So badass.
Pokemon for the WiiU, with awesome HD graphics and straight up gorgeous battles with orchestrated themes. The future of Pokemon...
...that will never happen.
So badass.
Pokemon for the WiiU, with awesome HD graphics and straight up gorgeous battles with orchestrated themes. The future of Pokemon...
Awesome, thanks for listing them out since it appears that Bulbapedia is down. Time to compile a list of Pokemon to breed in the 3rd/4th gen that take advantage of these moves. - show 4 and 5 side-by-side.
To save you the trip, I seelost TM status.
- Focus Punch, Water Pulse, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Iron Tail, Shock Wave, Secret Power, Steel Wing, Snatch, Skill Swap, Roost, Brine, Endure, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Silver Wind, Recycle, Avalanche, Stealth Rock, Captivate, Dark Pulse, Sleep Talk and Natural Gift
Certain moves came back as B2W2 move tutors, but that's outside the view of this thread right now.
handhelds forever
handhelds forever
Don't talk shit about Pokemon Snap.Pokémon without sprites isn't Pokémon
Pokémon without sprites isn't Pokémon
Oh...yeah that. Pokemon is totally not about catching unique creatures to do battle with other people who has said creatures as well. Totally about sprites.
How does one get a shiny Charmander? Is it just like 1/100,000 Charmander starters are shiny?All of the best shinies wind up blue. Mew, Gardevoir, et al. That's just how it works.
Black Charizard is the exception.
Nintendo needs to make a Wii U version where the Wii U controller works as a camera that you hold up to the screen.Don't talk shit about Pokemon Snap.
Shaymin exists.
Pokémon without sprites isn't Pokémon
Please keep the low-res character art and sprite animations for the trainers, Game Freak. They're just so rad and stylized.
Or something like this:I'm sure there will still be sprites in further Pokemon games.For menus and stuff.
JUPITER DEAD. Prof., you'll be glad to hear I sweeped her with Beef the LUXIO. OHKO'd Zubat, and thanks to an Oran Berry, a Super Potion and some Charge/Spark action, I was able to put down Purugly with only 8HP left. *unf unf unf unf*
Made it to Eterna, catching a Budew in the forest, a Wurmple on Route 205 North, and a Bronzor at Route 211 West. Fang Time the Zubat died in the process of grinding at Route 211... ;_; R.I.P. you beautiful fucker. Now training Bronzor and Wurmple to make up for the loss of a flying type, as I go to fuck up Gardenia. BRACE YOURSELF, MU'FUCKA.
Current party:
Jim the Dustox, lvl 16
Steely Dan the Bronzor, lvl 16
Billie the Psyduck, lvl 17
Beef the Luxio, lvl 18
Furious D the Ponyta, lvl 19
Captain the Staravia, lvl 20
Gardenia died easily. This next Galactic Admin fight is going to be a bitch, isn't it?
*bulbapedia's it*
I don't understand why people want 3d models. Look at how ugly the models are for Pokédex 3D. You want that shit?
They're ugly?
And people call me shallow...
If you think ugly lumps of plastic aren't ugly, then sure.
Gardenia died easily. This next Galactic Admin fight is going to be a bitch, isn't it?
*bulbapedia's it*
TURTWIG'd better sit this one out if you care for his life...
Magnitude is the key to victory.
I have no ground types! Oh wait, there's always Hudson. And Brian. Hmmm.
GRINDAN TIEM. Don't stop until everyone of worth (and Billie) is level 23
my avatar should be me crying
my avatar should be me crying
Your eye looks like it needs some sleep.
You are a crazy person.I don't understand why people want 3d models. Look at how ugly the models are for Pokédex 3D. You want that shit?
I don't know why but I can't remember any of the Galactic Fights being all that tough. I think it was more of the party I had than anything else.
Cyrus needs to return.
You are a crazy person.
The models in Pokedex 3D are good.
How many games does Dragon Quest have? The series just kinda came out of nowhere like Final Fantasy.
If we're talking about Pokemon going 3D, need I remind you that we kind of got that already (not counting the stadium games).
I don't know about you people but I kind of liked these games. They offered a nice change from the usual "start from little kid, eight gyms, evil team, pokemon league, hall of fame" formula. Also, how can you not love this protagonist design?
It's just too bad the sequel went back to the "young noob trainer" standard.
Also: this freaking intro
I hope they go the Dragon Quest 8 route myself.
Those were ok, but I hated being forced to play Double Battles the entire time.
a slow battle system?