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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


You know, I think Blue/Gary might be the best rival in the series (I haven't played B/W so I can't judge that yet). He's a snide jerk that beats you at every turn, right up to the championship, and he does so with a style of likeable-unlikeability that's hard to do.

Silver is really just an asshole. He steals his starter and acts like a total dick to his Pokemon. At least Blue/Gary respected his and only acted like a dick to other humans.

Brendan/May was just bland, and had massive amounts of "informed ability". "He/she is great with Pokemon and has tons of them" Then why do they only have one at the beginning of the game?
And Wally? Would've been nice had we had more than two battles.

Pearl/Barry... *sighs* No. Just no.

Damn, are you me?

I liked Wally. It's just you barely see him throughout the story.

and Pearl/Barry indeed, just no. Barry was just ugh. except for his "I'm having a fit" sprite.

I'm liking Bianca and Cheren so far.
You know, I think Blue/Gary might be the best rival in the series (I haven't played B/W so I can't judge that yet). He's a snide jerk that beats you at every turn, right up to the championship, and he does so with a style of likeable-unlikeability that's hard to do.

As cool as Blue is, he isn't that interesting in R/G/B itself outside of him referencing the implied death of his Pokemon (a rarity amongst rivals and trainers in this series) and what happens to him at the end of the game. Silver, though a standard bastard child, does develop in game quite well, and Blue is an interesting sort in the same game. Nevertheless, I like both of them a lot—not even Cheren in his "bother" stage of development was as sufficiently obnoxious as Blue, or as sinister and supercilious as Silver.

Brendan/May was just bland, and had massive amounts of "informed ability". "He/she is great with Pokemon and has tons of them" Then why do they only have one at the beginning of the game?

Agreed, though they still have the first and best rival themes of all rival themes in Pokemon history. No joke.

And Wally? Would've been nice had we had more than two battles.

The inability of the development team to define a clear role for their in-game rival in R/S/E is, to me, a clear sign that leadership changes and shifting to new hardware had caused some internal friction and prolonged the process of development. With Junichi Masuda leaving the sound work to Go Ichinose and Morikazu Aoki for the most part, he had to tackle a whole bunch of new obstacles, including taking advantage of new technical capabilities. And this is what I think led to the generally-rushed feeling of some parts of in R/S, namely the lack of good rivals and the inability to trade between G/S and R/S, which was simply crippling.

Pearl/Barry... *sighs* No. Just no.
Barry Lyndon is a crazy sunnuvabich. I don't his crazy antics will ever be matched again, though Bianca comes close with her Valley Girl mannerisms. The new rivals in B/W are definitely my penultimate favorites in the whole series, while Blue's surprisingly-tragic story at the end of R/G/B is the clincher for my favorite rival position. Cheren had some real weird shit going on with him, though he eventually wised up, and Bianca was one smart joke from the start. N played the Wally part far better than before, with the growing reliance on fatalistic, one-track-mind dialogue a subtle way to foreshadow some major internal conflict at the end of the main campaign.

Speaking of B/W, I just finished the main storyline part and am now listening to Anville Town's soothing folk blues on repeat. Surprisingly, the E4 gave me the most trouble—turns out my set-up wasn't too amiable with Fighting types, though I eventually got that figured out and moved past the rest of the battles with ease (much of my trouble was due to being slightly-underleveled, going in with Pokemon at around lvl 45 aside from my starter). The final moments were really interesting, though I think Ghetsis' theme ruined the atmosphere with its clichedness (Go Ichinose would have done a far better job, which he did with Ghetsis' battle theme). And Looker has such panache and style,
right Zach?

How tough is post-game going to be for my team, PokeGAF? I've heard some horror stories.


oh thats ok, we can use a knife to fix that

k so you're about level 50-55 right?

every body postgame and in the sports centers now have about 15+ levels :p
Pokemon Adventures/Manga GAF.

I just finished volume 8. My buddy had these and let me use the car on my iPad to read em.

Anyone wanna point me in the direction of the rest of the series (in english)? I'm more than willing to get them from a legit source so I don't mind paying. I just don't know where to look, never read any other mangas.

:( I'd like to continue the series, it's way better than the anime.


Finally beat Clair in SoulSilver! That was annoying to be honest. Taught my Feraligatr Avalanche and it was a cake walk (most of my Pokemon were around 38). Jirachi helped a lot too, and Meganium ripped Gyarados apart with one hit!

