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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Dewott > Oshawott >Samurott

Samurott is really cool, but I don't think he fits the cuteness of the Oshawott line.



Empoleon is pretty darn cool. But Blastoise has cannons. You can't beat that.
Except if they were laser cannons?
Eh, I like Empoleon slightly better than Blastoise thereIsaiditareyouhappy?

Blaziken is and always will be my favourite starter form, closely followed by Totodile and Turtwig.

I think I'll just leave now before I'm crucified.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yesterday's anime episode continues the second tournament arc, and continues to show that Iris and Cilan's rivals do not need to exist.

Also, Bianca is creeping me out. It's like the writers want fan-fiction to exist.
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