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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!



Obviously you haven't lurked this thread.
Well I've lurked enough to know that every now and then, this thread gets full of
fan art. Also, there would be Digimon post, too, and Medabots but nobody cares about Medabots.
What happened to the Medabots thread that was made, did it reach 2 pages atleast?


May as well knock them all out at once.

When picking your favorite type, the type that is considered is it's main type, not it's secondary type. For Flying Pokemon since there is only one with a Flying main type, only pick Normal/Flying.

Grass Bulbasaur
Fire Charizard
Water Gyarados
Electric Zapdos
Ground Groudon
Rock Tyranitar
Fighting Hitmonchan
Psychic Mewtwo
Normal Snorlax
Flying Pidgeot
Bug Scyther
Poison Nidoking
Ghost Misdreavus
Dark Absol
Steel Mawile
Dragon Rayquaza
Ice Articuno

Gen 1 11
Gen 2 2
Gen 3 3
Gen 4 0
Gen 5 0

OMG Aero

- Never liked Kid Icarus
You know that the last Kid Icarus game was 21 years ago right? Literally the only thing that Uprising has in common with the old games is that some of the characters are based off their sprites. The story is completely different, the gameplay is completely different and even the characters are completely different just by virtue of the previous games being on the NES and Gameboy so they had no characterisation.
Even if you absolutely hated the other two games and think they are the worst games in the history of mankind, that has no bearing on Uprising at all.
You know that the last Kid Icarus game was 21 years ago right? Literally the only thing that Uprising has in common with the old games is that some of the characters are based off their sprites. The story is completely different, the gameplay is completely different and even the characters are completely different just by virtue of the previous games being on the NES and Gameboy so they had no characterisation.
Even if you absolutely hated the other two games and think they are the worst games in the history of mankind, that has no bearing on Uprising at all.

Then why put the KI brand on it? All that did was guarantee that I'll never touch it.

OMG Aero

Then why put the KI brand on it? All that did was guarantee that I'll never touch it.
Because brand names sell better than no-names. Same reason why Epic Yarn didn't start as a Kirby game and aside from the enemies has basically nothing to do with the Kirby series.
Why do you have this irrational hatred of the Kid Icarus name? What did that game do to you?


You realise branding works both ways, right?

"Oh great, there's a new (and completely different) iteration in this brand I like! I have a positive impression of this product already!"

"Oh great, there's a new (and completely different) iteration in this brand I hate! I have a negative impression of this product already!"
You played decades old games and decided a game that plays nothing like them is awful?

I don't recall saying the newest KI game is awful. I said that I never liked the previous KI games, and that's the reason why I'm not going to be playing them anymore.

If anything, the irrational hate is coming from people who don't agree with me. Which is fine, I'm not going to get mad or anything stupid; people are going to like/dislike what they want. I haven't actually said anything bad about Uprising, so I'm wondering why I'm being called "retarded" of all things.
It's pretty irrational for the reasons I listed above.
It's like if I said that I played Pokemon Dash for the DS and really didn't like it, therefore I don't like the Pokemon series and I am never going to even try another game no matter how different it is.

That's quite a leap you're making there, since Pokemon Dash isn't even a mainline game in the series.

OMG Aero

Because I played the KI games and thought they were crap. Nothing irrational about it.
It's pretty irrational for the reasons I listed above.
It's like if I said that I played Pokemon Dash for the DS and really didn't like it, therefore I don't like the Pokemon series and I am never going to even try another game no matter how different it is.
Do you really think Metroid Prime plays anything at all like the NES game besides at the absolute most highest concept level?

I've played Prime, though. I didn't like it. That's why I said "you don't know me," because I've made it known already that I don't like the Prime series. "That's the joke," and all that.
Sorry to say, Snivy, but get out of the way—
Ya ain't good enough to join in the fray
Got mostly Whip—uh, to cover ya, scum
I really wouldn't be surprised if you became a bum

Sick diss beats and all, Snivy's okay. Anything's better than Pumba.
Sorry to say, Snivy, but get out of the way—
Ya ain't good enough to join in the fray
Got mostly Whip—uh, to cover ya, scum
I really wouldn't be surprised if you became a bum

Sick diss beats and all, Snivy's okay. Anything's better than Pumba.
This is amazing.
I shed a tear, man.

idk, he looks too self-satisfied for some level 5 shit who knows leer.
But it's a snake with legs at first. Your argument is invalid.
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