It was fun, though! My current mission is leveling/getting Lugia and the dog (cat?) legendaries of Johto!

I'm also enjoying Ghastly a lot, too. I had never used ghost types so it's really refreshing! He is 22 now. Ultimately my team will consist in:

  • Ghastly
  • Jirachi
  • Meganium
  • Feraligatr
  • Typlosion
  • Dragonair

Is it a good idea?
So, for any of you who fought beat me, does this team sound pretty good for the tournament I'm entering tomorrow:

Scrafty (Crunch, Hi Jump Kick, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw) Item: Wide Lens
Gallade (Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Psycho Cut) Item: Life Orb
Eelektross (Acid Spray, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Volt Switch) Item: Leftovers
Togekiss (Air Slash, Thunderwave, Aura Sphere, Roost) Item: Leftovers
Rampardos (Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt) Item: Choice Scarf
Ferrothorn (Leech Seed, Curse, Power Whip, Gyro Ball) Item: Rocky Helmet

I'd be happy to receive any last minute advice, thanks!


So, for any of you who fought beat me, does this team sound pretty good for the tournament I'm entering tomorrow:

Scrafty (Crunch, Hi Jump Kick, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw) Item: Wide Lens
Gallade (Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Psycho Cut) Item: Life Orb
Eelektross (Acid Spray, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Volt Switch) Item: Leftovers
Togekiss (Air Slash, Thunderwave, Aura Sphere, Roost) Item: Leftovers
Rampardos (Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt) Item: Choice Scarf
Ferrothorn (Leech Seed, Curse, Power Whip, Gyro Ball) Item: Rocky Helmet

I'd be happy to receive any last minute advice, thanks!

What are the rules for the tournament? Also, what are the natures/EVs for your team?

OMG Aero

What are the rules for the tournament? Also, what are the natures/EVs for your team?
Yeah it's worth keeping in mind that official tournament rules don't allow the same item to be held by multiple Pokemon, so if they follow those rules you'll need to replace one of your leftovers.
What are the rules for the tournament? Also, what are the natures/EVs for your team?
Rules are standard 6-mon, flat levels, no restrictions when it comes to Pokémon, moves, or items.
EVs (HP/Attack/Defense/Sp. Attack/Sp. Defense/Speed)
Scrafty: Naughty, 4/252/252/0/0/0
Gallade: Jolly, 0/252/0/0/4/252
Eelektross: Modest, 100/0/0/252/4/152
Togekiss: Naive, 4/0/0/252/100/152
Rampardos: Jolly, 4/252/0/0/0/252
Ferrothorn: Relaxed, 4/0/252/0/252/0

I love how you can understand someone's true personality based on what Pokemon team they use.

It's magical.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a PokéTroll, but I don't use legendaries, so at least that's something.

I'm really a nice guy, I swear.
Yeah it's worth keeping in mind that official tournament rules don't allow the same item to be held by multiple Pokemon, so if they follow those rules you'll need to replace one of your leftovers.

This is a small tournament being held in Vaughn Mills, so they're pretty lax when it comes to rules (i.e. Legendaries and double items are allowed). They do check for Haxx, though.

I'll be sure to keep this in mind when I enter an "official" tournament, though.

Thanks! ;)



To be brutally honest, you team's really slow. nothing faster than base 80 speed and no priority moves mean that if something fast that hits moderately hard (or even something slightly faster than you that hits really hard) comes along then you're royally screwed. Scarf Rampardos is the only thing you have that can outspeed base 100 Pokémon and he's the definition of frail. Something like Mienshao (or really, any fast Pokémon with U-turn) would be a major hassle for you to deal with once he's gone. Personally, I'd reccomend taking out eelektross and adding in something who can lay down Thunderwave fast, like Thundurus. That'll feed into Togekiss' gameplan too. Also, EVERY team should have a priority move these days. I would say "teach Gallade Shadow Sneak", but that's an egg move and you're playing tomorrow. But yeah, you need at least one priority move.


scarf togekiss with flinch hax would do all the work for you if you're lucky lol.

now pokegaf im about to masuda a shiny zoura so wish me luck....and sanity.
I'll keep the good eggs for trading lol

Great advice, thanks. Swapping out Eelektross for a Jolteon as we speak (er, type). I did notice that my team was slow, and I'm thinking about swapping Gallade out for a Poison Heal Breloom with Mach Punch, Spore, Seed Bomb/Leech Seed and Focus Punch.

