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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Try and contradict what I just said. You can't.

Cheren is infinitely deeper than that Silver dweeb, for reasons I've gone over many times before. But for your benefit...

Me said:
It's established early on that he was studying Pokémon training/battling long before his journey started and early in the game he shows up at regular intervals to give the player advice and help out. He's also shown to be a competent battler by earning Gym badges before you do and beating Team Plasma grunts without much difficulty. But pretty quickly he saw the player character be naturally better than him at something he'd been preparing for his whole life. He quite literally was best friends with the chosen one and seeing him come to terms with it was pretty interesting.

He's really driven (by something other than daddy issues, for a change), and actually openly deals with his limitations. Him saying "..Why? Why can't I beat you?" is emoting more than any rival before or since.
I dunno man, gym leaders can take vacations on Cinnabar while the E4 have to stay stuck in a tiny room 24/7. That's gotta be rough.

But wasn't Flint out and about during Platinum? And Cynthia seemed to prefer playing big sis to the player rather than hanging out at the League. Then there was Alder, the wandering Champion and in the remakes for Blue/Red, Gary even takes a hike for a bit and Lorelai won't return to the E4 until you help her out on one of the islands.
Everyone knows the E4 all have Avengers-style cards that beep when they need to assemble, then they Abra their way back to the League.

BOOM, canon
Nah, dawg. Barry is best rival, Plasma is best evil team, Steven (or Cynthia) is best Champion, and Hoenn is best region (water, water, everywhere, yet not a drop to waste).

But Bianca forever.

So what if Barry and Bianca turn out to be twins that were separated at birth.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Cheren is infinitely deeper than that Silver dweeb, for reasons I've gone over many times before. But for your benefit...

He's really driven (by something other than daddy issues, for a change), and actually openly deals with his limitations. Him saying "..Why? Why can't I beat you?" is emoting more than any rival before or since.

You're reading into something that isn't there. The characters are very similar, in the same way Bianca and Barry are similar.

Even their dialog is unremarkably similar. Silver after being defeated in Goldenrod Tunnel:

"Why... Why do I lose? I've assembled the toughest Pokémon. I didn't ease up on the gas. So why do I lose?"


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Nah, dawg. Barry is best rival, Plasma is best evil team, Steven (or Cynthia) is best Champion, and Hoenn is best region (water, water, everywhere, yet not a drop to waste).


I think Sinnoh and Cynthia are the best region and champ, but otherwise you're pretty much on point.

I <3 you Scrafty.


You're reading into something that isn't there. The characters are very similar, in the same way Bianca and Barry are similar.

Even their dialog is unremarkably similar. Silver after being defeated in Goldenrod Tunnel:

"Why... Why do I lose? I've assembled the toughest Pokémon. I didn't ease up on the gas. So why do I lose?"

No way man, Cheren is the Frank Grimes of Pokémon. Being shot down after putting legitimate effort is different from going through a tween angst phase.

OMG Aero

Not sure why anyone would say Steven is the best champion.
Single type champions like Steven, Wallace and to a lesser extent Lance are terrible.
The champion is supposed to have a good balanced Pokemon team, not just be another gym leader.


Not sure why anyone would say Steven is the best champion.
Single type champions like Steven, Wallace and to a lesser extent Lance are terrible.
The champion is supposed to have a good balanced Pokemon team, not just be another gym leader.

And I'm not sure why nobody can pick up on sarcasm
Alright, I'll answer it...late.

Silver is a more interesting person in HGSS than Blue was in RBY. Wally was a unique case, and Brendan/May were non-rivals. AndrexBarry was...excitable. Bianca was :3, Cheren was, hmm... he resembles a mix of Blue and Silver, but somewhat milder. N is fascinating, but too bad he was a puppet for like almost all of BW.

Out of those... I wanna say N, but I like Silver's character, and his change over the game. He even comes with a Freudian excuse to obsess over.


What Gary team does everyone prefer?

~ Pidgeot
~ Alakazam
~ Rhydon
~ Exeggutor
~ Gyarados
~ Arcanine
One of the last three is replaced by Venusaur/Blastoise/Charizard, depending on who you chose as your starter.

~ Sandslash
~ Alakazam
~ Exeggutpr
~ Cloyster
~ Ninetails
~ Mangeton
One of the last three is replaced by Vaperon/Flareon/Jolteon.
I think Sinnoh and Cynthia are the best region and champ, but otherwise you're pretty much on point.

I <3 you Scrafty.

I love you too.

Not sure why anyone would say Steven is the best champion.
Single type champions like Steven, Wallace and to a lesser extent Lance are terrible.
The champion is supposed to have a good balanced Pokemon team, not just be another gym leader.

