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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


While making that list I took some time to look over every single Pokemon a few times and think about each one and why they should or shouldn't.

I think Absol is a significant Pokemon, and adding an evolution would kinda hurt how interesting it is. Not only that, but the little lore it has.
Delibird I was strongly considering, but at the same time, I realized it's kinda like Absol, but in it's own way.
Tropius is a rather large Pokemon already with a significant design. I'm not entirely saying it shouldn't evolve, it's just not in the top.
Sableye is a small Pokemon, but it's design is that of a more matured form. Could possibly use an evolve form, although maturing a prankster might lose some of it's significance.
Tauros is a rather plain Pokemon, but it's not in the tops for me. I bet that if they did give this an evolve form, they would give it multiple heads or something.

pinsir cant evolve because it would destroy the world

Shroomish will be there to stop it from happening.



List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution

1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle

Bonus: Luvdisc

List of The Real top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution

01. Ferrothan - Needs Flash Fire ability so he wont get blasted by Fire moves.
02. Gyarados - Needs more SpA stat to work with that movepool
03. Skarmory - Needs more SpD to match its Physical Defense.
04. Starmie - Needs more Speed and Calm Mind.
05. Gliscor - Needs more SpD so he doesn't die to Ice Beam.


I thought Breloom was a bird at first due to it's sprite.


By the way, my list is of Pokemon that actually need it. Those Pokemon you listed are significant already.


I can spot it easily because that's how I first saw it on the GBA. Although when I was first introduced to the artwork towards it, I was surprised.

It's just one of those things. And if you're interested in seeing it, you have to look at is as if you aren't looking at Breloom, and it's face is facing to the right.


Artemis251(different project than the one that everyone knows of) completey translated Pokemon TCG 2 for Gameboy Color.

About time this game got translated. Time to play what we've missed out on.

Delibird, the Delivery Pokémon. Delibird’s most unique attack is giving presents, however, some of these presents have been known to explode. Sometimes, Delibird’s presents can actually restore energy to its opponents.

Granted that's its entry from the anime but still.

Delibird, secret santa or santa with a mean streak? You decide!

Wow, this gives me ideas...*goes to write*


Delibird, the Delivery Pokémon. Delibird’s most unique attack is giving presents, however, some of these presents have been known to explode. Sometimes, Delibird’s presents can actually restore energy to its opponents.

Granted that's its entry from the anime but still.

Delibird, secret santa or santa with a mean streak? You decide!

Wow, this gives me ideas...*goes to write*

Gameboy Color me interested.
Actually I think I'll have to save that idea for later (sadly) but some of the Pokedex entries are just hilarious. I need to read them more often...

OMG Aero

Today I watched this week's anime episode and oh hey Skyla is the worst gym leader. She can't be bothered to have actual gym battles so she just imagines who wins and gives out badges based on that.

Also she has massive hands.

Good thing Cilan is there to get mad and defend the honour of all gym leaders.

Seriously Cilan is easily the best travelling companion so far if not best character on the show.

Too bad Skyla has a cheating Swanna that apparently takes no recoil damage from Brave Bird, has an aqua ring that can cure status effects, and can just shrug off thundershocks because he totally should have won that fight.


What's this? They aren't showing the three Pokemon Ash is choosing until next week? Oh the suspense! I wonder who he will pi-
He's totally going to use Snivy, Swadloon and Scraggy isn't he.

Also the worst part of the episode is that either the QR code on Ash's pokedex is too skewed or it isn't a real QR code because my 3DS won't pick it up. I really want to know what it says.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

What's this? They aren't showing the three Pokemon Ash is choosing until next week? Oh the suspense! I wonder who he will pi-
He's totally going to use Snivy, Leavanny and Scraggy isn't he.

He doesn't have Leavanny at this point. It's still Swadloon.
Also, it's
Krokorok, Pikachu, and Tranquill, who evolves into Unfezant at the end and wins
Cilan is just great in this episode. Seriously, he's a wonderful comic character, and was exactly what the anime needed after Brock.

His face when he lost was amazing too.
You know: I've never really loved Pokemon themselves, not as much as I love the world of Pokemon and the consequences that the existence of these critters have had on it. I just feel so out-of-place whenever Poke-GAF starts talking about old-Gen evos and other stuff pertaining to Pokes. They're neat, and I have my favorites, but I'll have to agree with Satoshi Tajiri that the more interesting part of the Pokemon world is human culture within it, and the trainers themselves.
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