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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Woah, my mixed wall Jellicent is REALLY good. I love how it can solo most enemies, and that it covers all the weaknesses in my team :p Battle Subway is much more fun with an organized team.


I still fail to see PBR as some huge drop-off in quality from the Stadium games. They're pretty much the same things: an overpriced way to play Pokemon with better graphics. Just replace Stadium's minigames with PBR's customization/online/more "battle frontier esque" modes. Oh, and you don't have to keep the piece of crap transfer pack working at all times in PBR (only reason I don't have a surfing pikachu and as such never played that minigame!)

Personally, I still feel like Colosseum and XD are the only useful entries in that whole series of games. At least those had something interesting with the RPG modes.

Where to begin?

Here are the differences between Pokemon Stadium, and Pokemon Battle Revolution.

1. Storing Pokemon.

In Pokemon Stadium you can transfer your Pokemon with a box system which is really convenient.

In Pokemon Battle Revolution you must clone your Pokemon to the game, meaning the feature of being able to store Pokemon is now gone.

2. Battling

In Pokemon Stadium you can battle strictly off the cartridge, you can play VS off the cartridge(s), and you may play co-op battle.

Remember that thing about cloning from before? Well, since you may only clone once game per save file, the only way to battle each other is by another person making another save file (going through that really long multiple sequences of the person waving at the cards explaining everything) cloning their save, and transferring to the wiimote.

You may use the DS, but you may not use the DS to play against the CPU or playing Wi-Fi battles, keeping in mind that the technology is already there.

3. Rentals

In Pokemon Stadium you have a huge list of Rental Pokemon to choose from if you do not own a Pokemon game, while in Battle Revolution you get either Team A or Team B (which by the way have the worst move sets you could imagine.)

4. Modes

In Pokemon Stadium you have several modes to choose from. Minigames, Gym Leader Castle to obtain Pokemon, Gameboy Tower, Free Battle, and the usual Stadium setup.

Battle Revolution is placed at an amusement park, and it doesn't have minigames.

Issues with the game

Stadium has interesting cups, but Battle Revolution twists and alters things as if you're playing a Shadow Game from Yu-Gi-Oh!. Things like the super random Wheel which the CPU will rob you of your only decent Pokemon is terrible.

The lack of a storage system is a huge thing to pass up on a Stadium styled game, and there really is no excuse not to have it. Cloning one game per save file is extremely inconvenient. It's made more aware when they sold Pokemon Ranch later on.

The NPC with the dialogue keeps going on and on, you wonder when it'll stop. They also make the messages where you can't speed them up, you just have to sit there and watch.

The DS Pokemon games keep track of your wins and losses, this game does not, and it also features it's own friendcode system.

Why is this game still reusing Pokemon Stadium models? But I will say the graphics are nice.

As I mentioned before, the game takes place at a huge amusement park, and when you first start the game it zooms in on it as if you're about to engage in the excitement. I honestly cannot make sense of it, especially when it's a Pokemon Stadium styled game.

It's barebones Pokemon Stadium with lousy designs, and only the character creator, limited Wi-Fi battling, and graphics give it any real redeeming value in my opinion.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You do realize that there are two console battler games in between those two.

Also so long as you play in the afternoon Japan time you still get tons of battles in PBR as my friend and I found out hilariously when we both worked the night shift.


You do realize that there are two console battler games in between those two.

Also so long as you play in the afternoon Japan time you still get tons of battles in PBR as my friend and I found out hilariously when we both worked the night shift.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Pokemon Colosseum and XD weren't Stadium games, they were their own thing and had a full one player story mode.


I still fail to see PBR as some huge drop-off in quality from the Stadium games. They're pretty much the same things: an overpriced way to play Pokemon with better graphics. Just replace Stadium's minigames with PBR's customization/online/more "battle frontier esque" modes. Oh, and you don't have to keep the piece of crap transfer pack working at all times in PBR (only reason I don't have a surfing pikachu and as such never played that minigame!)

Personally, I still feel like Colosseum and XD are the only useful entries in that whole series of games. At least those had something interesting with the RPG modes.

but you can play pokemon rby/gsc at 4x speed in Stadium 1/2.



I just realized Ash always has the Grass starter.

The only times I didn't go for Grass Starter was in Ruby and Platinum. The former because I wanted Cacturne, and the latter because I wanted Garchomp as my Ground type.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Grass starters usually suck. Sorry, it's the truth.

I'm partial to water starters, but fire's had some good ones as well (Cyndaquil <3.)


Bulbasaur -> Chikorita -> Torchic -> Chimchar -> Snivy for me.

Grass starters usually suck. Sorry, it's the truth.

I'm partial to water starters, but fire's had some good ones as well (Cyndaquil <3.)

Haters gonna hate, I love my Grass Pokemon.

I never go for Water Starters, as I always have either Starmie or Gyarados on my team. Although I am planning on the getting the Water starter in B&W2, but later to drop it.

I liked Fire starters until Gamefreak had to over-saturate with that Fire/Fighting combo.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Squirtle &#8594; Cyndaquil &#8594; I forget &#8594; Piplup &#8594; Oshawott

Even I wasn't prepared for the total BOSS Piplup eventually turned into.

Edit- Lol my answer is completely different from both of yours'.


I recall before Gen IV came out and I saw the starters, it took me a few minutes looking at the images to decide which one actually stood out compared to the other two. At first glance I thought the starters were rather strange looking, but not terrible.

