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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"


Oh, I see. Still, the NDA has so many restrictions. It's best to just disable wi-fi altogether and just play it offline till it's safe to talk about it.

Again, as long as you don't actually leak/spoil important stuff, nothing will probably happen, but it's best to play safe :p

I just know I wouldn't want to be the guy who leaked those pictures earlier. Ninjas will find him.

I feel you. I'll probably turn the switch off tomorrow just to be sure, haha. If you want to test out the online functions, just send me a PM (I assume you have a copy as well). I will email Nintendo about it tomorrow to see if it's allowed. Would be weird if it isn't, because it's a huge part of the game.


I feel you. I'll probably turn the switch off tomorrow just to be sure, haha. If you want to test out the online functions, just send me a PM (I assume you have a copy as well). I will email Nintendo about it tomorrow to see if it's allowed. Would be weird if it isn't, because it's a huge part of the game.

Yeah, mail them and let me know the answer in PM or something. I've read the entire thing ten times over and I'm way too afraid to turn the wi-fi on hah.

If they give the go, I'd be cool with testing the online stuff :)
images of Wailmer in Super Training and images of the clothing section in the Pokemon center, which now that I remember is from a completely different leak that was fake, lol. But still, how is Wailmer only 50% true when he is in it.
This was in the leak:
The outfit your character wears at the start is colored to match what you’ve set as your favorite color in your 3DS settings. It can be changed easily though.
We know for a fact that is false. Therefore, the leaker's full of shit.

The Pokemon Center having a changing area was confirmed through a journal, silly. That was not part of this leak.


This was in the leak:

We know for a fact that is false. Therefore, the leaker's full of shit.

The Pokemon Center having a changing area was confirmed through a journal, silly. That was not part of this leak and the other "leaker" just tossed that in to look legit.

Does the 3DS even have that color functionality? I thought that was DS only.
Does the 3DS even have that color functionality? I thought that was DS only.
I'll check right now but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. The Mii has a favorite color but the Mii has nothing to do with anything here.

EDIT: Yes, a journal. An online journal. Or an online magazine. Something like that.
EDIT2: You can only set the color as part of your DS settings. The 3DS itself has no favorite color.
Since when did we "know" two of them were true? Last I saw it was all just wild speculation with no confirmation.

The earlier stuff that Pokebeach posted back in like June or July has thus far all come true, or rather most of it has.(Some details were fudged but overall was accurate)

Does the 3DS even have that color functionality? I thought that was DS only.

Not that color, but I believe that you have to choose a color for your Mii when you first start the 3DS up..or it's like default blue or something.
He's talking about a specific list of rumours on Pokebeach, not ALL of the ones on Pokebeach.

Oh yeah, these ones.

I believe -GJ- mentioned in another thread that they were all fake except for 3 of them which were half true. I'd assume that ArchedThunder was talking about stuff like Froakie's evo. Assuming his and GJ's logic, the evolution is correct, but the description is false.

Or something like that lol


Oh yeah, these ones.

I believe -GJ- mentioned in another thread that they were all fake except for 3 of them which were half true. I'd assume that ArchedThunder was talking about stuff like Froakie's evo. Assuming his and GJ's logic, the evolution is correct, but the description is false.

Or something like that lol

3 is a wrong number though. Now that I look at it better, it might be less. Let's just say the 'leaker' has some lucky guesses that might or might not turn out to be accurate. Just don't count on anything you see on that list and you won't be disappointed :).

Now I'm really off to bed, haha. Night, PokéGAF!


I wouldn't read too much into -GJ-'s posts. He's just trying to dispel some baseless rumors. If we make his claims seem like a big deal or start making it seem like he's implying or implicitly giving us any actual new info, he might get into trouble and none of us would want that.

Thank you :).


I wouldn't read too much into -GJ-'s posts. He's just trying to dispel some baseless rumors. If we make his claims seem like a big deal or start making it seem like he's implying or implicitly giving us any actual new info, he might get into trouble and none of us would want that.


So, I went to EB to get my Giratinae...

... and normally, I just stand outside and do it, but today I wanted to inquire about something, so I went in. There was a kid (probably 10-ish) with his 3DS, standing at the counter, trying to get his Giratina, while talking with the girl behind the counter about Pokémon. She hadn't played any since Platinum, apparently, so the kid was happily telling her all about how excited he was for X & Y.

