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Damian needs his stuffed dolls.
You know, to fight crime and stuff.
You know, to fight crime and stuff.
Wait, you beat the Elite 4 using pokemon under level 50? Under level 60 is one thing but under 50...that's pretty nuts.
I always thought Yellow had the hardest Elite 4 from any game.
Because it crosses over Pokemon and comics I'm posting it.
Just got myself a 31/x/31/x/31/x prankster Sableye. I guess those are the only stats that really matter. Only took 3 eggs too.
Man, the Deoxys battle theme was so epic. It's a shame that all of six people legitimately got to listen to it.
Definitely the best piece Junichi Masuda composed and arranged himself. I honestly think that Go Ichinose's involvement in arranging the latest battle themes heard in B/W share his battle theme style much more than they resemble Masuda's usual. But, of course, Junichi did do Deoxys, so that counts for something.Man, the Deoxys battle theme was so epic. It's a shame that all of six people legitimately got to listen to it.
Definitely. I think it's effectiveness also comes down to clever pacing of cutscenes and battles in that part of the game. Everything seemed like it was over and final with N—but then Ghetsis spits out his marbles and tries to do things the crude way! And having that last conversation with N at the top of the castle, where he bid farewell and the credits ran, was an excellent choice for the main campaign. Otherwise, the staff roll music would have been a lot less effective (which I don't think it is standalone, something that Go usually accommodates for with his slower ending themes).My vote for most underappreciated song goes to Unwavering Emotion, which is a beautiful, touching piano piece used in a whopping ONE scene, in a city that you may or may not have turned your volume down in.
I like it quite a bit myself. Bianca needed something to help counteract her uneventfulness, in comparison to what Cheren got to do, so she had her little moment outside of the Musical Hall.
My vote for best overall BW piece definately goes to Ghetsis' theme. I remember watching the cutscene before the battle, thinking that the game was over, when suddenly the music just drops out and DEM TIMPANI commence (playing C# and G!). I remember picking my jaw off of thr floor, then thinking to myself, "CRAP IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!"
Yeah, they weren't fucking around, were they? One of my favorite battle themes in the whole franchise, mainly because of the tritonality and the timpani just ravaging the whole joint. And then I hearGeh-chis over and over again, much to my joy, and it returns with the timpani for maximum effect. More so than the RSE battle themes arranged by Go Ichinose, this one just went all out with the percussion, experimental and very fitting.Dennis!
It was just so shocking, as no other piece of music in the series had been so intimidating or carried such weight before.
Strangely, one of the pieces that is closest to my heart is the Mt. Moon theme from the original Gold and Silver.
Maybe it's the simple, scale-like melody or just the sense of wonder it invokes in me, but this song has always been a surprise favourite of mine.
As much as I adored R/S/E, the music was just a tad too midi for my tastes.
When the inevitable remakes DO come, there are a few tracks in particular that would make for fine remix material:
no love for the frontier brains battle theme?
oh how i would love an updated version
I respectfully disagree. Calling it "MIDI" is, first of all, a bad example in itself because MIDI is just a method used to connect sequencing devices to on-computer systems and streamline the process of sequencing the music itself. You're talking about the choice of samples and sound quality itself, I think, which leads me to believe that it's the trumpets, horns, and odd mixture of instrument samples and GB-quality synth lines integrated throughout R/S/E's soundtrack that gets on to ya. I quite like it, as it plays into the brassy, exotic adventure theme of Hoenn.As much as I adored R/S/E, the music was just a tad too midi for my tastes.
When the inevitable remakes DO come, there are a few tracks in particular that would make for fine remix material:
Rival battle theme (best trainer theme in the game, IMO)
Champion theme
Mascot legendary theme
Regi trio theme
Elite four theme
Battle themes never got my attention, but a good number of the town themes are great (i.e. Twinleaf, Sandgem, Jubilife, Eterna, Veilstone, I could go on). Hitomi Sato's were the weakest, while Go did some of his best material here. It's a surprisingly-great soundtrack.I currently have DPPt OST on playthrough (along with RSE), and there are a good amount of good songs from there. It definitely has more good route music than BW, and while it doens't contain my absolute favorite tracks, these are some of my likes from the game:
Opening (This recently grew onto me. The beginning is my favorite part, that lead in is very tense to me. The rest is pretty good.) Darn stunning arrangement, though it goes to show that the brassy synths from Gen 3 just don't work as well as they used to, and that shows here. I love the changes in rhythm that just come up.
--As a side note, I found it interesting how that sort of served as the title theme, since the actual title music was just that tense buildup with some odd noises.
Route 209 (Well, it feels basic from the beginning, I mostly like what comes after that intro.) Hitomi did these more basic, brassy route themes to balance out Go's more hectic and style-bridging tracks, and they're quite good.
Route 216 (walking through a heavy blizzard, with that track on, so very atmospheric.) My favorite route theme on the album. Brilliant mix of snowy atmosphere and, suddenly, a great dose of bell-ridden jazz and funk. Very well-developed.
Route 228 [Night] (Super jazzy, one of my favorite night themes) It feels a little abrupt for my tastes, and the brass samples sound weak compared to R/S/E, but it's good.
Mt. Coronet (Another snowy track, but it really rose in tension at the end, sort of mirroring the Dialga/Palkia event, and that climax at the end, oof) Snowy isn't a good word to describe "chaotic", if you know what I mean. Chaotic and complex, which is rare for Pokemon music, and that's a shame given how great this track is.
Bike Theme (I'll go as far to say this game has the best bike theme IMO.) Definitely tied with B/W's. I've always liked Go's light, windy style of cycling music, compared to Junichi's straight-ahead ska and Hitomi's jazz-fusion style.
