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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

I just have to ask: are there any other PokéGAFfers who are going to be buying Kid Icarus: Uprising on Friday? I need someone to play multiplayer with because all of my friends and dormmates are bafomdads who spent all of their money on Mass Effect 3.

Bafomdads? aren't those the revival things in starfox adventures?
Well anyway, i'm planning on getting Kid Icarus next week, though I may take a while to get round to the multiplayer since i'll no doubt bury myself within the single player.


I just have to ask: are there any other PokéGAFfers who are going to be buying Kid Icarus: Uprising on Friday? I need someone to play multiplayer with because all of my friends and dormmates are bafomdads who spent all of their money on Mass Effect 3.
Nope. I was a smart man and spent my money on the superior Mass Effect 3 and Tales of Graces F.
Bafomdads? aren't those the revival things in starfox adventures?

I have a particular loathing for those little abominations, as the moment you dig the first one up marked the moment when I (like JonTron), threw up my controller in disgust and stopped playing. If the game stayed as Dinosaur Planet, like Rare had intended, maybe I would've tolerated them, but in the sequel to an awesome game that introduced me as a young Scraggy to the Sci-Fi genre (of which I'm still a huge fan; Aliens is one of my top 3 favourite movies), it just felt stupid and contrived. That and its name sounds like they spilled a bowl of AlphaBits onto the floor and used the letters that landed next to each other.

Whoa, that rant lasted far longer than I intended. I probably need to get out more.
Nope. I was a smart man and spent my money on the superior Mass Effect 3 and Tales of Graces F.

Is ME3 more polished than the demo? I've never purchased a ME game but the ME3 demo, while visually appealing, suffered from choppy character movements and other similar graphical oddities.

And I'd be getting Kid Icarus for sure...if I had a 3DS.

still waiting for a pokemon game or smash bros before i HAVE to make the purchase
I just have to ask: are there any other PokéGAFfers who are going to be buying Kid Icarus: Uprising on Friday? I need someone to play multiplayer with because all of my friends and dormmates are bafomdads who spent all of their money on Mass Effect 3.

Nah. Kid Icarus sucked on the NES, so I have no faith it'll do any better on the 3DS.

Seriously though, I never liked or saw the appeal in Kid Icarus. Totally not interested in ever playing it.

Let me change your mind with this, Beef-san.


Seriously, this game becomes more like Monster Party every time I look away. Not that I'm complaining.
I'm getting KI:U because PORTABLE GAMES ON THE PORTABLES. And I never played the original, I've been interested from the first trailer because SAKURAI.

On the other hand, I didn't get ME3 because I don't really put that much time into console games. I haven't really finished ME2, so yeah, shame.

...Oh right, so have you heard about that Pokemon thing? It'll never last.
If you were trying to impress me with this, then you have failed.


I just found out that the HeartGold/SoulSilver album release has three pages of liner notes in it. And that makes me super giddy with possibility. Now I just need to find a translator.


So I'm thinking about restarting Ruby, here's my planned out in-game team so far.

Sceptile: Leaf Blade/Brick Break/Rock Tomb/Aerial Ace
Gyarados: Surf/Strength/Earthquake/Dragon Dance
Skarmory: Fly/Steel Wing/Spikes/Whirlwind
Tentacool: HM Slave
Zigazoon: Pick-Up ability

I'll probably throw in Groudon, and debating wherever to add Electrike or Ralts. Opinions?
I just found out that the HeartGold/SoulSilver album release has three pages of liner notes in it. And that makes me super giddy with possibility. Now I just need to find a translator.

There's always Google Translate

Or you could do what I did for my Gurren Lagaan OST and get a Japanese friend/professor/teacher to translate it for you.
So I'm thinking about restarting Ruby, here's my planned out in-game team so far.

Sceptile: Leaf Blade/Brick Break/Rock Tomb/Aerial Ace
Gyarados: Surf/Strength/Earthquake/Dragon Dance
Skarmory: Fly/Steel Wing/Spikes/Whirlwind
Tentacool: HM Slave
Zigazoon: Pick-Up ability

I'll probably throw in Groudon, and debating wherever to add Electrike or Ralts. Opinions?

Your team needs more Dark- and Ice-type Pokémon or moves, otherwise Phoebe (sp?) and Drake are gonna tear you a new one. May I suggest Sharpedo or Crawdaunt so you'll still have an HM slave?


Your team needs more Dark- and Ice-type Pokémon or moves, otherwise Phoebe (sp?) and Drake are gonna tear you a new one. May I suggest Sharpedo or Crawdaunt so you'll still have an HM slave?

Ralts get Shadow Ball, but he's weak to Ghost. Electrike has Bite, and DarkGlasses boosts his Dark moves...but not sure if I'm confident enough with that.

Maybe Absol? It learns Ice Beam too
There's always Google Translate

Or you could do what I did for my Gurren Lagaan OST and get a Japanese friend/professor/teacher to translate it for you.
Not that simple, pal. Google Translate doesn't translate image files, only text files. So I'd have to find someone with the right amount of expertise, patience, and ardor for this kind of thing. Since my sister is many miles away from the house now, I might just have to convince my superior to give the liner notes translation project to our main translator, who's usually too busy to get things done anyway.

I hate this part of the year. You've finished the curriculum, and now it's time to study study study. Meh.
Ralts get Shadow Ball, but he's weak to Ghost. Electrike has Bite, and DarkGlasses boosts his Dark moves...but not sure if I'm confident enough with that.

