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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

1. Earthquake
2. Outrage
3. Dragon Dance
4. ?

1. Swords Dance
2. Fire Blast or Fire Fang
3. ?
4. ?

So far so good?

1. Earthquake
2. Outrage
3. Dragon Dance
4. Superpower

1. Swords Dance
2. Fire Fang
3. Earthquake
4. Outrage

If you wanted to go with tried and tested Smogon sets.


Ooh, a kingdra would be awesome. I have a sort of contradictory process posing pokemon. I want to play somewhat competitively, but I also want pokemon I think look cool, and sometimes I'll choose looks over stats.
You can never go wrong with a Milotic. Pretty cool pokemon.





I forgot, the spring friendly starts in about an hour and a half or so. Going to do some more playing before registering my battle box for it :)

Anyone else taking part? (or want to - if so, registration finishes at 11:59pm UTC assuming there is open slots of course)


Unconfirmed Member
You can never go wrong with a Milotic. Pretty cool pokemon.
That was my first choice, but it's not possible to get one in B/W2, right? Though I guess if I'm asking folks for a Squirtle I can ask for a Feebas, too, hah.

Edit : Or wait, is it possible to evolve Feebas into Milotic in B/W2? I remember there being some sort of barrier, but I can't remember what.
That was my first choice, but it's not possible to get one in B/W2, right? Though I guess if I'm asking folks for a Squirtle I can ask for a Feebas, too, hah.

Edit : Or wait, is it possible to evolve Feebas into Milotic in B/W2? I remember there being some sort of barrier, but I can't remember what.

You can fish for Feebas and Milotic on Route 1 in the Rippling water. There is only a 5% of getting a Milotic though. Feebas is much easier to find, and you can evolve it by trading it while it is holding the Prism Scale.


Unconfirmed Member
You can fish for Feebas and Milotic on Route 1 in the Rippling water. There is only a 5% of getting a Milotic though. Feebas is much easier to find, and you can evolve it by trading it while it is holding the Prism Scale.
Ahh, sweet, thanks!


Welcome to the cool kids club :)

What're you going to name it?

I dunno, been deliberating since I got it.

So far I got:

Wong Fei (Jackie Chan's role in Drunken Master)
Scuz (Punk guy in Return of the Living Dead)
Vermin (Bonus points if you know the reference)
I dunno, been deliberating since I got it.

So far I got:

Wong Fei (Jackie Chan's role in Drunken Master)
Scuz (Punk guy in Return of the Living Dead)
Vermin (Bonus points if you know the reference)

By Vermin do you mean the green-panted Marvel villain? :O

If so, that one.


Unconfirmed Member

Also, I love naming Pokemon. I always think it's weird when people don't. My current crew is:

An Unfezant named Felix.
A Scrafty named Jonas.
A Chandelure named Lucia.
An Excadrill named Oscar.
A Zekrom named Zekrom, and a Deoxys named Deoxys. I never give legandaries special names, lol.
I don't think the World Leaders Tournament triples is good for anyone's sanity. The variety of Pokemon you get put up against and the moves they have is ridiculous. My lack of a Thick Fat Mamoswine is really turning me off of the Champions tournament though.

I guess I'm bit of a crazy Turtwig.

Then again, I'm always a crazy Turtwig or something. Right?


I kind of want to go back to being Positwig.

The first step is admitting you have a problem ;P

Also, what're everyone's thoughts on an X & Y Stadium-style game on WiiU, complete with minigames and a full roster of all 700+ Pokémon available for rental? Yay or nay?


Unconfirmed Member
So, anyone wanna trade me a Milotic? Or Feebas with Prism Scale? I can send the Prism Scale back to you with another lil' monster.

I'd also really like a Squirtle. c:

PM me! Oh yeah, and I have Black 2.


Apparently new Pokemon trainers legs are too damn long (cookie if you can guess who wrote this without clicking the article).

I always say for trainers, long legs means you can run away quicker from pokemon that you piss off. Like Spearow :)P)
Apparently new Pokemon trainers legs are too damn long (cookie if you can guess who wrote this without clicking the article).