Because Steven is cool. The reason I like both Steven and Cynthia as Champions is less about their teams (which could honestly matter less to me) and more that they have a constant yet mysterious prescence throughout your adventure that adds to the epic scale of your final battle. Blue's battle gave you a sense of cathartic joy when you smash his face in 20 seconds after he became Champion. N's battle gave you a sense that something was at stake other than a title. Cynthia and Steven gave you a bit more of an emotional feeling in that they had guided you through your entire journey, helping you in time of need and acting as a "mentor" figure, which culminated in a "final exam" of sorts in which you succeeded your teacher as the best trainer in the region.

Plus they use Aggron and Togekiss, and I love Aggron and Togekiss.

OMG Aero

I love you too.

Because Steven is cool. The reason I like both Steven and Cynthia as Champions is less about their teams (which could honestly matter less to me) and more that they have a constant yet mysterious prescence throughout your adventure that adds to the epic scale of your final battle. Blue's battle gave you a sense of cathartic joy when you smash his face in 20 seconds after he became Champion. N's battle gave you a sense that something was at stake other than a title. Cynthia and Steven gave you a bit more of an emotional feeling in that they had guided you through your entire journey, helping you in time of need and acting as a "mentor" figure, which culminated in a "final exam" of sorts in which you succeeded your teacher as the best trainer in the region.

Plus they use Aggron and Togekiss, and I love Aggron and Togekiss.
Except it's a pretty shitty "final exam" and pay off to his appearances throughout the game when you can steamroll him with one Pokemon.
I see absolutely no metric by which Plasma is anything but the best team.

They're the most interesting, they have the best plan, you have individual grunts with individual stories, they are the most successful, and, thanks to Ghetsis and his actions, they're the most evil, too. They're simply leagues above the others.


Team Plasma's whole motive and base around their characters is rather generic. I mean Pokemon is all about generic storylines, but adding more to nothing I don't see the broadened appeal. Team Rocket's thing is that their grunts are silly while the leader is the opposite.

Team Magma and Aqua were essentially gang wars, although they did have some stylish clothing.

In fact, the whole storyline of Black and White is practically identical to all previous Pokemon games, so I don't see the huge difference in that either. You're still super soldier trainer who's okay with doing anything regardless of the situation.
They did have the best music but Team Rocket weren't any slouches either. They took over an entire city...the biggest cities in two regions even!


Holy shit Pansear seriously sucks. His attacks do nearly nothing even when super effective. When does he get good?

Also, while the Pokémon in B/W are a bit worse in design from RBY and GSC, I'd say B/W are the best Pokémon games ever. Better presentation, story, characters, and tons of content. One could say that the region isn't all that interesting but I don't mind personally.

I can't believe I used to hate this game. I played 8-10 hours of Black around launch and immediately lost interest and thought it was terrible. After giving it another chance yesterday, I've realized that I was so wrong. It's such a good game that I typed this all on my 3DS web browser. ‹3


Team Plasma's whole motive and base around their characters is rather generic. I mean Pokemon is all about generic storylines, but adding more to nothing I don't see the broadened appeal. Team Rocket's thing is that their grunts are silly while the leader is the opposite.

Team Magma and Aqua were essentially gang wars, although they did have some stylish clothing.

In fact, the whole storyline of Black and White is practically identical to all previous Pokemon games, so I don't see the huge difference in that either. You're still super soldier trainer who's okay with doing anything regardless of the situation.

Team Galactic did the exact same thing, and did it better.
Team Plasma looks like a bunch of dopes too. Team Rocket is snazzier dressers. Although I will say I liked Plasma and Galactic quite a bit. They just aren't as cool as TR.
Team Rocket actually kill Pokemon.

Team Rocket are just a bunch of pricks really and that makes them the best. Team Galactic and Plasma are like cults with brain washing leaders, as such I don't consider them so much a great villain team as a bunch of sheep being led by hoodwinking main villains.
Team Aqua are flipping retarded, they want to flood the world because they love water pokemon a bit too much despite the fact that they'll have nowhere to live and they dress like the most camp of sailors, Team Magma have the right idea to an extent to get rid of that bloated water mass and have some funky hoods.
That said G&S Team Rocket are like a group whose time has past desperately trying to stay in the spotlight. Still Rocket are the best on a whole.
Team Plasma looks like a bunch of dopes too. Team Rocket is snazzier dressers. Although I will say I liked Plasma and Galactic quite a bit. They just aren't as cool as TR.


I honestly see very little difference, and--waitaminnit, do you have something against red-haired folk? Some of my best friends are red-haired folk!

I totally know what you mean, though :p
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