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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Skiptastic said:
I don't play the handheld game anymore. Closest I'm getting to playing another Pokemon would be if I bought a Wii and they released a new Pokemon Snap.

Though...I would be tempted to get a new entry in the series if Nintendo released a Pokemon Yellow remix with the new stuff. I loved that one. And I loved Snap, Pinball, and Puzzle League.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yellow has nothing on FireRed/LeafGreen, and I haven't even played those games yet!


ColtraineGF said:
No, that would be Luvdisc.

Wait, he's not a gimmick, he just sucks.
Why don't they give pokemon like him evolutions instead of Chansey?


I still consider Blissey to be new. I'm fucking old.

Firestorm said:
Intimidate. He has somewhat of a niche in VGC '12 by having Intimidate + Extremespeed.
Prff... double battles. Amoongus is actually viable in VGC 12. Doesn't mean I have to accept him as a real pokemon.

*Looks at page I googled to make sure I was thinking of the correct ruleset*

That avatar looks familiar... wait a minute. Screw you Firestorm!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Gravijah said:
god what is wrong with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Might as well wait for the 3DS VC versions at this point. :p

I will say Yellow probably has the most badass boxart:


Look at that, fricking blue lightning. I thought that was the tops as a kid.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Saying why I missed out on those games might be skirting too close to the truce we have, so I won't.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Gravijah said:
"i hate the gen that brought about modern pokemon gameplay wahhhhhhhhh"

Don't push me bro.

And it wasn't the gameplay that was the problem.


Andrex said:
That's true. It's like a tower made of Legos. One built on another.
Except Gen III took one at Gen I/II mangled, misshapen blocks and said "screw that!" and started from scratch.

And it was AWESOME.

Gen I/II Pokémon don't even have abilities, for crying out loud.
Wiseblade said:
Except Gen III took one at Gen I/II mangled, misshapen blocks and said "screw that!" and started from scratch.

And it was AWESOME.

It said "screw that!" to day and night. You know, one of the best things in Gen II.

Gen III defenders scare me. Actually, no, wait, people who say RSE were good scare me. Let's hope those guys don't show up


Gravijah said:
nah, you can transfer rsefrlg pokemon forward to bw, so that would be the cutoff for "modern"
that's a pretty weird point you're trying to make

Wiseblade said:
Except Gen III took one at Gen I/II mangled, misshapen blocks and said "screw that!" and started from scratch.

And it was AWESOME.

Gen I/II Pokémon don't even have abilities, for crying out loud.

Gen II added a lot with the incorporation of 2 new types, special defense split and tons of new moves to allow for a bunch of different strategies.

Gen III didn't even have physical/special split for crying out loud!
The only thing that gen 3 does right are battles, but demeriting the other 2 just for the sake of getting the precious spotlight to our beloved gen 3 is dumbbbbb


Green Scar said:
It said "screw that!" to day and night. You know, one of the best things in Gen II.

Gen III defenders scare me. Actually, no, wait, people who say RSE were good scare me. Let's hope those guys don't show up

losing day and night sucked, but we gained a lot of stuff in the process.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Wiseblade said:
Except Gen III took one at Gen I/II mangled, misshapen blocks and said "screw that!" and started from scratch.

And it was AWESOME.

Gen I/II Pokémon don't even have abilities, for crying out loud.

If that was true then Pokemon would be like an action RPG. You're a fool if you think Gen 3 didn't build off the first two generations.

Also Gen 2 introduced hold items and two new types. It did a lot more than you give it credit for.


Boney said:
Gen II added a lot with the incorporation of 2 new types, special defense split and tons of new moves to allow for a bunch of different strategies.

Gen III didn't even have physical/special split for crying out loud!
The only thing that gen 3 does right are battles, but demeriting the other 2 just for the sake of getting the precious spotlight to our beloved gen 3 is dumbbbbb

without abilities and EVs, what would modern competitive battles be?
Green Scar said:
It said "screw that!" to day and night. You know, one of the best things in Gen II.

Gen III defenders scare me. Actually, no, wait, people who say RSE were good scare me. Let's hope those guys don't show up
Gen III was good, the only thing that irked me was that I couldn't transfer old pokemon up from GenII, but then Pokemon Colosseum and FireRed/LeafGreen came out, so it was all good.


Green Scar said:
It said "screw that!" to day and night. You know, one of the best things in Gen II.

Gen III defenders scare me. Actually, no, wait, people who say RSE were good scare me. Let's hope those guys don't show up
Losing day/night to fix the Pokémon data Structure? Worth the trade-off IMO.
Gravijah said:
losing day and night sucked, but we gained a lot of stuff in the process.

It wasn't worth it! Actually, weather was almost worth it, but still

Seriously though, Gen III's mechanics additions were all super important and cool. I just think RSE is an awfully made RPG. The objectives are all very anti-climatic, dull and generally the main quest is just a total lame duck for me, not to mention the post-game content. It's a shame, because I adore Hoenn as a region. And RSE being what it is really affects my memories of Gen III. I have to remind myself that FRLG are Gen III too, and I fucking loved LeafGreen.