I always say for trainers, long legs means you can run away quicker from pokemon that you piss off. Like Spearow :)P)

I could tell it was Kotaku before I even hovered over the link. Wow, lots of Kotaku's articles are so shit...

So they put up a teaser for Pokemon Smash: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFaS_4TRnH4

Bad, maybe, but interesting, anyway. Sometimes I prefer articles that are "out there". Even something that seems small and/or inconsequential can be something to be written about, if done well.

It's even slightly funny :3


So I almost had my first win in the spring friendly using 3 Pokemon that in-game aren't even level 30 yet (therefore stats are not great) against Kyurem, Swanna and Zekrom. It was rather close :(.

Here is the summary of how it went down:

Kyurem: attemps Dragon Pulse
Lucario: Me First, kills Kyurem in one hit
Swanna: Hurricane
Me: Swaps Lucario for Glaceon
Swanna: Hurricane misses, uses brave bird several times til Glaceon is dead
Glaceon: Uses Ice Fang and then a quick attack before being killed, Swanna left with 2hp
Me: Sends out Lucario
Lucario: Quick Attack to kill Swanna. Uses Me First on Zekrom.
Zekrom: Uses Fusion Bolt, doesn't affect Zekrom much, Lucario gets killed.
Me: Sends out Servine
Zekrom: Dragon Claw, kills Servine and wins match.
Me: NOW you use Dragon Claw when I don't need it lol (A 'Me First' Dragon Claw probably would have killed Zekrom I'm sure.)

Fun match, almost winning against two legendaries and all. Maybe next time it will work out better for me lol.


So I almost had my first win in the spring friendly using 3 Pokemon that in-game aren't even level 30 yet (therefore stats are not great) against Kyurem, Swanna and Zekrom. It was rather close :(.

Here is the summary of how it went down:

Kyurem: attemps Dragon Pulse
Lucario: Me First, kills Kyurem in one hit
Swanna: Hurricane
Me: Swaps Lucario for Glaceon
Swanna: Hurricane misses, uses brave bird several times til Glaceon is dead
Glaceon: Uses Ice Fang and then a quick attack before being killed, Swanna left with 2hp
Me: Sends out Lucario
Lucario: Quick Attack to kill Swanna. Uses Me First on Zekrom.
Zekrom: Uses Fusion Bolt, doesn't affect Zekrom much, Lucario gets killed.
Me: Sends out Servine
Zekrom: Dragon Claw, kills Servine and wins match.
Me: NOW you use Dragon Claw when I don't need it lol (A 'Me First' Dragon Claw probably would have killed Zekrom I'm sure.)

Fun match, almost winning against two legendaries and all. Maybe next time it will work out better for me lol.
without legendaries it's gonna be pretty hard to win :(


without legendaries it's gonna be pretty hard to win :(

Ya I know but it was close. :( one dragon move was the difference between winning and not there. (Glad I didn't delete "Me First" from Lucario before today though).

Ah well, I don't mind it too much, I'm in it for the C-gear skins lol.


Kotaku is like the game journalism version of stream of consciousness. Occasionally they say something insightful, but most of the time it's just whatever dumbass thing pops into their heads.


I was going to enter the Spring Friendly with my team because it was already in the battle box but couldn't even do that as some are ineligible and I can't be assed to figure out what is and isn't in the BW2 Unova Dex.
Our latest podcast has been up for anyone who is interested!

Sidequest Stories!

My latest episode of the HG Randomizer should be up soon as well!
Pokemon Trading Card Game is probably my favorite side game, despite not putting a super amount of time into it.

Also, Battle Revolution... I ended up buying it twice for some reason, not sure what happened there.
Its what ScraftyDevil chose for my Treecko's name in my Emerald Nuzlocke. :)

What did you name your Torchic?
GIGASHINE, I believe. Don't even know why...

I ended up trading it to a friend (I think I was restarting for female at the time), so I didn't get a chance to fix my horrible mistake.
Alrighto, Sharkman *bang*


On another note, Nintendo finally gave out the new Animal Crossing Streetpass puzzle. Gotta get ready to walk around in Manhattan again, 40 pieces :x
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