Maybe Absol? It learns Ice Beam too

Absol lacks the stats that even Crawdaunt has in order to use moves that aren't of its type effectively, but you may be able to pull it off if he's appropriately leveled.

Bite on Manetric is just too risky, especially if you're fighting someone like Phoebe who will just Curse+Full Restore you to death.
Not that simple, pal. Google Translate doesn't translate image files, only text files. So I'd have to find someone with the right amount of expertise, patience, and ardor for this kind of thing. Since my sister is many miles away from the house now, I might just have to convince my superior to give the liner notes translation project to our main translator, who's usually too busy to get things done anyway.

I hate this part of the year. You've finished the curriculum, and now it's time to study study study. Meh.

It was a joke. Even if Google Translate miraculously could read image files, it would mangle them beyond recognition. Seriously, go there right now and translate somethig to Japanese and back again. It'll end up sounding like the phonetic subtitles of a Jackie Chan film.

I hate this time of year too, especially since I'm the world's biggest procrastinator (-_-;)


Absol lacks the stats that even Crawdaunt has in order to use moves that aren't of its type effectively, but you may be able to pull it off if he's appropriately leveled.

Bite on Manetric is just too risky, especially if you're fighting someone like Phoebe who will just Curse+Full Restore you to death.

Absol has 75 base speed
Sabayle has 35 base Speed
Banette has 65 Base Speed
Dusclops has 25 Speed

Absol also has 130 Base Attack and Shadow Ball is physical in RSE right?

Absol has lame SA but most of Drakes Pokemon are 4x weak to Ice Beam anyway
It was a joke. Even if Google Translate miraculously could read image files, it would mangle them beyond recognition. Seriously, go there right now and translate somethig to Japanese and back again. It'll end up sounding like the phonetic subtitles of a Jackie Chan film.

I hate this time of year too, especially since I'm the world's biggest procrastinator (-_-;)
oh okay

Google Translate varies in translation quality, mostly due to the differing ways that Japanese can be written down to begin with. But I can make do with it most of the time.
Absol has 75 base speed
Sabayle has 35 base Speed
Banette has 65 Base Speed
Dusclops has 25 Speed

Absol also has 130 Base Attack and Shadow Ball is physical in RSE right?

Absol has lame SA but most of Drakes Pokemon are 4x weak to Ice Beam anyway

I just checked and Ghost IS physical in Gen III. How messed up is that? :/

On the other hand, having a strong Ice-attack user is paramount when fighting Drake, and even at x4 effectiveness, Ice Beam may not KO some of his Pokémon, especially when coming from a sparce 75 base Attack. I'd say play it safe and have something (preferably Ice-type) in reserve for the E4 (I mean, it's not like you're going to bring an HM slave into battle, so have something to fill its spot).


I just checked and Ghost IS physical in Gen III. How messed up is that? :/

On the other hand, having a strong Ice-attack user is paramount when fighting Drake, and even at x4 effectiveness, Ice Beam may not KO some of his Pokémon, especially when coming from a sparce 75 base Attack. I'd say play it safe and have something (preferably Ice-type) in reserve for the E4 (I mean, it's not like you're going to bring an HM slave into battle, so have something to fill its spot).

Damn, if I had Sapphire, Kyogre could have swept him with no sweat. I suppose Groudon makes Steven an easier battle.

I'll have to get another Water type for Drake as Gyarados has low SA...do you think Dragon Dance Gyarados might be able to put up a fight against Drake?


may i suggest starmie?


By the way, Misty is the most broken Gym Leader ever. Starmie has 100 SA and 115 Speed and by the 2nd Gym we don't have fully evolved Pokemon. Not to mention in Fire Red it has Rapid Spin to block Leech Seed AND Recover to stall. I remember beating it with Gyarados in a tough battle.



By the way, Misty is the most broken Gym Leader ever. Starmie has 100 SA and 115 Speed and by the 2nd Gym we don't have fully evolved Pokemon. Not to mention in Fire Red it has Rapid Spin to block Leech Seed AND Recover to stall. I remember beating it with Gyarados in a tough battle.

yeah Misty was pretty godlike.

But it was curtains once Charmeleon learned slash!
Yeah, Charmander was the real Billy Bad-A choice in the original game. That's why I like to use him myself. Because I'm a Billy Bad-A.

—Going to use Squirtle next time, though.


Bulbasaur was always my choice in RB. Evolves fastest, Razor Leaf has more PP than Surf/Flamethrower and is always Critical Hit, easily beats the early game gym leaders.

But I remember using Gyarados to beat Misty.
Pokemon who kill themselves in the wild. I don't care if it's technically some "accident," but it seems spiteful as hell. Spent so long trying to catch a Ditto only for it to copy my Hydreigon, use Outrage, then kill itself in confusion. Goddamn...


Pokemon who kill themselves in the wild. I don't care if it's technically some "accident," but it seems spiteful as hell. Spent so long trying to catch a Ditto only for it to copy my Hydreigon, use Outrage, then kill itself in confusion. Goddamn...

why use hydreigon? lol I use magikarp and watch ditto spash relentlessly.
why use hydreigon? lol I use magikarp and watch ditto spash relentlessly.

It was a double battle (and he was level 63!) and he happened to copy my second slot Hydreigon instead of the first slot Pidove. Then he demolished the Pidove and made the match unbelievably annoying.
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