The whole scene just warmed my icy cold heart. Pokémon is the best, you guys. <3


So, I went to EB to get my Giratinae...

... and normally, I just stand outside and do it, but today I wanted to inquire about something, so I went in. There was a kid (probably 10-ish) with his 3DS, standing at the counter, trying to get his Giratina, while talking with the girl behind the counter about Pokémon. She hadn't played any since Platinum, apparently, so the kid was excitedly telling her all about how excited he was for X & Y.

The whole scene just warmed my icy cold heart. Pokémon is the best, you guys. <3

Pokemon means life.
You don't have to believe me. Just don't be sad when the stuff on that list isn't in the game.

I'm not 'inviting' people, but there were people who doubted that I have the game. If you're on my friendslist, you can see I have the game. That's the point I was trying to make. Besides, I just wanted to get some things cleared up about Mega Evolutions that the game didn't really make clear for me.

This is based on my assumption of how Mega Evolutions work and is purely hypothetical.
  1. Click the Mega Evolve button.
  2. Choose your move.
  3. If multiple Pokemon Mega Evolve on the same turn, the faster one Mega Evolves first.
  4. Your Pokemon Mega Evolves and it's Base Stats are changed.
  5. If your Pokemon's changed speed becomes lower than your opponent's, your opponent's Pokemon moves first. *Assuming the moves don't have any priority modifiers
  6. Your Pokemon moves first if it's faster.*Again, assuming the moves don't have any priority modifiers
I'm probably really far off with my assumption, though.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
This is based on my assumption of how Mega Evolutions work and is purely hypothetical.

I'm probably really far off with my assumption, though.

He wasn't asking about HOW it works (that should be fairly simple, since he's got the game).

He was asking about why you'd ever choose NOT to mega-evolve. I can think of 3 reasons:

1) Mega-stone availability, if they're consumables (but I don't think they are, so this point is void)

2) You can only mega-evolve 1/6 of your team in a battle, so you have to choose yourself which of your pokemon you want to mega-evolve to begin with

3) The benefit of mega-evolve might be nulled by a bigger benefit from another held item (or it might be better to mega-evolve another pokemon, where there is no specifically great held item. E.g. even if Giratina GOT a mega-evolution, it would probably be more useful to use mega-evolution on another pokemon, since Griseous Orb is already pretty great for raising its attack, and the other pokemon would benefit more from being mega-evolved.

There doesn't HAVE to be an inherent drawback to mega-evolving, it's just an extra feature. It probably semi-forces you to at least have ONE pokemon capable of mega-evolutions on your team, since they seem to be quite powerful and you'd be missing out on them otherwise. I hope there's enough pokemons with mega-evolutions available because of this.


Something I may have missed, but I didn't see anyone else post about, is that since some pokemon actually lose stats when mega evolving, there may be situations where you hold off their in-battle evolution. You might use regular Garchomp for part of the fight, but eventually mega evolve it at a time where its lowered speed isn't a hindrance or when you need the extra attack.

However, that's mostly for the bigger ones which are already powerhouses and are thus more likely to have trade-offs involved in their mega evolution. For weaker pokemon such as Mawile, I'd assume that you'd almost always mega evolve right away.


Can anyone tell me what the negative side of Mega Evolutions is? I'm playing Y right now (review copy) and I can't really find a reason not to Mega Evolve at the start of battle.

One reason for Mega Evolutions not being evolved by default may be to balance them a bit in multiplayer battles. In multiplayer battles (where you don't have the option for a free switch after a KO) some Pokemon might have problems switching in. For example, Mawhile will have to deal with lower defenses and Venusaur and Absol won't be able to take advantage of their abilities on the switch. At least that's how I assume it works from what I've read.

This isn't really a reason why you wouldn't want to Mega Evolve but maybe just a reason that it isn't set that way by default.


Ugh I am sooo exacited right now. Ive been playing Fire red again and my team kinda evolved into Charizard,Clefable,Gyarados. lol
Something I may have missed, but I didn't see anyone else post about, is that since some pokemon actually lose stats when mega evolving, there may be situations where you hold off their in-battle evolution. You might use regular Garchomp for part of the fight, but eventually mega evolve it at a time where its lowered speed isn't a hindrance or when you need the extra attack.

However, that's mostly for the bigger ones which are already powerhouses and are thus more likely to have trade-offs involved in their mega evolution. For weaker pokemon such as Mawile, I'd assume that you'd almost always mega evolve right away.

