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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Keldeo in CoroCoro, scans on SUPER SECRET POKEMON WEBSITE. Probably my most anticipated of the three legendary Pokemon that haven't been revealed. 108 base speed, 128 SpAtk and Secret Sword. yesss

Needs more Special Attack moves in its movepool. Too many physical attacks makes baby Arceus cry.


there are people who think the games should take up fusion digimon style.

they really exist. :(

fwiw, i enjoy digimon, though not the anime, really.

Don't forget people who want a light-type added and people who want the games to ditch their gameplay and become action RPGs/"like the anime." Yuck.


Don't forget people who want a light-type added and people who want the games to ditch their gameplay and become action RPGs/"like the anime." Yuck.

light type is so silly. we don't need any more types, if anything, we need to rebalance what we already have.
light type is so silly. we don't need any more types, if anything, we need to rebalance what we already have.
The main thing I hate about the light type desire is that it's based of off nonsense logic. And yea we've got enough types as it is in which some need to be improved or nerfed.


Will QA for food.
sure, but i wouldn't want to lose you~


Needs more Special Attack moves in its movepool. Too many physical attacks makes baby Arceus cry.

Yeah, it's a shame it has Swords Dance with that their Atk stat. Water / Fighting is pretty good type coverage though. Hits 7 types for Super Effective damage, but there are numerous counters; Jellicent, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Gyarados, and the rare Poison / Grass type. Of course he can carry something like HP Electric, but it probably doesn't hit hard enough with a lot of boost to take down any of the before mentioned Water types except Gyarados.

But that's what makes me happy. It has enough counters / checks to keep in in standard play. ;)
Don't forget people who want a light-type added and people who want the games to ditch their gameplay and become action RPGs/"like the anime." Yuck.

I would love an action RPG that was like the anime, with the real time battles, dynamic environments and the like. Only as a spinoff, though.

The main thing I hate about the light type desire is that it's based of off nonsense logic.

The worst are the people calling for random stuff like Sound type, or Gem type, or Space type. At least Light has some logic, even if it makes no frigging sense.


Today's Pokemon-related shirt.woot design might be kind of terrible, but whoever did the writeup deserves a medal or something. An excerpt:
Through the fever dream of the shifting, formless crowd I see him: hat perched cockily on his head, trusty lightning rat at his side. Just seeing him, even for that brief glimpse in time, brings the bile in my gut to a boil. I spit his name from my mouth with all the hatred burning in my heart.


I wasn’t the one who chose this destiny for myself. I was only a child when my grandfather seemingly arbitrarily decided to pit us against each other, setting us both on a path that would lead inevitably toward our own destruction. My only sin as a child was never being good enough, never being quite the trainer Satoshi was. I paid for it with scars my soul will forever bear. My own grandfather refused to even remember my name! Worse, he happily agreed at the brat’s suggestion my new name be “BUTTFACE.” But that dishonor is mine and mine alone. I seek not retribution against Satoshi for the crimes of my family.

No, he has his own sins to atone for.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Sinnoh Ash had a cool costume...popped collar, decent color scheme, he looked pretty grown up. It helped that he rocked in Sinnoh too.

Best Wishes kind of sucks to be honest...the battles took a big hit especially, and serious! Team Rocket suck. Haven't watched it since the Burg Gym Battle (which was literally, I swear, was only 5 minutes of animation being constantly recycled)
Best Wishes kind of sucks to be honest...the battles took a big hit especially, and serious! Team Rocket suck. Haven't watched it since the Burg Gym Battle (which was literally, I swear, was only 5 minutes of animation being constantly recycled)