I looked at Chimchar for a bit and decided It's not as interesting as the other two, I looked at Piplup and decided it falls into a category that was rather generic in shape and design, and it seemed like the latest "cute" Pokemon. It took me a bit longer looking at Turtwig for me to decide that I actually liked it a bit bit more than the others, and it's design seemed more original.

Another thing was that I didn't use a Grass starter for a while in a mainline game. I'm also not implying I think Piplup or Chimchar is bad either.


Well, on Leaf Green I picked Squirtle, but ditched him when his Blizzard failed to kill Lance's Dragonites. Replaced him with Dewgong.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I recall before Gen IV came out and I saw the starters, it took me a few minutes looking at the images to decide which one actually stood out compared to the other two. At first glance I thought the starters were rather strange looking, but not terrible.

I looked at Chimchar for a bit and decided It's not as interesting as the other two, I looked at Piplup and decided it falls into a category that was rather generic in shape and design, and it seemed like the latest "cute" Pokemon. It took me a bit longer looking at Turtwig for me to decide that I actually liked it a bit bit more than the others, and it's design seemed more original.

Another thing was that I didn't use a Grass starter for a while in a mainline game. I'm also not implying I think Piplup or Chimchar is bad either.

I still think Gen 4 has the overall strongest lineup of starters. Good initial designs all-around, great final evolutions, and great viability and movesets (well, for two of them.)

Gen 5 starters have finally started to grow on me but they still sort of feel out of place. Maybe when the Gen 7 starters are shown I'll be kinder to the 6ers. :p


I still think Gen 4 has the overall strongest lineup of starters. Good initial designs all-around, great final evolutions, and great viability and movesets (well, for two of them.)

Gen 5 starters have finally started to grow on me but they still sort of feel out of place. Maybe when the Gen 7 starters are shown I'll be kinder to the 6ers. :p

Well I've stated what I think is the best, but Gen I-IV I find are amazing games and have amazing designs overall. And of course you know I'll agree with you on the Gen V part, as I stated in one of my first posts on this forum, I found it strange that I was thoroughly enjoying every Pokemon version until Black and White came out.


Bulbasaur -> Chikorita -> Mudkip -> Piplup -> Oshawott
Wartortle -> Bayleef -> Grovyle -> Prinplup -> Dewott
Blastoise -> Typhlosion -> Blaziken -> Empoleon -> Samurott

I don't really like the gen 2 starters. Water FTW.

OMG Aero

Is it just me or does it seem weird to anyone else when you see humanoid Pokemon in the anime?
I mean take Sawk for example.

He seems as intelligent as a human, isn't that far off size wise, wears clothes and sits at the table with them like any other person would.

But despite all that, he is still essentially someone's pet and eats what is basically dog food.
Yeah, Sawk and Throh ventured a little too far into the uncanny valley for me. At least with Hitmonlee/chan/top and the Machop and Timburr lines you can still tell they're monsters.


Picked up the first time:




Guess I picked the wrong one only in gen I lol.
Favourite starters! Ah, I seem to have forgotten to answer that itself. First picked, not going to happen, I experiment a lot.

Squirtle (but he's not in the same level as the rest) -> Totodile -> Mudkip -> Turtwig -> Snivy

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Going by Gym Leaders alone Chikorita has the worst matchups of any starter in the series. The only real contender is Yellow's Pikachu because it can't evolve and is totally boned against the first and the last gym leader and not great against any of them except Misty, whose Starmie can still win most of the time unless you level up a great deal beforehand.

Chikorita also fairs worse in HG/SS because Falkner no longer has Mud Slap as his TM in Gen IV you'll see even more gusts then you will usually see.


I love my Chikorita, and I beat the majority of Gym Leaders with her anyway.

Light Screen right on the face of Kingdra thwarted Clair like nobody's business.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Bayleef is probably the best starter option for the Whitney fight because of Reflect. It was such a downer reaching the next gym, finding it was ghost and that they had the last gen gastly line there.


Bayleef is probably the best starter option for the Whitney fight because of Reflect. It was such a downer reaching the next gym, finding it was ghost and that they had the last gen gastly line there.

I never had a problem with that gym either. His Pokemon had poor movesets, and even resisted Razor Leafs hurt the ghosts due to their low Physical Defense.

Edit: I think Chikorita's worst match up is Bugsy's Scyther...thank god I had Geodude.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've beaten all of Gold with just a Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium and Scyther is basically the hardest fight before Red.


I always start with the grass starter the first time I play a new generation. I do so as a tribute to my first Pokémon ever, Bulbasaur :)
I will agree with the sentiment that Generation 4 starters are some of the better designed ones. Aside from the fact they all have pretty great designs (Again, not a fan of Infernape), they all have a great and versatile movelist, especially the Chimchar line that can cover its weaknesses pretty well. Not to say Turtwig or Piplup are slouches either. It's just...could we NOT have a freakin' Fire/Fighting starter for Gen 6 Game Freak?!

Outside of that, the only generation that had some questionable choices for starters might might be Gen 3. Kind of weird...I like Torchic and Combusken but hate the everloving hell out of the final evolution. Mudkip is...eh. Swampert isn't bad and he's got a great typing. The grass starter...I'm biased, I don't like grass types...=(

Still warming up to Gen V's starters. Generation 1 and 2 still had some great starters of course.
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