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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Will QA for food.
Testing out Torment Thundurus for the tournament. Working pretty well thus far to support the team. Screws over any Choice'd Pokemon, and often times the opponent only has one move to really use against my team anyway. Carrying Thunder (will switch if I go against Rain), Substitute and Hammer Arm (Tyranitar is an incredible pain for my team, even carrying Scizor) with Naive nature. If I find Torment loses its usefulness (too much Protect stalling it, although even making Protects easier to read is a huge advantage)I may run Rain Dance, given how many weather inducers are out there, it's quite a load for Politoed to handle all by himself.


Will QA for food.
Does anyone have some spare dittos? lol

Nope, although you can find Dittos in B/W at the Giant Chasm; the area right before Kyurem.

Bringing a Synchronize Pokemon for the natures you want will help a lot, but you can probably catch a dozen an hour. Good luck.


Stop doing this to yourself. They are not going to tease other games before BW2 are even out, it's referring to the two forms of Kyurem since they glow blue and red.
Obviously, but there's really no precedence to them doing that kind of shit. They're being dicks about it.

(and yeah I know there's no precedence to numbered sequels either, IRRELEVANT)
I finally listened to the Drill Dozer soundtrack in full last night (just came back from New Orleans, LA, so this was more than justified). Go Ichinose really has only one fault in his musical style: his GBA music is filled to the brim with unnecessary interjections and instrumentation, something major to get on my nerves every now and then. This is pretty apparent in Drill Dozer's music, the worst offender in such a regard. Despite this, though, some very unique and interesting musical material to be found here. The guitar samples sound silly as usual, but organ everywhere~

—Sparkling Blue and Burning Red just seems like a reference to the typings for both Kyurem forms. I hope so.
The natural behavior of the wild and elusive Masada is hard to predict. We must be patient, prepared for anything coming our way. No sooner could we encounter a wild


When do you need to register the battle box by for the tournament? I'm in already, but I still need to tweak my team a bit before it's actually ready.

Timburr - #532 (Brave)
HP: 22 - 23
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 26 - 27
SpD: 30 - 31
Speed: 0 - 1


Not sure if I want to go with this one. I really feel like I should go with the perfect HP. Bleh.


When do you need to register the battle box by for the tournament? I'm in already, but I still need to tweak my team a bit before it's actually ready.

Timburr - #532 (Brave)
HP: 22 - 23
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 26 - 27
SpD: 30 - 31
Speed: 0 - 1


Not sure if I want to go with this one. I really feel like I should go with the perfect HP. Bleh.

I would keep it.
Keep that Timburr, I'd say. The lower speed will aid Conkeldurr for the probable use of Trick room, and that Attack/Defense spread is nice.

Chuck some more HP EVs on it, if it'll make you feel better.


Timburr - #532 (Brave)
HP: 31
Att: 31
Def: 26 - 27
SpA: 30 - 31
SpD: 4 - 5
Speed: 0 - 1

Damn. If the SpA and SpD were flipped, this one would be amazing. Hm.

Edit: Yeah, while I'd love if its HP and Sp D or something would be flipped, I think I'll go ahead and work with the first one. Just got a little worried about the HP because Smogon mentions something about specific HPs being better for survivability with the flame orb, but still I'd say this should be plenty good.

Will anyone be around later to help me trade evolve it into a Conkeldurr once I have it set up?


You have until about 5pm pacific on March 21st to lock your battle box. I'd do it on the 20th to be safe and not miss any time confusions.


Just to confirm from Smogon's EV spread: if my HP IV is 23 (far as I can tell, as it was 22-23 at initial calculation, and accurately plugging in EVs+stats as I trained is showing a range that starts at 23), and they recommend 212 EVs for best survivability, than I should put in 244 to make up for the IV deficit, right?


Could anyone tell me what the deal with shiny Gyarados is? It seems to be the only shiny no one cared about.

? Shiny Gyarados appears in an event in the game in G/S(HG/SS), so everyone has one anyway, meaning it's not really "special" like other shinies. My poor friend has actually only one shiny pokemon randomly in the wild, and of course it was a Gyarados.


Ugh. Haven't had to try to think this through before. Does the fact that VGC rules are level 50 effect how supplementing lower IVs with EVs works?

It's 4 EVs to a stat, and IVs go directly to stats, right? So if Smogon claims due to calculations or something 212 is better than 252 HP EV spread on a perfect IV Conkeldurr, and mine has 23 HP IVs, I should add an extra 32 (4*8) EVs to the HP in order to hit that optimal amount.

Is that all right, or does the lv 50 thing throw something off in the math? (Really just want confirmation so I can finish off my EV training on this thing, then evolve it, then finish tweaking my team a teensy bit more so I can finally be ready for the tournament.)


