So I
almost had my first win in the spring friendly using 3 Pokemon that in-game aren't even level 30 yet (therefore stats are not great) against Kyurem, Swanna and Zekrom. It was rather close
Here is the summary of how it went down:
Kyurem: attemps Dragon Pulse
Lucario: Me First, kills Kyurem in one hit
Swanna: Hurricane
Me: Swaps Lucario for Glaceon
Swanna: Hurricane misses, uses brave bird several times til Glaceon is dead
Glaceon: Uses Ice Fang and then a quick attack before being killed, Swanna left with 2hp
Me: Sends out Lucario
Lucario: Quick Attack to kill Swanna. Uses Me First on Zekrom.
Zekrom: Uses Fusion Bolt, doesn't affect Zekrom much, Lucario gets killed.
Me: Sends out Servine
Zekrom: Dragon Claw, kills Servine and wins match.
Me: NOW you use Dragon Claw when I don't need it lol (A 'Me First' Dragon Claw probably would have killed Zekrom I'm sure.)
Fun match, almost winning against two legendaries and all. Maybe next time it will work out better for me lol.