Eh, it's certainly getting better. They tend to keep their powder dry for the big action sequences now, like the Subway arc and the Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus battle, and the character animation has taken a huge bump in comparison to Sinnoh; both Iris and Cilan are far better animated than Dawn or Brock ever were.
All I know of modern Pokemon battles is that half the moves become some variety of beam attacks from the third Gen series onwards, bullet seed, bubblebeam and ember were like re-colours the same scattershot attack.
In fact there was an episode of the Sinnoh league on tv the other day so I left it on to humour myself, Paul and Barry was the match up I believe and Hitmonlee was kicking the crap out of an Ursaring that had also landed on spikes to no success, type advantages and disadvantages fly out the window in the show half the time and then pop back up again later, possibly within the same fight.
Hey lets Giga impact that steel type Empoleon and it works surprisingly well! and there's no need for an energy recharge, basically it annoys me but oh well.
If we are throwing logic out of the equation then at least go back to Charizard seismic tossing Magmar into a volcano style stuff.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Eh, it's certainly getting better. They tend to keep their powder dry for the big action sequences now, and the character animation has taken a huge bump in comparison to Sinnoh; both Iris and Cilan are far better animated than Dawn or Brock ever were.

I disagree there, I think the animation has taken a huge hit. It's too sterile, and the amount of stock footage they use is ridiculous, even for Pokemon standards. The early episodes were particularly bad, and I'm guessing it's because all the budget went to the CG opening.

Characters tend to be on-model a bit more, I'll give you that, but mainly because the animation is so static they can afford to draw everyone better. Diamond and Pearl often fluctuated in terms of character models, but I felt it allowed the show more energy.

Plus character development's gone down, as Sinnoh was good at having little sub-plots running throughout the series, there's never any real strategy anymore, where DP began to show Ash regularly training and developing new techniques throughout the show, and overall I just find Best Wishes a poor attempt to capture the "new!" feeling of the original saga without any real, non-manufactured charm.

Diamond and Pearl, for what little it means, was the height of the show in my opinion. Best Wishes tries to hard to be a return to the basics, but I think most people enjoyed how Ash in DP actually grew as a trainer. Plus Diamond and Pearl had some awesome battles, particularly when Paul was involved, and I haven't seen anything in Best Wishes that has come close, although I hear the Clay Gym Battle was rather nice.

Hey lets Giga impact that steel type Empoleon and it works surprisingly well! and there's no need for an energy recharge, basically it annoys me but oh well.
If we are throwing logic out of the equation then at least go back to Charizard seismic tossing Magmar into a volcano style stuff.
I always felt this mind-set was a bit weird...because it's not real-world logic, it's the logic of a turn-based RPG. I remember seeing people complain, for example, in one episode where Gliscor was hurt by an Electabuzz' Thunderpunch, claiming it didn't make any sense because "electric doesn't hurt Ground-types!", ignoring the fact that, y'know, that 93 lb. lightweight was just punched. Not saying you do this, but it's like some people can't seem to understand that the game will obviously be stricter when it comes to adhering to rules. Even Special takes liberty with typing, such as when Red's Pikachu destroyed Giovanni's Ground-types with a powered-up Thunder.
I disagree there, I think the animation has taken a huge hit. It's too sterile, and the amount of stock footage they use is ridiculous, even for Pokemon standards. The early episodes were particularly bad, and I'm guessing it's because all the budget went to the CG opening.
You may not be wrong there, considering how long they've used that CGI opening for. It certainly has improved, pretty noticably since the point you stopped watching. I'd imagine that the Rocket vs. Plasma episodes absorbed a good chunk of the budget too, which, obviously, hasn't shown up on screen yet.

Characters tend to be on-model a bit more, I'll give you that, but mainly because the animation is so static they can afford to draw everyone better. Diamond and Pearl often fluctuated in terms of character models, but I felt it allowed the show more energy.
I disagree here. Part of the issue is the fact that Iris and Cilan are, by their very nature, more flexible and dynamic characters than Brock or Dawn were, and the animators really go to town on them; I'm particularly thinking Cilan's over the top fantasy sequences, and Iris's facial expressions. This extends to the Pokemon, too; whereas Sinnoh mainly emphasised Piplup and maybe Chimchar, the Unova Pokemon have had a lot more work put into their animation outside of battle; I'm thinking Emolga, Axew, Dwebble, Tepig and particularly Snivy and Oshawott. Oshawott has the distinction of being consistently the best animated character ever in the anime, IMO..