Anyway the wind blows, I'll make it work. No matter what, I'll come out on top. You'll see ;)


ahh jolteon....i would have prefered hidden power fire for mine but hp grass works too.

and jolteon really needs his signal beam move tutor back


ahh jolteon....i would have prefered hidden power fire for mine but hp grass works too.

and jolteon really needs his signal beam move tutor back

I run HP ice, shadow ball, thunderbolt and volt change on mine. Hopefully I'll get enough points in the battle subway for choice specs soon.


i use
Thunder bolt, shadow ball, HP grass *59* and thunder wave for when i switch into electric attacks.

Held item? miracle seed.

im grinding for a balloon for lucario or jolteon


I really hope Black 2 does more with the musicals and sports stuff.
More subway related stuff is probably already a given, so I'm not too worried about that.

Forget Safari Zone and all that junk, focus on all the unique stuff from Unova.
I have no love for Musicals, as hilarious and corny as they are. If they can mix more complex, under-the-surface elements into Musicals or bring back R/S/E-style Contests, I'd be very happy. Heck, put the two together for once!

—What would the new game be like if we somehow played as N, the new main protagonist? He opens up personality-wise by the end of his story in B/W, having experienced a world where Pokemon did want to have long and fruitful relations with their human buddies, and then he just flys off to some remote region or wherever. And while I can't see him going somewhere to the west, east, or north of the specified Unova boundaries on the same landmass, I doubt I'd like a G/S-style toned-down version of another region we've been to before either. Something like a series of islands near North America could be interesting, especially if it means N gets to go somewhere exotic (and, hopefully, in preparation for a Hoenn remake). The mere idea of playing as the former puppet antagonist from the previous game has me intrigued, nonetheless.


The amount of apathy and -sometimes- outright hate for the musicals in this community really grinds my gears. Best feature of Black and White by far.
I've tried a few already. They're fine additions and they make sense considering how flashy Nimbasa is, but I still prefer the Contests from R/S/E because they tried to make a more complex and interesting alternative to battling. Maybe if there were scenarios for Musicals, though, I'd like it better. There's some real fun in decorating your Pokemon and watching them screw around.

OMG Aero

I don't mind musicals because it's something you can just do for fun or outright ignore if you want to.
If they gave you prizes for doing it though like the Pokeathlon then I would hate them because aside from picking accessories to match the theme it is pretty much random whether you win or not.
4th gen super contests are the absolute worst, fuck the clumsy and poorly implemented dancing and cryptic dress up stages. Making poffins takes too long as well, everything about the attempt to improve contests only detracted as far as i'm concerned.

Now Pokeathlon, that was pretty fun stuff, i'd like more extras like it.
I did a few of the 3rd gen contests managing to get the best ranks in Cool with an Absol and Beauty with Typhlosion but it always felt like a hassle where luck could easily screw you over, that and self destructing Electrode thinks he's so cool.


What was so great about those?

I just found them really fun. it's a shame all the depth got ripped out of them and replaced with costume foolishness in Gen IV.

I've heard great things about Pokéthelon, but I've never played or even seen it, so I don't know how Gen III contests compare.
Pokeathlon has the best attractions, no doubt, but there's a lot of potential going for RSE-style contests, if they can loosen the luck and gambling for more skill-based play and strategy.


Seeing Chugga LP i remembered about Mirage Island
God how fuckin' awesome were R/S? best generation ever... screw B/W2 just give me the remakes of 3rd generation.
Seeing Chugga LP i remembered about Mirage Island
God how fuckin' awesome were R/S? best generation ever... screw B/W2 just give me the remakes of 3rd generation.

I spent so many hours hoping to see the island but that old man at the log town continually denied my dreams to become reality.


Anyone know if they're going to show anything interesting on Pokemon Smash today? Specifically about Pokemon B/W 2?
Dunno really, I just have it open and watching just in case, although I don't expect much of anything until CoroCoro comes.

*edit* Nothing this week. Well, nothing we didn't already know (forme names, extended movie trailer, movie poster, Meloetta 'reveal').
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