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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Stage On

Probopass is one of the wierdest evolutions, it's like they took Nosepass and decided to make him more Mexican or something

Soul Beat

Probopass is one of the wierdest evolutions, it's like they took Nosepass and decided to make him more Mexican or something
I'm offended.

But I agree Probopass is a pretty terrible evolution.

Also, I went to the local target to see if they were selling B/W2 early for some reason. But no such luck. -_-
Can I have a link to that 2 from the B2/W2 logo that y'all are using for your avatars? The one for Black 2 if you'd be so kind.

These are the ones I made just now. I hadn't saved the previous ones.


Probopass is one of the wierdest evolutions, it's like they took Nosepass and decided to make him more Mexican or something

Yea...something in the vein of Aztec...or the Mayans. Kinda think his name would reflect that...Probopass just doesn't seem to fit with the appearance. I don't really hate the design but I think there could have been a bit more imagination given to it.

Stage On

Man I hope Futureshop ships on Friday (if not sooner) Otherwise I'm not going to get it until late next week thanks to Canadian thanksgiving. Stupid long weekends :(


I gotta say Leaf Green felt off to me when I first played it, but upon replaying, its actually been my favourite of all the games.

Retiring Leaf Green now, and ready to start White 2 soon!

I like that you kept the Salsa hats, Beef.

Yeah, but I forgot to add a shadow to Agumon. His sprite sheet didn't have one, so it looks weird that Masaru has one and Agumon doesn't. I'm too lazy to fix it right now though. It ALSO doesn't help that I just now realized that I forgot to save a version without the 2, so now that's stuck there forever until I decide to redo it all over again.

Oy, it's been a long night.


I won't be partaking in Gen Wars discussion so you'll have to find another form of entertainment to pass the time. (if you can call that entertainment)
Bullet Punch? *googles*

Gen V has added too many darn moves. I see your point. Doesn't seem like a strong attack but since he's weak to Steel, that could add up in a hurry. Wouldn't Aqua Jet also work as a check?


Bullet Punch? *googles*

Gen V has added too many darn moves. I see your point. Doesn't seem like a strong attack but since he's weak to Steel, that could add up in a hurry. Wouldn't Aqua Jet also work as a check?

Yeah, Aqua Jet would be threatening to it, especially considering Drizzle is so common these days.
Yeah, but I forgot to add a shadow to Agumon. His sprite sheet didn't have one, so it looks weird that Masaru has one and Agumon doesn't. I'm too lazy to fix it right now though. It ALSO doesn't help that I just now realized that I forgot to save a version without the 2, so now that's stuck there forever until I decide to redo it all over again.

Oy, it's been a long night.

Aww, you sound sad.

No Shadows / Shadows


No Shadows with 2 / Helmet+2 / Helmet


Shadows with 2 / Helmet+2 / Helmet



Ghosts should be immune to ground attacks anyway...

This and

Water should be weak to Poison
Flying should be weak to Fire
Fried Chicken joke
Ice shouldn't be weak to Fighting
Ice should have a resistance against Dragon
Grass probably shouldn't be weak to Flying

Not sure what kind of chaos this might have done, though.
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