying type and they simply didn't stat that outright because we'd talk about it more if we didn't know for sure what type it was.
^That is not a Flying type Eeveelution. That is either a Fairy or some Mercury-Bubbles-Venus Love-Me-Chain-Moon-Cosmic-Power shit!