Eevolution in general have a really bad movepool, the only decent one is vaporeon.
Flareon is my favorite Eevee evolution.
He was my favorite too until Leafeon appeared.
I remember wanting to use one in Blue but he barely learned any fire moves. That hurt.
They changed the way Pokemon data was handled so it was no longer compatible the way the old games did it.I skipped the third gen, but what were the reasons behind making the games non-compatible with the first two generations? Was it something technical or did they change the game mechanics too much to make older pokemon usable?
Legendary Gerbils
Don't you creeps already have a community thread? Go discuss that filth there.
I picked Leafeon because it was grass type, and grass type is my favorite type, but I think it's a little too plain. Although, Glaceon is kind of plain too. Good Pokemon, just not in my favorites for Eevees.
I love its design, but Leafeon's name bothers me greatly for this very reason. It's *so* obvious and unimaginative. It's not even a pun or portmanteau or other kind of play on words, just two words tacked together in a literal plain statement of what it is (Golem is another offender). Literally the first thing anyone can come up with, whereas when they think the names through a bit more they often come up with brilliant finds (e.g. Umbreon). In this case even something simple like Floreon or Foleon (from foliage) would have been miles better. The former is perhaps a bit too similar to Flareon, but they'd make a cute duo so I don't mind.It seems like that's an issue with quite a few of the Eveevolutions, just a bit too plain.
Eevolution in general have a really bad movepool, the only decent one is vaporeon.
both jolteon and espeon need an hidden power to be good, it's not necessary on vappy :\Vapoeron has an equally shitty movepool, but it's good at what that movepool does. Espeon and Jolteon likewise.
both jolteon and espeon need an hidden power to be good, it's not necessary on vappy :\
Are you going to evolve it? Shiny Coffy looks pretty cool as well.
Are you going to evolve it? Shiny Coffy looks pretty cool as well.
The way he walked in the anime (on his hands while lying on his back) was so delightfully horrific and creepy. Like something straight out of The Ring or The Exorcist. It reminded me of this:I love this guy. Receiving Pain Split (and Sleep Talk finally) should make him more viable.
and female Unfezant continues to be the most boring looking flying type. Also it was pretty lame how Ash kept hyping up Unfezant's new move and then it turned out to just be Aerial Ace.
B/W save the shiny sprite of any shinies you've caught in the Pokedex, so you can still look at it even after it has evolved. Pretty neat.I think Yamask looks cooler in general, but yeah, I'll probably evolve it, and love it forever. said:Empoleon is roughly the same height as its namesake Napoleon Bonaparte.
This week's anime episode was a gym battle so I don't have much to say about it, except:
Skyla continues to have massive hands,
So we're not allowed to post shots from the anime?
You could make the case that since there is a BW2 spoiler moratorium in effect that would also cover the BW2 arc of the anime which I would totally be for, but that is down to dear leader Andrex.So we're not allowed to post shots from the anime?
No need to google anything with me here!I should make posting pokegals a daily rutine so this place can have a little breather.
Problem is, I don't wanna google that
No need to google anything with me here![img]
Long hair master race. Should we dedicate every day to a different girl? How do we want to do this?[/QUOTE]
Ok I'll leave this to your discretion whoever you are
No need to google anything with me here!
Long hair master race. Should we dedicate every day to a different girl? How do we want to do this?
Chippo=Sakurai confirmed!image
You could make the case that since there is a BW2 spoiler moratorium in effect that would also cover the BW2 arc of the anime which I would totally be for, but that is down to dear leader Andrex.
Aside from that you can post shots from the anime as long as you don't get creepy about them.
You are a good person... also for me it will be always Horo
Any requests before I head to work?Ok I'll leave this to your discretion whoever you are
I hope Zoroark replaces Lucario in that.SSB4 doodle
Mr. Saturn would make a good pokemon
sigh i have one tomorrow and friday and still haven't started with the studying
Stop posting smut I don't like
Stop posting smut
ShhhFixed. If there were some thighs, you'd change your tune!
Any requests before I head to work?
Hey guys, Lets have some Pokémon battles!