Green Scar said:
It wasn't worth it! Actually, weather was almost worth it, but still

Seriously though, Gen III's mechanics additions were all super important and cool. I just think RSE is an awfully made RPG. The objectives are all very anti-climatic, dull and generally the main quest is just a total lame duck for me, not to mention the post-game content. It's a shame, because I adore Hoenn as a region. And RSE being what it is really affects my memories of Gen III. I have to remind myself that FRLG are Gen III too, and I fucking loved LeafGreen.
if you just said Ruby/Sapphire, I'd totally agree with you. Back-end stuff aside, they are pretty shallow, especially in the endgame. But Emerald adds a ton of stuff, from hunting down Groudon/Kyogre to the Battle Frontier. And discovering the Regis for myself is still the greatest single player experience I've had with a Pokémon game.
Wiseblade said:
if you just said Ruby/Sapphire, I'd totally agree with you. Back-end stuff aside, they are pretty shallow, especially in the endgame. But Emerald adds a ton of stuff, from hunting down Groudon/Kyogre to the Battle Frontier. And discovering the Regis for myself is still the greatest single player experience I've had with a Pokémon game.

For me, hunting down the Regis just wasn't worth the effort, although the use of Braille was definitely inspired. Yeah, haven't played Emerald, I'm just used to referring to the Hoenn games as RSE, I doubt the main quest changed too much though, even if they do address my other big problem with RS.
I never liked the day / night cycle because I could rarely play during the day. I also never liked berries. Sadly I'm one of those annoying people who are a Gen 1 fan. Well, I don't think I'm annoying but I know it annoys a lot. :p


Andrex said:
If that was true then Pokemon would be like an action RPG. You're a fool if you think Gen 3 didn't build off the first two generations.

Also Gen 2 introduced hold items and two new types. It did a lot more than you give it credit for.
Yes Gen II introduced a lot, but it still suffered from built on top of Gen I. The biggest issue those games had is that there was very little differentiating two Pokémon of the same species. Unless you nicknamed you Pokémon, there was pretty much nothing separating your Pikachu from anyone else's. The new data structure gives every Pokémon a story (You caught this Beedrill last Tuesday as a lv3 Weedle in Viridian Forest. It's pretty timid and is alert to sounds. Here's the ribbon it won in the beginner toughness contest!) far more persistance then they had before. Gen III is where it went from being a Primeape to being your Primeape.
Wiseblade said:
Yes Gen II introduced a lot, but it still suffered from built on top of Gen I. The biggest issue those games had is that there was very little differentiating two Pokémon of the same species. Unless you nicknamed you Pokémon, there was pretty much nothing separating your Pikachu from anyone else's. The new data structure gives every Pokémon a story (You caught this Beedrill last Tuesday as a lv3 Weedle in Viridian Forest. It's pretty timid and is alert to sounds. Here's the ribbon it won in the beginner toughness contest!) far more persistance then they had before. Gen III is where it went from being a Primeape to being your Primeape.
Yeah, at face value it didn't seem to add much, but it basically reinvented Pokemon.
Wiseblade said:
Yes Gen II introduced a lot, but it still suffered from built on top of Gen I. The biggest issue those games had is that there was very little differentiating two Pokémon of the same species. Unless you nicknamed you Pokémon, there was pretty much nothing separating your Pikachu from anyone else's. The new data structure gives every Pokémon a story (You caught this Beedrill last Tuesday as a lv3 Weedle in Viridian Forest. It's pretty timid and is alert to sounds. Here's the ribbon it won in the beginner toughness contest!) far more persistance then they had before. Gen III is where it went from being a Primeape to being your Primeape.

Very much agreed, sir.
upandaway said:
Fucking Primeape, man.

Damn Mankeys in Pokemon Snap were impossible to get with high points.
Mankeys in snap was like the ultimate tease, I would bury them in pester balls hoping they would rage their way into becoming Primeape but it was just a pipe dream. Still my other favoruite Gen 1 pokemon made it in, specifically Scyther, Cloyster, Charmeleon, Vileplume and Electabuzz....hang on there was no Hypno! Now i'm sad again.


I'm running low on money lately (bought a new Wii to replace my broken one, and a PS3) so I'm going to be doing a run-through of every generation of Pokemon games instead of buying a ton of games.

Because I'm bored I'm going to plan out my teams. I'm going to try and stick with Pokemon new to each generation for each game. I'm not 100% sure and I might change my teams after I finish Red, but that's a long time away. I don't really care about competitiveness, but if I'm doing something really stupid with my teams can someone give me a heads up.

I'm gonna be playing gens 1 and 2 on my Gameboy Pocket (although I might go and play SoulSilver instead of Silver; I haven't decided yet), gen 3 on my Gameboy Micro, then gen 4-5 on my 3DS.

First up is my Pokemon Red team:

Next is my Pokemon Silver team:

Now my Pokemon Ruby team:

Pokemon Platinum:

Pokemon White (or Gray if it somehow comes out by the time I finish these games):
Just jump'n in showing that I'm still working on my gym leader drawings series.

As you can see, not very far, but I'm sure Andrex would appreciate this more anyways. :p


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Wiseblade said:
And discovering the Regis for myself is still the greatest single player experience I've had with a Pokémon game.

I feel incredibly sorry for you that defeating Red doesn't hold that place for you.


Andrex said:
I feel incredibly sorry for you that defeating Red doesn't hold that place for you.


I got Gold early. I got stuck (fucking Sudowudo), and called the Nintendo Power helpline. They had no idea what to do.

Needless to say, this was before the days of the Internet. Before the days of spoilers. And, in this case, before the days of Nintendo Power guides. So, I made it all the way to the end of the game by myself.

And when that battle started.


Andrex said:
I feel incredibly sorry for you that defeating Red doesn't hold that place for you.
I too found the Regis completely by accident, (i usually refrain from reading anything about new pokemon games when they come out besides looking at the new pokemon)
but finding and battling Red was just too awesome.
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