Plus character development's gone down, as Sinnoh was good at having little sub-plots running throughout the series, there's never any real strategy anymore, where DP began to show Ash regularly training and developing new techniques throughout the show, and overall I just find Best Wishes a poor attempt to capture the "new!" feeling of the original saga without any real, non-manufactured charm.
Yeah, this is undoubtedly true, and it's a shame. The rotation of the team has meant that, unlike Sinnoh, it's never bonded as a cohesive, evolving group. I definitely prefer the Sinnoh approach in that regard, although I like the wider team and the Pokemon with personalities (ie. not the reserves).

Diamond and Pearl, for what little it means, was the height of the show in my opinion. Best Wishes tries to hard to be a return to the basics, but I think most people enjoyed how Ash in DP actually grew as a trainer. Plus Diamond and Pearl had some awesome battles, particularly when Paul was involved, and I haven't seen anything in Best Wishes that has come close, although I hear the Clay Gym Battle was rather nice.
I would call Diamond and Pearl, fillers aside (and there were an awful lot of those) probably the height of the franchise, yeah. I definitely think you're doing the action sequences a bit of a disservice, though; Best Wishes has included a two parter with the scale of the Galactic episodes every couple of months thus far, with good battles in the Club Tournament and, as you say, the Clay gym battle. I'd recommend watching that one; seems to be what you're looking for, and contains what to my mind is the single best piece of animation outside the movies.

tl;dr: Has been improving, hasn't hit D/P heights, character animations much improved, Rocket vs. Plasma cancellation buggered everything up for everyone.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Yeah, I haven't watched the show for awhile, but I check pictures out here and there and it looks like it's gotten better.

I disagree here. Part of the issue is the fact that Iris and Cilan are, by their very nature, more flexible and dynamic characters than Brock or Dawn were, and the animators really go to town on them; I'm particularly thinking Cilan's over the top fantasy sequences, and Iris's facial expressions.
Nah, I think Iris and Cilan are better animated in and of themselves, but overall I just feel the show is a bit...stale looking now. It reminds me of the late Johto/early AG days where they just switched to digital art and everything looked rather plain and stale, as they were just getting used to the style.

Oshawott has the distinction of being consistently the best animated character ever in the anime, IMO..
Can't hate Oshawott, he's my bro.

Yeah, this is undoubtedly true, and it's a shame. The rotation of the team has meant that, unlike Sinnoh, it's never bonded as a cohesive, evolving group. I definitely prefer the Sinnoh approach in that regard, although I like the wider team and the Pokemon with personalities (ie. not the reserves).
Yeah. The idea of reserves are cool, and I like Swadloon, Krokorok, Palpitoad, and Boldore, but yeah, there were a lot of episode in Sinnoh showing the group hanging out and bonding, which BW doesn't do a lot. I liked that Subway episode where Pikachu freed his friends and they all worked together, that was a nice touch. And stuff like Emolga's debut where all the guys battled over her. That stuff needs to happen more. And I'm disappointed that Palpitoad and Stunfisk have yet to share a scene together despite being introduced together as accomplices.

But yeah, Best Wishes has picked up, with reoccurring characters and more multi-part episodes, so I need to check it out. Incidentally, what's your opinion on Team Rocket? I know a lot of people were excited at first, but honestly I miss the humor they brought to the show and when they do appear now, it's basically the same old plots they used to do minus the funny. Like the whole Meowth plot was pretty ridiculous, because there was no point in Meowth befriending the twerps since the outcome of it was something the old Team Rocket could've done without going through all that mess.
But yeah, Best Wishes has picked up, with reoccurring characters and more multi-part episodes, so I need to check it out. Incidentally, what's your opinion on Team Rocket? I know a lot of people were excited at first, but honestly I miss the humor they brought to the show and when they do appear now, it's basically the same old plots they used to do minus the funny. Like the whole Meowth plot was pretty ridiculous, because there was no point in Meowth befriending the twerps since the outcome of it was something the old Team Rocket could've done without going through all that mess.

