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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

okay, quick noob question: I borrowed my friend's scanner so I could scan images of the tourney bracket and my super-secret prize, and now both images are on my computer. Now how do I post them on NeoGAF?
Thanks for all the help, EvilMario!

Here's the tournament bracket:

(Please excuse my messy writing; I wrote on it while stopped at a red light)


I know a few Pokemon collectors. They have shown me how much these things can be worth XD It's pretty crazy at times. My prize for second place at a Pokemon League style tournament two weekends ago was a Snorlax and chain-link Master Ball!

Also, Sixfortyfive, I just found out that Canadian Nationals will be taking place at the exact same time as US Nationals. Looks like I won't be meeting you this year unless you're attending Worlds in Hawaii :(
Late to the party as I was out all day but that's pretty sick Scrafty, congrats on the win.
How did the final battle actually play out? Was it pretty close or did you dispose of Demitri quite easily?
Alright, here's the play-by-play:

Game 1:
Dmitri opens with Heatran. I open with Jolteon. Heatran uses Torment. I switch to Starmie. Surf OHKOs Heatran. He sends out Kyogre. Rain ensues. Starmie's Thunder gets a lucky crit on Kyogre. Fainting ensues. He sends out Salamence. Dragon Claw takes Starmie down to ~50%, Ice Beam KOs him. He sends out Mewtwo. Shadow Ball KOs Starmie. I send out Jolteon. He switches out for Conkeldurr. Jolteon paralyzes Conkeldurr with ThunderWave and activates his Guts. Earthquake KOs Jolteon. I send out Gallade. Psycho Cut crits and KOs Conkeldurr. He sends out Mewtwo. I switch into Togekiss. Mewtwo uses Trick, switches his Choice Scarf for Leftovers. Togekiss FlinchHaxxes the rest of his team to death. Score one for the good guys!

Part II coming soon.
Game 2:
I open with Scizor. Dmitri opens with Salamence. Oh fishbiscuits says I. I switch into Starmie. Probably anticipating a switch, Salamence uses Draco Meteor. Starmie is KO'd. I send out Gallade. Dragon Claw takes a chunk of my health away, and my Stone Edge misses. Dragon Claw finishes him off. I send out Jolteon. ThunderWave Parahaxxes him. Thunder x2 kills Salamence. He sends out Conkeldurr. I send out Togekiss. Earthquake does not affect him. Air Slash takes him down to a miniscule amount, but Stone Edge KOs Togekiss. I send in Gallade. He switches to Mewtwo. Psycho Cut does little damage. Shadow Ball KOs Gallade on a crit. I send in Scrafty. He switches in Mienshao. Crunch does little damage. I switch in Jolteon. Thunder misses, and Hi-Jump Kick KOs Jolteon. I switch in Scrafty, his Hi-Jump Kick misses and he is finished off by my own HJK. He sends in Heatran (derp?). Hi-Jump Kick KOs Heatran. He sends in Mewtwo. I switch Scrafty for Scizor. Aura Sphere damages Scizor. X-Scissor+Tech. Boolet PAWNCH KOs Mewtwo. He sends in Kyogre. X-Scissor does some damage. Thunder KOs Scizor. I send in Scrafty. Sheer Cold HAXX ensues. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

It's all tied up.
Game 3:
Dmitri sends in Mewtwo. I send in Scrafty. Mewtwo uses Trick(?) to switch my Wide Lens for his Choice Scarf. Crunch sends him a-reeling. He switches into Mienshao whilst I switch into Togekiss. Air Slash KOs Mienshao. He sends in Conkelderp (at this point, he is visibly exasperated). Air Slash and Stone Edge trade, he wins. I send in Scizor. Boolet PAWNCH for the KO. He sends in Heatran. I switch Starmie into Lava Plume. Surf KOs Heatran. He sends in Salamence. Ice Beam KOs Salamence. He sends in Kyogre. I can see him tearing up at this point. I switch Scrafty into a failed Sheer Cold. The music reaches its climax. Scrafty, his Scarf blowing in the digital wind, Crit-Hi-Jump Kicks Kyogre for the win.

Vittoria per gli Scraftini.


Seems like he didn't really understand how to use trick. It kind of ended up giving you an advantage each time he did it. Good job though. Glad his hax didn't lead him to another win.


Alright, here's the play-by-play:

Game 1:He sends out Mewtwo. I switch into Togekiss. Mewtwo uses Trick, switches his Choice Scarf for Leftovers. Togekiss FlinchHaxxes the rest of his team to death. Score one for the good guys!

Game 3:
Mewtwo uses Trick(?) to switch my Wide Lens for his Choice Scarf. Crunch sends him a-reeling...

I can see him tearing up at this point. I switch Scrafty into a failed Sheer Cold. The music reaches its climax. Scrafty, his Scarf blowing in the digital wind, Crit-Hi-Jump Kicks Kyogre for the win.

The lesson, of course, is that Trick is not a toy.


Will QA for food.
This is doubles advice only really, because Imprisoned in singles is pretty rare:

If you have the option you want to use Switcheroo. It's less popular and there are plenty of Imprison Pokemon that carry Trick to stop you from using it. The same is true for Detect. Use it when you can over Protect, because it is much less widely distributed and Imprison Pokemon often carry Protect.

Stage On

Ha this thread has the same number of pages as the original amount of pokemon :)

Did the person doing the pictures of the 8 groups of 5 gym leaders ever finish the set? He got up to Gym six so did he ever finish the last 2?
Ha this thread has the same number of pages as the original amount of pokemon :)

Did the person doing the pictures of the 8 groups of 5 gym leaders ever finish the set? He got up to Gym six so did he ever finish the last 2?

Oh, I did finish the 7th one. Should probably start on the 8th one...

You know, eventually...
Nice! 265 isn't very much at all.

It could definitely be worse.

Oh god I remember that video.
Only legit shiny I ever got was in a trade during D/P when I traded my legit event Mew for a shiny Riolu.
But I've never caught or hatched one myself. Perhaps I'll try one of these days.

Oh, I did finish the 7th one. Should probably start on the 8th one...

You know, eventually...

Wait what? I must've missed that. Could you link the other ones please? That 7th one was pretty cool.
I like how you put the badges in the background.
Also, looking at that first one reminded me of the first time I fought Falkner.
Level 9 Pidgeotto wait wut


Nice job on the tournament scrafty, I was on edge of my seat all day yesterday reading the updates. You bastards forced me into buying white, hadn't played Pokemon in ages. Just beat iris. Fun as hell so far.
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