Why would you name Turtwig after Piccolo's home planet?
It's green, and Torterra's body kinda has a planet-vibe to it with the tree and all.
Why would you name Turtwig after Piccolo's home planet?
New competitive Pokemon site focusing on official tournaments of which we expect there to be more of as time goes on. Also a style of content publishing similar to SixPrizes and TheTopCut but for the video game instead of TCG.What is the site?
For some strange reason I've always disliked Chimchar.
So, what is the best official from a version Pokemon Center theme?
Red & Blue
Gold & Silver
Ruby & Sapphire
Diamond & Pearl
Black & White
Close call, but I'll say the original is the best one with Ruby & Sapphire being second best.
If you can get a Hidden Ability Eevee, Espeon is godlike. Of course, I'm quite biased since Espeon's my favourite, but there you go.
Best eevee evolution is still jolteon competitive-wise, I think.
So, what is the best official from a version Pokemon Center theme?
Red & Blue
Gold & Silver
Ruby & Sapphire
Diamond & Pearl
Black & White
Close call, but I'll say the original is the best one with Ruby & Sapphire being second best.
So, what is the best official from a version Pokemon Center theme?
Red & Blue
Gold & Silver
Ruby & Sapphire
Diamond & Pearl
Black & White
Close call, but I'll say the original is the best one with Ruby & Sapphire being second best.
And what do you think of Scrafty?
These are important questions, gorammit!
yestsk tsk tsk
everyone knows mienshao is the best BW fighting type.
get outWhats a Mienshao? Seriously. I don't think I remember coming across one of those in Black.
tsk tsk tsk
everyone knows mienshao is the best BW fighting type.
Terrakion and Reuniclus are my favourite Gen 5 'mons so I would say Terrakion is the best fighting type sorry.
So, what is the best official from a version Pokemon Center theme?
Red & Blue
Gold & Silver
Ruby & Sapphire
Diamond & Pearl
Black & White
Close call, but I'll say the original is the best one with Ruby & Sapphire being second best.
Yep (shiny) mienshao is the best <3
Great avatar. So cute. Now I want to use Turtwig.
for a moment I thought that was a sonic fanart.thanks to you i ended up at this:
http://dinzydragon.deviantart.com/art/My-Shiny-Mienshao-252412143 [NSFL]
i can't tell if it's serious or not.
Torterra is the last great starter design they've made, pick Turtwig.
do not listen to Wiseblade he has the worst taste in pokégaf (i'm wondering why he still don't have a tag for it...)
Torterra is the last great starter design they've made, pick Turtwig.
do not listen to Wiseblade he has the worst taste in pokégaf (i'm wondering why he still don't have a tag for it...)
So I'm playing Pokemon FireRed for the very first time, and I see this.
Has anyone on GAF caught all available Pokemon yet? Or caught all the ones available at a given time? (at the end of previous gens)
I'd like to aim to, before BW2 releases, especially now that my compulsive buying (and some good deals) has landed me Plat, HG, SS, B and W. Lol
It's still quite the daunting task. I'm only resorting to IR-GTS type shit for events that I know I can't make it to. I'm giddy about a legit Arceus from the DW last month.
I've caught all the pokemon, minus the Gen 5 event pokemon that haven't had an event in North America, on my pokemon black game.
do not listen to Wiseblade he has the worst taste in pokégaf (i'm wondering why he still don't have a tag for it...)
also yes Mienshao is awesome just like Crustle
Seriously, how is Tropius meant to function.
I love how browsing GAF with the images turned off makes every link more suspenseful.Adorable!
You're not in any particular position to be talking.
Seriously, how is Tropius meant to function.
Gyarados can hover
Gyarados can hover
Huge, long, and thick. But you just have to take it, sonny, because no-one can take a GAFfe™!Whew. Took me forever to sign up for NeoGAF membership after all these years... Hi, everyone in the Pokemon Community thread, eh? I've always been keeping tabs on this particular thread.
Speaking of Pokemon, well, I think everyone has to be a fan of sorts in here, right?
(I'm not sure how to start, seeing as it's a huge place.)
DPPt has the best, most interesting rearrangements of the original, with R/S/E being second in line. I have to give credit to Hitomi Sato for something, so I'll give credit to her for these DPPt versions. Since I can't stand the original renditions of the piece from Gens 1 and 2, HG/SS is next in line, followed by B/W, G/S, and R/B.So, what is the best official from a version Pokemon Center theme?
Close call, but I'll say the original is the best one with Ruby & Sapphire being second best.
They could always be a little more social within their own ranks, though. Remember, grunts: it doesn't matter if you're black orThis is why Team Rocket is the best.
I love how browsing GAF with the images turned off makes every link more suspenseful.
(I thought you'd taken a picture of your knees).
Grats! All via totally legit events? Or some manufactured ones with an IR-GTS type tool?
And did you just use the DS games or bring some over for the GBA gen?
It's my understanding that with events, it's possible to acquire all Pokemon (save unreleased Gen V ones) with just the DS games now.
Sorry for the late replies. Grinding in P4.
I think I might go with Jolteon because I have Gardevoir covering me Psychic wise. So, Gardevoir, Jolteon, Milotic...I now need three more PKMNs to go! Appearance wise Espeon and Vaporeon are my favorites.
I think I prefer the RS one, too.
Scrafty is awesomesauce, don'tcha think?
So I guess I'm starting a Nuzlocke run of Platinum tonight. It seems like too damn fun a thing not to try.
I'll let you guys pick my starter.