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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Does anyone know if the arceus thing is still going today?

EDIT: Does it end today, or in May? The wording I've seen is kind of ambiguous.

Now we have to wonder who bought White for the loli...



I brought White for a few reasons.

1) I've always got "that" colour. The blue side, shall we say. Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Diamond, Soul Silver..
2) I preferred the look of that one town that's different in both as a wonderful old town rather than a Tron copy
3) White Forest sounded more useful. A place to catch old 'mon, woo!

OMG Aero

So do I get White or should I wait for White 2?
At this point you should just wait and see what Black and White 2 end up being.
If they are just the third version split into two then just get White 2, if they end up being actual sequels then there might be a reason to get both.
I brought White for a few reasons.

1) I've always got "that" colour. The blue side, shall we say. Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Diamond, Soul Silver..
2) I preferred the look of that one town that's different in both as a wonderful old town rather than a Tron copy
3) White Forest sounded more useful. A place to catch old 'mon, woo!
Not sure why people keep lumping Diamond in with the "blue" category. I get the color thing, but it's the primary version, which is how I've always figured it.

Primary in the sense that it's mentioned first in most marketing material and what not. Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, etc.

I used to go for the secondary version, but I did get HeartGold and Black.


I'm just going by the color thing. And the boxes show Diamond as being clearly the blue one while Pearl is the red one.


The order the games are said when spoken about etc doesn't really count as one of them being "primary", in my mind. Some things when spoken just sound better in a certain order. Nobody would say "chips and fish" because it sounds silly.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
At this point you should just wait and see what Black and White 2 end up being.
If they are just the third version split into two then just get White 2, if they end up being actual sequels then there might be a reason to get both.

I'm 90% sure they're actual sequels and you'll be confused as heck about the story and characters (and possibly region and Pokemon, since it's dubious they'll give a proper intro and tutorial for these games like the others, like SMG2) if you haven't played BW.

OMG Aero

I'm just going by the color thing. And the boxes show Diamond as being clearly the blue one while Pearl is the red one.
Okay, the colour thing holds weight for Blue, Sapphire and Diamond but I'd love to hear your explanation of how silver and white are more related to the colour blue than gold and black.
I get whatever version has a cooler name. Red, Silver, Ruby, FireRed, Diamond, SoulSilver, Black, Black 2 (is that the chrono order, idk). I get the 3rd versions always too, but never all 3 games per gen.


I'm 90% sure they're actual sequels and you'll be confused as heck about the story and characters (and possibly region and Pokemon, since it's dubious they'll give a proper intro and tutorial for these games like the others, like SMG2) if you haven't played BW.

I really hope that don't, But this is Pokemon..
My pattern is I usually buy the "second" of the two, and then the third version. BW changed that pattern, as I loved White so much that I bought Black also. If BW2 are half as good as the "vanilla" games, then I will gladly buy both versions again.

Games owned: Blue (first game I ever played :']), Silver (dead), Crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, White, Black.

I had a copy of Yellow way back when, but I think I may have lost it when my family moved for the second time.


I got White because Zekrom is a boss and I like the idea of White Forest as far as getting the babies and whatnot.

As much as I like Black Kyurem more than White Kyurem as far as looks goes if these games are sequels in a sense like White -> White 2 and Black -> Black 2, then I'll get White 2.
I usually end up buying all of them so in the end it doesn't make a bit of difference :p

Although for first versions I went Blue, Gold, Ruby, LeafGreen, Diamond, HeartGold, White.

Oh and Scrafty, it's very simple to fix your Silver version if you're interested.
Oh and Scrafty, it's very simple to fix your Silver version if you're interested.

Judging by an identical problem with my poor EarthBound cartridge, I'm pretty sure the internal battery in the cart is dead. If you have any suggestions, though, I'd be very grateful. Even though I have the technically superior SoulSilver, the original has great sentimental value to me. Thanks!
Judging by an identical problem with my poor EarthBound cartridge, I'm pretty sure the internal battery in the cart is dead. If you have any suggestions, though, I'd be very grateful. Even though I have the technically superior SoulSilver, the original has great sentimental value to me. Thanks!

This is the same guide I used and it works perfectly. The battery that the author lists is very easy to find as well.
I haven't seen a Pokemon movie since the 3rd (or was it 4th?) but the animation looks pretty nice.

Oh and Andrex...I started that CodeYear thing so be prepared to field my questions :p
And what's coffeescript?


Disappointed I missed Mewtwo. Some sites have the promotion ending on March 6 2012, others said February 26. Been sick lately and was really hoping the event would last a month at least. Guess I can get him in a couple years when they run another event.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Oh and Andrex...I started that CodeYear thing so be prepared to field my questions :p
And what's coffeescript?


CoffeeScript is a language that's based on and "compiles" to JavaScript. It's basically the same language but removes some warts (like undeclared variables automatically being made global) and makes the syntax more like Ruby (which I actually don't like too much, but CoffeeScript is "the new hotness" so I figure I'll give it a try.) Most importantly to me, you can still use it alongside normal JS so things like jQuery still work perfectly.

Since you can't run CS in the browser (well, technically) you have to "compile" it to JS first, which outputs a .js file you can use (or minify, then use.)

Disappointed I missed Mewtwo. Some sites have the promotion ending on March 6 2012, others said February 26. Been sick lately and was really hoping the event would last a month at least. Guess I can get him in a couple years when they run another event.

You can get him in SoulSilver no strings attached.


I wonder if the original Kyurem will make an appearance.

Of course it'll make an appearance in the movie. XD It is the star of the movie after all. It also appeared in the trailer for a bit as well running awkwardly like a chicken. lol.



So when is this film out? We all expecting it to officially reveal the exact relation between the Kyurem forms and Kyurem itself, yea?


I played White a lot more than Black, but Im a sucker and will buy both versions again. The online trade system has helped a lot with making collecting easy, but I still like to be able to trade between two of my own games.


I must have got unlucky with the online trading as I only really ever found people looking for stupid things, like a level 100 Celebi.


Electrike - #309 (Timid)
Male (♂) Lightningrod
HP: 12
Att: 31
Def: 29
SpA: 31
SpD: 27
Speed: 31

Not bad. I really wish the Atk and HP were switched, but whatever.
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