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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."



Also, because I can:



How dare you disrespect this great and noble gaming series, hater?

I demand you whip yourself in front of a picture of Masuda as penance.

Oh, for Christ's sake.

The title is not a judgement upon the game's quality. It is a title for a game series featuring a pokemon (Wingull) and the player (Player). It is also a well known phrase that IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY refers to the game's quality.

Honest to God, how frigging defensive do you have to be to think that the guy who spent hours on the OT, and then lost all the images and banners and had to make do with Paint just to get the topic up on time, is trying to diminish and insult the game?

Some of us have the game. We think it is, thus far, excellent, and we are very much looking forward to playing more. We still think this is the best available title, and says more about the game than crap like "Fighting trainers By Moonlight, Winning Love By Daylight" does.

You wanted to dictate what the OT should have been, you should have claimed it. As it is, Colto-chan has claimed it, put it together, and used a title that Gravijah disliked. We have made it clear to you that it is not an insult, and you STILL haven't stopped banging on about it. If it does get changed, it'll be for a good reason, and not because you think that the game may get its feelings hurt.

Everyone else dropped the topic several threads ago. I suggest you do the same.
Oh, for Christ's sake.

The title is not a judgement upon the game's quality. It is a title for a game series featuring a pokemon (Wingull) and the player (Player). It is also a well known phrase that IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY refers to the game's quality.

Honest to God, how frigging defensive do you have to be to think that the guy who spent hours on the OT, and then lost all the images and banners and had to make do with Paint just to get the topic up on time, is trying to diminish and insult the game?

Some of us have the game. We think it is, thus far, excellent, and we are very much looking forward to playing more. We still think this is the best available title, and says more about the game than crap like "Fighting trainers By Moonlight, Winning Love By Daylight" does.

You wanted to dictate what the OT should have been, you should have claimed it. As it is, Colto-chan has claimed it, put it together, and used a title that Gravijah disliked. We have made it clear to you that it is not an insult, and you STILL haven't stopped banging on about it. If it does get changed, it'll be for a good reason, and not because you think that the game may get its feelings hurt.

Everyone else dropped the topic several threads ago. I suggest you do the same.
ColtraineGF just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about GAF culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on GameFAQs where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw a series over on GAF, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the GAF public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to take part in the BW2 OT, nor will they frequent any of Coltraine's threads. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Coltraine has alienated an entire market with this move.

Coltraine, publicly apologize and cancel On a Wingull and a Player or you can kiss your membership goodbye.

Stage On

They really should streamline boxes in Pokemon a bit.

For example why do we need an option for Depositing and Withdrawing when I literally only use the one that allows both at once. It's not a bloody bank machine.
Allow your Pokededvice to allow you to upload any Pokemon you want (Especially when you have a full party) or withdraw a Pokemon from anywhere, not just at the Pokemon center.


Allow your Pokededvice to allow you to upload any Pokemon you want (Especially when you have a full party) or withdraw a Pokemon from anywhere, not just at the Pokemon center.

Kind of game breaking since you can just pull out a fresh set of Pokemon if a bunch of your guys faint half way through a cave.
Kind of game breaking since you can just pull out a fresh set of Pokemon if a bunch of your guys faint half way through a cave.

There could still be restrictions on it. Like it works best outside in the open, you can only upload or download so many via wireless in a day...etc.
Oh, for Christ's sake.

The title is not a judgement upon the game's quality. It is a title for a game series featuring a pokemon (Wingull) and the player (Player). It is also a well known phrase that IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY refers to the game's quality.

Honest to God, how frigging defensive do you have to be to think that the guy who spent hours on the OT, and then lost all the images and banners and had to make do with Paint just to get the topic up on time, is trying to diminish and insult the game?

Some of us have the game. We think it is, thus far, excellent, and we are very much looking forward to playing more. We still think this is the best available title, and says more about the game than crap like "Fighting trainers By Moonlight, Winning Love By Daylight" does.

You wanted to dictate what the OT should have been, you should have claimed it. As it is, Colto-chan has claimed it, put it together, and used a title that Gravijah disliked. We have made it clear to you that it is not an insult, and you STILL haven't stopped banging on about it. If it does get changed, it'll be for a good reason, and not because you think that the game may get its feelings hurt.

Everyone else dropped the topic several threads ago. I suggest you do the same.

ColtraineGF just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about GAF culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on GameFAQs where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw a series over on GAF, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the GAF public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to take part in the BW2 OT, nor will they frequent any of Coltraine's threads. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Coltraine has alienated an entire market with this move.

Coltraine, publicly apologize and cancel On a Wingull and a Player or you can kiss your membership goodbye.

Pardon my ignorance, but I am genuinely confused. Are you two actually arguing about the thread title (which should totally be "Gen Wars Episode V: BW Strike Back"), or are you just faffing about for fun? Spread Luvdiscs, not Wargles!


Pardon my ignorance, but I am genuinely confused. Are you two actually arguing about the thread title (which should totally be "Gen Wars Episode V: BW Strike Back"), or are you just faffing about for fun? Spread Luvdiscs, not Wargles!

....Braviary is for love and peace.
America Unova F*** yeah!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Why is a stupid pig a Fighting type?

Anyone want to explain that?

Blaziken is ok cause he's the first one.

Infernape is the fucking monkey king so I'll let that slide.

But a stupid pig?
Why is a stupid pig a Fighting type?

Anyone want to explain that?

Blaziken is ok cause he's the first one.

Infernape is the fucking monkey king so I'll let that slide.

But a stupid pig?

Fighting Flame Bearded Burly Boar > poor man's simian style Blaziken

Both are of course a poor man's Primeape


I've always wondered what if resistances and weaknesses were not based on typing, but were instead manually set by the developers per Pokemon. Basically, typing only affects STAB. What if, then?
It would make the game incredibly convoluted and impossible to keep track of. We already have to keep in mind what moves "make contact" and which one's don't on memory - not to mention whether an attack if physical or special when you're not getting hit by it along with a host of other smaller details. Typing would be even nuttier.
Monkey. King.


A False King more like, it's no Penguin Emperor from the same set of starters for one, it don't have no King in its name like a surprisingly large amount of royal pokemon, it's not even the first fighting ape, the filthy usurper.
Face it Panda Pops, Infernape is cobbled together from the bits of other pokemon and instead of being awesome we get a Frankenstein's monster of trying too hard to be loved, but those kiddies just love the monkeys, PRIMEAPE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YER YA STINKIN' KIDS?! poor old Aipom as well.
Aipom and its evolution need more love. Everyone forgets about him. Primeape was a terrible looking monkey anyway, he was more like an angry cottonball.
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