Will QA for food.
Ugh. Haven't had to try to think this through before. Does the fact that VGC rules are level 50 effect how supplementing lower IVs with EVs works?

It's 4 EVs to a stat, and IVs go directly to stats, right? So if Smogon claims due to calculations or something 212 is better than 252 HP EV spread on a perfect IV Conkeldurr, and mine has 23 HP IVs, I should add an extra 32 (4*8) EVs to the HP in order to hit that optimal amount.

Is that all right, or does the lv 50 thing throw something off in the math? (Really just want confirmation so I can finish off my EV training on this thing, then evolve it, then finish tweaking my team a teensy bit more so I can finally be ready for the tournament.)

The point is to hit the magic number, so that Burn damage will do one less HP of damage per turn burned. The guide suggest you want to hit 206 (HPs on Level 50 Conkle) because it will round down the damage, as its not divisible by 16.

It's a minor consideration in the grand scheme, when you consider other residual damage and attacks coming your way. Don't lose sleep over it.

But speaking of VGC's forced level 50s, speed is the one that is effected a lot: http://www.smogon.com/bw/articles/vgc12speed_tiers


Ugh. Haven't had to try to think this through before. Does the fact that VGC rules are level 50 effect how supplementing lower IVs with EVs works?

It's 4 EVs to a stat, and IVs go directly to stats, right? So if Smogon claims due to calculations or something 212 is better than 252 HP EV spread on a perfect IV Conkeldurr, and mine has 23 HP IVs, I should add an extra 32 (4*8) EVs to the HP in order to hit that optimal amount.

Is that all right, or does the lv 50 thing throw something off in the math? (Really just want confirmation so I can finish off my EV training on this thing, then evolve it, then finish tweaking my team a teensy bit more so I can finally be ready for the tournament.)
You should be using the VGC Analyses which should already take into consideration that everything is Level 50.


Will QA for food.
You should be using the VGC Analyses which should already take into consideration that everything is Level 50.

To be fair, some of the analysis, especially those that only have 2011 VGC up still, can be pretty shoddy when it comes to just throwing up a 252 / 252 spread (ie; Conkledurr's 2011 analysis), so I could see where the worry comes from. And he was just asking about how to make up for an imperfect HP IV.


Anyone available for a quick trade/trade back so I can evolve my Conkeldurr? I'm still at a stable internet connection, so it shouldn't require any running around or have any issues with it.


The point is to hit the magic number, so that Burn damage will do one less HP of damage per turn burned. The guide suggest you want to hit 206 (HPs on Level 50 Conkle) because it will round down the damage, as its not divisible by 16.

It's a minor consideration in the grand scheme, when you consider other residual damage and attacks coming your way. Don't lose sleep over it.

But speaking of VGC's forced level 50s, speed is the one that is effected a lot: http://www.smogon.com/bw/articles/vgc12speed_tiers

Just to confirm on this, my Conkeldurr seems to have settled at 207 HP once I finished EV training him and leveling him to 50. For the same minor considerations of Burn damage, this should also be fine as it's still just below being divisible by 16, right?


Will QA for food.
Just to confirm on this, my Conkeldurr seems to have settled at 207 HP once I finished EV training him and leveling him to 50. For the same minor considerations of Burn damage, this should also be fine as it's still just below being divisible by 16, right?

Yes. I think the 206 mark was just to maximize the EVs you could pump into Def, but 207 is fine because it is below the mark.


So, Nobunaga x Pokemon comes out Saturday. Anyone importing?

I'm really hoping this comes to the US, because it looks pretty neat. I also love how they matched up each Bushou (and they didn't change their appearance much from the real Nobunaga games) to a complimentary Pokemon, and that apparently every character gets their own post-game chapter.

The Donamite Arc looks cool, especially since the whole thing is setting up a fight between Throh and Sawk, my two favorite Fighting Pokemon.

Definitely thinking about it, I really want to play it and am doubtful we'll get this in the US with Black / White 2 coming out this year already.


Goddamn Battle Subway has started pulling out the legendary teams on me. Just BARELY lost out to a Regice. Literally a sliver of health left. Damn bastard.
I just have to ask: are there any other PokéGAFfers who are going to be buying Kid Icarus: Uprising on Friday? I need someone to play multiplayer with because all of my friends and dormmates are bafomdads who spent all of their money on Mass Effect 3.
I'm going to get it once it goes full bomba. While I'd love to show dem Space Jesus followers what they're missing with 'ol Sakurai et al., I'm broke as all get out. Buying my first N64 and a game was enough to steal $65, and there's no way my stingy parents are going to buy any new games anytime soon.

—I also got a new laptop, in place of iPad-only destitution, so I just changed my avatar for the hell of it.
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