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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

I swept Cynthia with a Level 55 Porygon-Z. Ice Beam for Garchomp, Togekiss and Roserade, Thunderbolt for Milotic and Lucario, and whatever for Spiritomb.


I don't think you know what hax means.

As backlot said, in this context it means when a side effect with low chance of happening (burn from flamethrower, paralysis from thunderbolt) happens at a critical time and screws you over.

Oh and I just found a female bagon in the dream world FUCK YEAH!!!
I think we all know that Hax really is, Hax is what you use after you lose in any online game for legitimate reasons but in your bitter and sore loser state you can only assume foul play was afoot.

But yeah I guess Pokemon did adapt the phrase to being hit by those low chance move side effects on a moderately frequent basis, even so one burn=hax?

OMG Aero

As backlot said, in this context it means when a side effect with low chance of happening (burn from flamethrower, paralysis from thunderbolt) happens at a critical time and screws you over.
Well then competitive Pokemon lingo is dumb.
Hax implies that there is foul play at hand, not just luck.


I'm getting so many rage quits tonight. It's really bumming me out. :(
If you're playing Doubles, I know a lot of people are disconnecting regardless of winning or losing so that the opponent can't save the battle video and upload it to VS Player. They don't want people scouting their Worlds / Worlds LCQ teams. VS Player puts out the IVs / EVs / Movesets and everything from the battle.


If you're playing Doubles, I know a lot of people are disconnecting regardless of winning or losing so that the opponent can't save the battle video and upload it to VS Player. They don't want people scouting their Worlds / Worlds LCQ teams. VS Player puts out the IVs / EVs / Movesets and everything from the battle.

I was playing singles but that's pretty interesting. Is doubles always like that or just around tournament times?




I was playing singles but that's pretty interesting. Is doubles always like that or just around tournament times?
VS Player was only created in the past few months so it's a relatively new phenomenon. xfr actually shut it off during US Nationals upon request because players didn't want people saving battle videos during swiss, uploading it to find out EVs / IVs and giving that information to their friends who were playing the next day.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Guy was really committed to the cosplay. I like that. Was there a video for this or something?


Made two more captures today:





Now all I gotta do is train these guys and I'll have my dream team :) I also got some new power items to help EV training, so hopefully things will go smoothly.
Riolu is my only legit shiny. Traded a legit Mew for it back when I was playing Diamond. He's a maintstay on my team but I still wish I could catch a shiny myself. Really surprised I haven't seen one before given how much time I've spent playing and replaying and replaying and replaying the games.


female shiny jellicent is so awesome <3

It is :) I'm happy that it was a female, since the shiny male Jellicent is pretty ugly IMO :p

Riolu is my only legit shiny. Traded a legit Mew for it back when I was playing Diamond. He's a maintstay on my team but I still wish I could catch a shiny myself. Really surprised I haven't seen one before given how much time I've spent playing and replaying and replaying and replaying the games.

In all my 10 years playing pokemon, I think I've found only 4 or 5 shiny pokemons in the wild, all in Pokemon Sapphire.

From the top of my head:

Taillow: First shiny, ran from the battle (I was so nervous I misclicked "Run" instead of "Items" :p)
Tentacool (Accidentally killed him)
Zigzagoon: Caught
Wingull: Caught

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Almost all of my shiny pokemon from fourth gen are yellow/gold.

Tangela in HG/SS, Geodude in Diamond, Three! Magikarp in Diamond from breeding, Riolu from breeding in HG, Weepinbell in Diamond.

The only one that doesn't really fit the mold was a pokeradar abused beldum and a bunch I got off traded in games from GS that my friend used to borrow from work.
All this talk about shines has me contemplating asking for a trade for one but...I kind of want the experience of catching my own as well. I think it would be really cool but alas, like many others...my luck with this is just awful.
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