You can also toss in somewhere that some Pokemon change their typings. There may be some situations where you would not want to Mega Evolve immediately because the cost of gaining that new typing is nullified by the fact that you gain an unwanted weakness (i.e. Ampharos changing into into a Electric/Dragon against a faster Pokemon with an Ice/Fairy/Dragon-type move).

He wasn't asking about HOW it works (that should be fairly simple, since he's got the game).

I suppose I should have left an explanation beneath that.

Consider a situation where you have a Garchomp@"Garchompnite" with 252Atk/252Spe and your opponent has another Garchomp with Choice Band instead. Depending on how much speed Mega Garchomp actually loses, if you don't Mega Evolve, you can potentially win the speed-tie and KO their Garchomp. If you do Mega Evolve, your Mega Garchomp becomes slower and gets wrecked before it can even attack, leaving you one Pokemon down and wasting your Mega Evolution.


Well If i was paying attention right Driftblim set up minimize a few times and a sub then baton passed it to Garchomp. Sand was up and it had Sand veil and i think Brightpower im not sure. The commentators were talking about how it doesnt take skill to spam Minimize.


No Scrubs
Well If i was paying attention right Driftblim set up minimize a few times and a sub then baton passed it to Garchomp. Sand was up and it had Sand veil and i think Brightpower im not sure. The commentators were talking about how it doesnt take skill to spam Minimize.

That's cheap as hell. Whoever did that should feel bad.
I thought it was on the official ban list along with double team and sky drop.

What rules are they playing by? The only moves banned in the Nintendo sponsored tournaments were Sky Drop due to glitchiness and Dark Void because a 80% accuracy Sleep move that hit two Pokes in Double Battles was too powerful.

Does Japan not use the Evasion Clause?


No Scrubs
What rules are they playing by? The only moves banned in the Nintendo sponsored tournaments were Sky Drop due to glitchiness and Dark Void because a 80% accuracy Sleep move that hit two Pokes in Double Battles was too powerful.

Does Japan not use the Evasion Clause?

Really? I would have thought Nintendo would have banned minimize and double team as well, especially considering how cheap they can be.


What rules are they playing by? The only moves banned in the Nintendo sponsored tournaments were Sky Drop due to glitchiness and Dark Void because a 80% accuracy Sleep move that hit two Pokes in Double Battles was too powerful.

Does Japan not use the Evasion Clause?

I wonder if they do. I'm guessing not.
Well If i was paying attention right Driftblim set up minimize a few times and a sub then baton passed it to Garchomp. Sand was up and it had Sand veil and i think Brightpower im not sure. The commentators were talking about how it doesnt take skill to spam Minimize.

I meant who as in what player.


Really? I would have thought Nintendo would have banned minimize and double team as well, especially considering how cheap they can be.

Evasion is fine in official tournaments since there's a 15(I think?) minute time limit. A strategy that relies on setting up confusion, minimizes, sub, baton pass, numerous swords dances and so on like this isn't going to work well under that condition. There's also Taunt and so forth to prevent setting up.

This strategy worked here primarily because it's a friendly and is more lenient on time. Also this strategy relied too heavily on successfully setting up. They failed to do so in the first match and it was pretty much one-sided from that point.
BOUmanda used Minimize.

It's important to note that this strategy was only used because it's a "fun" series of matches. This type of strategy is unreliable. It's not banned because it's not broken. The reason it's banned on Smogon is because it's stupidly luck-based to the point where it's not fun for most people. I find it a hilarious strategy, though, because when it *does* work it's glorious to the person doing it.
How was the framerate during battles in 2D though?

Guess this will be the first game on my 3DS where I'll have to turn the 3D off :(

Real smooth. Game is gorgeous. It was the demo from back at the Pokemon Game Show, just in English, so I would hope it'll be fine by now, but you never know.

The 3D seems pretty nice though, besides the framerate. Good depth. MegaMewtwoY floating in place was a nice showcase for it.
Real smooth. Game is gorgeous. It was the demo from back at the Pokemon Game Show, just in English, so I would hope it'll be fine by now, but you never know.

The 3D seems pretty nice though, besides the framerate. Good depth. MegaMewtwoY floating in place was a nice showcase for it.

Man, I really want to see this in 3D for myself. Too bad about the framerate. I don't really expect Game Freak to fix it... cos Game Freak.
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