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Krazy like a kappa.
Whatever the hell that is.
Whatever the hell that is.
Oh I don't expect it to be a third version, more like the traditional PC expansion pack: mostly the same resources, but a new campaign and features. It's just I wouldn't consider that a million miles away from a Pokémon 'grey', just a much better version of the idea. I too am looking to the potential mix up and what it holds for the future of the franchise.It depends on what GF do with it. if they go the route of ultimate laziness and give us what would normally be a third version split into two, then heads will roll. but if they actually take the opportunity to put of something they couldn't normally do in a standard iteration I'll be ecstatic. This is a great opportunity ot mix up the standard progression formula and see if it works.
Oh I don't expect it to be a third version, more like the traditional PC expansion pack: mostly the same resources, but a new campaign and features. It's just I wouldn't consider that a million miles away from a Pokémon 'grey', just a much better version of the idea. I too am looking to the potential mix up and what it holds for the future of the franchise.More story! More story! More story! Better characters! Bianca and Cheren we love you!
With the exception of Yellow, all their third versions so far have been "free patch" material to be honest.
Didn't know about the new sprites, I was just going by "new features" summaries, so sorry if I got that wrong.There were some pretty large advancements in Emerald and Platinum. If you look at what DLC is available for games on other systems and specifically PC, it would be more like a $20 expansion package. Both games had entire overhauls on the sprites and animations, polished numerous gameplay elements, expanded the story, and Emerald added Battle Tower, whereas Platinum expanded upon what was in the original.
Calling all the 3rd version changes 'free patch' material is a lie, because no one patches an entire game, changing significant elements, for free.
Hey, thanks! For some reason I thought Mean Look was an ability (and thus needed breeding) instead of a move! That's because my cartridge is in Spanish and it sounded like those passive abilities, duh. >: I'll try following your advice!I have almost no Pokemon left in my Gen IV titles, but you might be able to find a good Mean Look Pokemon on your own. You can find many high level Golbats (especially around Mt Silver), and he learns Mean Look at level 33 (which means you may have to use the move releaner). But his level will be high enough you won't have to grind him.
If you're set on Haunter, you can find them on Route 8 during the night. They're only level 19 though, so you will have to level him up quite a bit to outspeed those runners.
There are a number of other Pokemon that learn Mean Look naturally as well, like Murkrow, Jynx and Misdreavus (Misdreavus is available on Mt Silver, which means it's also very high level and good for capturing those runners).
Gah, Shiny Rayquaza event we'll probably never get!![]()
Didn't know about the new sprites, I was just going by "new features" summaries, so sorry if I got that wrong.
And "no one patches an entire game, changing significant elements, for free"? That couldn't be further from the truth. DLC model certainly has eaten into the practice, but you still have studios like Valve, Blizzard and CDProjekt Red doing exactly that, to name just the high-profile developers. Bioware did a ton of it in their pre-console era, too. Neverwinter Nights was supported amazingly well.
Expansion packs are typically significant new content to the effect of brand new campaigns and stories. Just tweaking the current existing set is patch material.
what? where?
TF2 wasn't even an example I used, just Valve in general. All of their Source engine games get substantial free content and even completely new revisions to their engines, years after release.Free content offered through things like Team Fortress 2 is a different beast. Valve, like many PC gaming communities, has a huge group of modders to leech from and are on a platform where it is seamlessly easy to apply changes (lol, console versions of PC titles). And even then, these games are offering new maps, new weapons, but they're still not on par with the changes Pokemon titles see in the 3rd editions. And it all leads back to developers trying to find ways to make more money. There's a reason why Valve continues support of the Team Fortress 2 community and why there's a new update every month. It's not to fix bugs (hilariously, vanilla TF2 two weeks ago when items servers were down ran amazing for everyone, and when items came back, lag and suffering), it's because they want to pump out content to profit on.
keep on pumping the gen 3 love gf.
i Patiently wait for the eventual shiny groudon and kyogre
TF2 wasn't even an example I used, just Valve in general. All of their Source engine games get substantial free content and even completely new revisions to their engines, years after release.
CD Projekt Red release their "enhanced editions" for free, which add hours of new story, add new features and even overhaul the graphics somewhat. They consider such additions "customer support".
It isn't behavior common with the big publishers, no, but the independent developers? Very common practice. Half my games of Steam always seem to be updating with new content. PC Gaming has always been about long-tail sales, continually adding new value as time goes by to both reward current players and to further entice new customers. Even before Valve were monetising items in TF2, they found their sales jumped whenever they released a new class update for free.
"changes to the WiFi system and GTS" is most definitely free patch material, even for the big publishers. And, honestly, I'd expect things like a recorder and new areas of an arena to be added for free in most PC games, too. These are third-version things on consoles because they've never had a way of doing proper patches before, and now DLC has programmed everyone to think they aren't free-patch style material.
I'm not knocking these third versions, as they obviously add a lot of content to make the journey worth it all over again, but they absolutely are (outside of the new sprites) things I would expect for free with a PC game.
I must be imagining half of my games getting new content without me paying, then.Stop saying 'most PC games', because it's just not true. Most developers DO charge for their content editions. (And you continue to undersell the changes in the story, as if the games mirror each other exactly.) Most PC games don't give out a free second edition that changes the story, artwork, and add content. Most PC develoeprs DO charge for content like this. Just because there are examples of it otherwise, does not make it the rule, as it's quite far from it.
Hey, thanks! For some reason I thought Mean Look was an ability (and thus needed breeding) instead of a move! That's because my cartridge is in Spanish and it sounded like those passive abilities, duh. >: I'll try following your advice!
I was hoping to get these legendaries in order to beat Claire. My current team is made of the 3 starters (can't really count on them, due to Dragon-type resistances), a 36 Dragonair, Pidgeot and low 30's Jirachi (got it through an event and just liked it).
I think my team needs a lot of reworking. For some reason I've always liked Psychic-type, but I'm having a hard time setting up my party. Right now I'm going to grind them up until 38~ I really hate Claire.
Is this PokeGAF or some kind of PC wankfest?
i expect my games to be free with tons of paid content
why can't game freak do that
Don't be hating on our free content, bro. You wouldn't be complaining were we talking about Android.Is this PokeGAF or some kind of PC wankfest?
If you're using that to mis-characterise my argument, I'll be very annoyed.I'm still mad that FR/LG wasn't a free upgrade of the original versions I own.
draco meteor/dragon pulse, dark pulse, fire blast, surf.Whats a good moveset for hydreigon?
Whats a good moveset for hydreigon?
No love for Swords Dance on Hydregion?
No love for Swords Dance on Hydregion?
... did somebody just ask somebody else out by text?
Fucking kids...
Well, my tourney's on Sunday. Time for a training day!
dude if you need rare candies i know a guy
Silver is really just an asshole. He steals his starter and acts like a total dick to his Pokemon. At least Blue/Gary respected his and only acted like a dick to other humans.
Pearl/Barry... *sighs* No. Just no.
Dude is Gravijah even in to that kind of thing? Because if he is, give him my number.Fine, I'll try it your way
Dude is Gravijah even in to that kind of thing? Because if he is, give him my number.