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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


Tried Battle Subway again with Venusaur/Chandelure/Hydreigon. On the 7th battle

He sends out Swampert, Venusaur defeats it in one hit
He sends out Samourwatt, Venusaur defeated it in one hit.
He sends out Feraligator, Venusaur Energy Ball puts it on Red Health and the Berry raises his Attack.
Then he Dragon Dances.
Ice Fang kills Venusaur, Superpower kills Hydreigon, and Aqua Tail kills Chandelure.


Stage On

Hey guys Volume 40 of Pokemon Adventure is out in English. And thus the Platinum story arc concludes

I just ordered my copy on Ebay

Tried Battle Subway again with Venusaur/Chandelure/Hydreigon. On the 7th battle

He sends out Swampert, Venusaur defeats it in one hit
He sends out Samourwatt, Venusaur defeated it in one hit.
He sends out Feraligator, Venusaur Energy Ball puts it on Red Health and the Berry raises his Attack.
Then he Dragon Dances.
Ice Fang kills Venusaur, Superpower kills Hydreigon, and Aqua Tail kills Chandelure.


Hahahahaha!!!!! You are the unluckiest Pokémon trainer alive! There is no way the computer randomly picked the one Pokémon that could sweep your entire team. It is seriously out to get you!


Wait, really?



Lately I've a passing interest in a certain Pokemon manga that almost everyone in here hates, and I've been talking about it elsewhere.

Heh. Said manga, coming from other more "normal" manga, so to speak, is a bit... Well, to put it mildly, weird. Relatively speaking. I wonder how I got that interest... Must be a friend that is more than a fan of it.


Hahahahaha!!!!! You are the unluckiest Pokémon trainer alive! There is no way the computer randomly picked the one Pokémon that could sweep your entire team. It is seriously out to get you!

The Feraligator survived Venusaur's Energy Ball with like 1HP as well, its like they did that on purple to add insult to injury.
Is Reburst the one where he fuses to a Zekrom? I think I tried to read the first chapter once when we talked about it before.

I stopped reading when he turned into a Pokémon. :/


I actually don't think I got that far, and it's not the concept of fusing with Pokemon that put me off from the manga. Actually, to explain a bit more in detail, I'm going to look at it again.

Page 8 isn't anything notable, but I do find it a bit humorous.

Ryouga: "Me too! Take me with you too!!"
Clouds: "It's still... impossible for you, Ryouga!"
Ryouga: "It's not impossible, It's not impossible, it's not impossible!! Because I'll also fight!"


Hahahahaha!!!!! You are the unluckiest Pokémon trainer alive! There is no way the computer randomly picked the one Pokémon that could sweep your entire team. It is seriously out to get you!

Actually.......its does. The subway knows everything about your team aside from items i think and acts accordingly to put you again the most annoying counter ever.


Page 23 onward, that's where I personally just do not care to continue reading further. It's not so bad that the first 23 pages are extremely cliche, but at 23 in one image you see an elderly woman being punched, a family hiding under something for their lives, and a muscled up version of ash firing an odd shaped gun.


On the next page you see a small child crying for her pet Pokemon that's being carried away while chasing after it as it's being driven off in a truck. One of the men terrorizing the town is about to swing at her with full force before the hero comes in with Dynamic Entry.


It's soon after you are reminded of the main character's "impossible" gimmick after he himself takes down the bad guys. As the pages go on, it clearly just gets worse and worse. For Pokemon, it's just extremely over the top.
Yeah, if I wanted to read about people becoming or merging with Pokémon, I daresay that there are piles of fanfic I can read, some of which is probably better than ReBurst.

I don't particularly want that, though.
Dynamic Entry should be a pokemon move, unexpectedly switch in and attack in the same turn.
Like the opposite of U turn.

It would be cool if who you switched to and what attack they used were random.