Cynthia, before battle ("You are going to die", in piano form. Lovely.) Simply magnanimous, I must say. Glad it featured in B/W as well
The legendary themes were awesome, and the Dialga/Palkia battle had an amazing opening.
Aside from those, most of the tracks didn't really grow on me. I didn't find the town themes too hot (most were very mellow, for lack of a better term), and the battle themes were sorta alright, but not really omg good IMO.
Opening (This recently grew onto me. The beginning is my favorite part, that lead in is very tense to me. The rest is pretty good.)
--As a side note, I found it interesting how that sort of served as the title theme, since the actual title music was just that tense buildup with some odd noises.
Bike Theme (I'll go as far to say this game has the best bike theme IMO.)
Cynthia, before battle ("You are going to die", in piano form. Lovely.)
Yeah, I can see what you're getting at. Mt. Coronet is, from my perspective, an evolution of the technical complexity found in both the cave dungeon themes of games past and Mt. Chimney's lovely panahce and intensity, finding a nice equilibrium that set the standard for future tracks like Sinjoh Ruins.RSE...had some of my favorite tracks. The instrumentation especially, because it was so very different from GSC. I'm a fan of the trumpets *_*.
You and me. I love the trumpet sampling in particularsounds so good in the Team X battle theme from RSE. The upgraded instrumentation was simply monumental for the in-game music back then.
In my opinion, this game was very good with the route music and the town music, as well as certain battle themes (the rival battle is one of the best, the Frontier Brain theme is the absolute best track, although the Plat one is no slacker).
Nearly all of the battle themes were amazing in RSE, even the Wild Pokemon Battle stuff. The only disappointing battle theme was the one Junichi did for Steven/Wallace, which was so anticlimactic after listening to the E4 theme. I prefer the Emerald version of the FB battle anthem myselfbut Hitomi Sato's version is damn good.
...On second thought, the town music is mostly low-key, with few standouts.
RSE has some of the best town music in any Pokemon game, with more complex melodies and themes that still manage to be of similar memorability alongside themes from Gen 1 and Gen 2. Slateport City and Dewford Town are two of my big favorites, but subtle songs like Fallarbor Town and Sootopolis City fit in perfectly with their surroundings while making for great out-of-context listens.
Route 104 (Goodness, those horns) It feels like a well-condensed experiment in making a brassy route theme, full of adventure albeit simple and to-the-point on a structural level.
Route 110 (the first 'adventure' track. Not quite reaching the epic sound that Route 42(GSC) gave, but still good) Never liked this one as much as others, but it's definitely one of the more fast-paced and intense route themes I've heard in the series. Just wish it was more well-developed, because Morikazu Aoki had a lot of potential when she composed parts of RSE with Go.
Route 119 (Now this is more like it.) Route theme of the forever. I'm not actually certain howI'd rank it compared to every other route theme I've listened to extensively, but it's well up there in my list of favorites. Love the contrasts and dynamic changes that just come so suddenly.
Route 120 Another great one, along the same lines of Route 119 in terms of awesome.
Route 113 (Hard to say, it has that...desert sound to it? It reminds me of another later track in the game, can't remember which. Good though.) You're probably thinking of Route 111's music, which is definitely desert-oriented and Arabic in feel. This track has more of a moody feel to it, with all of the synth cascades and 6/8 feel driving you forward, as if you were on some desperate journey to get through the snowing ashes to Fallarbor. It ranks with Route 119 as one of my all-time favorites.
Marine Science Museum (One of the best non-trumpet heavy-oh wait *listens to horn at the end*. Solo at the end is awesome.) An amazing arrangement from Morikazu. She really knew how to make the S.S. Anne even better than what Go did in FR/LG (though he and Junichi opted for a more conservative series of arrangements for the remakes anyway, so...)
Abandoned Ship (I'm just gonna put the anime version up, because it's 10x better)
Groudon/Kyogre themes are absolutely ridiculous in their trumpetness, and the battle themes, while they sort of blend together, still work. Gen 3's music is the one I want most to see remixed (well, they're the only one left at this point, not counting the lazy remixes in HGSS).
Agreed on hearing it all rearranged in the inevitable remakes. The battle themes arranged by Junichi do sort of sound same-y, but Go's all have a similar style with individual distinctions implemented to make each one sound unique and refreshing. The opening to the Team X battle theme is so good, even today.
On the note about Mt. Coronet, I was thinking more of the beginning, the notes reminded me of the same instruments used in 216, but I do agree it gets chaotic later on.
Had my first encounter against Lugia! Used Feraligartr with avalanche, but being 38, it died against it. Then used Dragonair, which managed to get two hits thanks to Lugia's misses. Then switched in Meganium, which also died, but not before using a weak grass attack! At this point has a sliver of health (can't even see the bar), so I switch Jirachi in. Jirachi acts like a tank and takes all attacks like a champ. After 27 Ultra balls though, Lugia uses a self hitting attack and faints. ;___;
Guess I'll try later (should/can I get it shiny?).
Bah. Would be nice for my paranoia if you could check the pokemon you put in the daycare without having to take them out. Wanna confirm I put in a Deino with the particular set of perfect IVs for chain breeding, but doing so would remove it from breeding as it's passing on the egg move. Bleh.
Modest Deino:
HP: 31
Att: 4 - 5
Def: 26 - 27
SpA: 31
SpD: 6 - 7
Speed: 31
I actually had an everstone down for timid, but I think I may just go with this.
You can get it shiny. But should? Unless you want to waste weeks of your life, probably not.or just learn to RNG
This might be a long shot, but does anyone have a female Lightningrod Pikachu? There was an event last year in Japan giving them out, so there should be some in the wild...