New Team Rocket are great when they're actually pulling off a plan. Scenes like the Subway stuff and stealing the rocks from Chargestone Cave actually work because they feel like a threat for the first time in years. It's when they're skulking around enigmatically without actually doing anything that they grate. I think that the comedy that has been lost by the change in their personalities has been replaced by the humour in the interactions in the main cast, particularly Cilan, but yeah, that old fillerish humour Rocket used to bring is kinda missed.

I will say that it's refreshing that we're actually allowed to have Rocket-free episodes now. Gym battles are much better without Rocket dicking about with fossils or setting off sprinklers or whatever.
I will say that it's refreshing that we're actually allowed to have Rocket-free episodes now. Gym battles are much better without Rocket dicking about with fossils or setting off sprinklers or whatever.

I'm not watching BW but I liked the gym battles in S1 where the Rockets would just watch it through a window, I guess they had to be there :lol
I've heard rumblings that RBY and the GBA games are going the way of GSC Re: Batteries.


I know my brother's and his friend's Ruby are running out of battery power. My Sapphire so far is doing fine, but I didn't play that nearly as much as they did.
So yeah, I'd like my 3rd gen remakes please!


It's bound to happen eventually.

I know my brother's and his friend's Ruby are running out of battery power. My Sapphire so far is doing fine, but I didn't play that nearly as much as they did.
So yeah, I'd like my 3rd gen remakes please!




I've heard rumblings that RBY and the GBA games are going the way of GSC Re: Batteries.


How hard is it to replace them though? I've heard SNES is pretty painless with the right tools and know-how (Still too nervous to do it myself though), but SNES carts are also far larger.
Welp, time to empty all my third gen carts of Pokemon.

Rest in peace, glorious Hoenn, and I look forward to seeing you in mind-blowing 3D in the next year or two.
My battery of ruby has run dry. I can still save, but clock-based events no longer occur.

Any ideas of how much longer it has? I just realized this about a week ago.


Quick question. I want to have a Machop on team in heartgold, but I searched it, and found out that I need to trade it to fully evolve it into Machamp. Now I never really used the wifi features of my DS and I want to try it out. Anyone have any beginner tips how to do this? It says I need to trade it? But wouldn't that just give my pokemon away, and I would have to get it by via trade again? I really have no idea how to do this.
Quick question. I want to have a Machop on team in heartgold, but I searched it, and found out that I need to trade it to fully evolve it into Machamp. Now I never really used the wifi features of my DS and I want to try it out. Anyone have any beginner tips how to do this? It says I need to trade it? But wouldn't that just give my pokemon away, and I would have to get it by via trade again? I really have no idea how to do this.

A trick that I heard works is to put the Pokemon in the GTS for trade (preferably for something impossible so nobody can actually take it), then withdraw it. It counts as trading for the sake of evolution.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Anyone have a spare Water Stone and King's Rock I could have sometime later today?

A trick that I heard works is to put the Pokemon in the GTS for trade (preferably for something impossible so nobody can actually take it), then withdraw it. It counts as trading for the sake of evolution.
IIRC, the process for this was:
- put your trade evolution up on the GTS without the intention of actually trading it away, like you said
- complete a different trade on the GTS; doesn't matter what it is
- withdraw your first Pokemon, which will evolve upon return

But I think this might only have worked on Diamond/Pearl.


IIRC, the process for this was:
- put your trade evolution up on the GTS without the intention of actually trading it away, like you said
- complete a different trade on the GTS; doesn't matter what it is
- withdraw your first Pokemon, which will evolve upon return

But I think this might only have worked on Diamond/Pearl.

I can confirm it works for HG/SS, because that is how I got my Scyther to evolve. Good luck being able to find a useless pokemon to actually trade on the GTS, though.
Hey all, I have an old GBA and I am thinking of getting FiredRed or LeafGreen. Is one better than the other or are they the same like all old Pokemon editions?
Hey all, I have an old GBA and I am thinking of getting FiredRed or LeafGreen. Is one better than the other or are they the same like all old Pokemon editions?

Like all Pokemon games the differences are really only in the kind of Pokemon you can find in the wild. So it boils down to which exclusive Pokemon you like more.
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