Though I guess that is a given. It would be completely broken if you got to choose.


i usually get in the 30-40s range in the battle subway before the CPU goes hax heavy and does inhuman stuff to defeat me against the odds.
i've been on the verge of running a no-guard+sheer cold combo a few times just to pay them back.
It would be cool if who you switched to and what attack they used were random.

Though I guess that is a given. It would be completely broken if you got to choose.

Well that's one way of doing it, I was thinking that you'd have to jump into the pokemon menu, choose the pokemon with the move itself and select it from their move list to drag them in kicking and screaming in the best way possible with like a 70 damage fighting move.
Though the random idea is intriguing, like a metronome but with a vague idea of what might happen.
Well that's one way of doing it, I was thinking that you'd have to jump into the pokemon menu, choose the pokemon with the move itself and select it from their move list to drag them in kicking and screaming in the best way possible with like a 70 damage fighting move.
Though the random idea is intriguing, like a metronome but with a vague idea of what might happen.

Your idea would work too! I didn't think of it that way. With your method, I think it would need to have recoil, or be a low priority move (you always go last) for it to be fair. Or some other negative aspect. Getting a free switch plus attacking in the same turn would be insane.


I see...yea no card game for me. Wait just how expensive is this? I have some costly hobbies btw.
My deck cost me about $125. The bulk of the cost is in the card Pokemon Catcher, which is literally just Gust of Wind but with a different name. You can't use your Gust of Wind because it rotated out and to use an old trainer card, it must have the same name as the new card. Since basically every deck runs 3 - 4 Catchers and it's only really available in a set barely anyone bought (crappy cards otherwise), they run about $12 each. I paid $40 for 4. I also paid $15 each for 3 Terrakion EX which kinda cost me.

Pokemon is by far the cheapest of the big 3 TCGs (Magic, Yugioh, and Pokemon).


disclaimer: my brother got those and i just stole them

and one blastoise was in french
They're actually releasing Rain Dance Blastoise in the nest set! It's gonna be very popular with Keldeo EX.

And since I never got to post my favourite cards 'cause you were all doing it when I was out:


I remember my friend had got an early Jungle booster from some store and it was the first expansion card I'd seen. I remember saying something like "I thought Butterfree wasn't a card!" because I didn't get the concept of expansion packs. Beautiful art and one of my favourite 'mons.

And this guy was my first ever card:



Unrelated to Firestorm bringing up the topic again, I was currently playing TCG 2 while I just noticed this card I obtained. Really like this art, I had a few of this Japanese vending machine cards imported at a local shop back in 2000 I believe.


Might be my new favorite Haunter card.


I have like 20 of those Charmader cards.

My first card was Bulbasaur.

I'm trying to think what to use for Venusaur in Leaf Green, no more broken Razor Leaf. :/
But Twiggy, it's horrible.

Even taking out the whole Pokémon fusion thing, it's nothing that hasn't been done way better elsewhere.

Heh. Being an outsider of sorts makes me not that sensitive to what people think. Believe it or not, there's a community for it, too. I think it's just how things are - what's bad to someone might be good for someone else.

I've noticed that we seem to be collecting a lot of posts while I'm asleep. Time zones, man.
4 AM for you is afternoon for the rest of us!

Haxorus has a lot of fan art. It's crazy. What do you think of this one?

Double ouch!

Mmm, so adorable. Never thought that they both could be... mmm *falls asleep* PK Gaming would be... I think he/she might have a cuteness overload. Cute Haxorus fanart?

(I wonder why Haxorus is the target for a lot of artists?)


Hey I have that Butterfree card.

And the first boosterpack I ever got had a 1st edition holofoil Chansey. Somebody stole it though :(
Hey I have that Butterfree card.

And the first boosterpack I ever got had a 1st edition holofoil Chansey. Somebody stole it though :(
Bringing Pokémon cards to school was a quick way to find out who your real friends were. It was insane how many kids would go around stealing each others' cards.

Is the Hydreigon in there a nice guy?
It looks nice enough...better be careful though! Could be a trick!
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