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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


West Midlands= best of all worlds!
This is a lie. The West Midlands is largely horrible.

Haha, thanks. The interview was plenty nervy already.
I'm in a decent position, so fingers crossed.

May I ask which college you'd be at? I seem to recall you'll be studying History; I have a friend who'll be in his second year at Keble doing your subject.

Also, guess what came in the mail?

Nostalgeargasm time.

Finally, if anyone needs any female DW Pokémon, I have a ton of them clogging up my game, making it harder to RNG. I accidentally got some twice, and it shouldn't be difficult to get more (no guarantees of a specific species). In fact, since I already have nearly every female I want, when I go to the Dream World, I could put up a list of Pokémon I can choose from and let GAF decide which one to take.

EDIT: Today's Dream World list is here! Which one do I pick?
Female Scrappy Taillow (Brave Bird)
Female Insomnia Delibird (Ice Shard)
Female Harvest Tropius (Leech Seed)
Female Sand Veil Phanpy (Seed Bomb)
Genderless Analytic Magnemite (Recycle)
Genderless Light Metal Beldum (Iron Head)
Male Vital Spirit Tyrogue (Feint)


Any chance someone could breed me a Squirtle and trade it over to my Soul Silver real quickly? Got a friend who wants it for his game and I don't have it in mine.

(The other 2 would be great as well, but squirtle being the one hes looking for the most)


I'm doing History and Politics at Jesus College.


Hmm... Not sure I know anyone at Jesus. I know two other people at Oxford, but they're not close friends. I think one's doing History as well, and the other Psychology and Politics. Those subjects seem to be pretty popular!


EDIT: Went with Taillow. Hitting Ghost switch-ins with Normal-type attacks sounds fun. Too bad it can't simultaneously have Guts.
Congrats on getting those soundtracks. It's a travesty they don't like to release soundtracks here...but I guess the market isn't there...=(


Congrats on getting those soundtracks. It's a travesty they don't like to release soundtracks here...but I guess the market isn't there...=(

Importing isn't too bad. Shipping is quite expensive, but not wallet-destroying. Game Freak has put up the game soundtracks on the Japanese iTunes; I don't know how difficult it is to buy from there if you're not in Japan though.
Importing isn't too bad. Shipping is quite expensive, but not wallet-destroying. Game Freak has put up the game soundtracks on the Japanese iTunes; I don't know how difficult it is to buy from there if you're not in Japan though.
You need a Japanese iTunes card, IIRC.
Well if I can get them off the Japanese Itunes store, I may do that instead!

On another note, we need more coral based Pokemon.

EDIT: What the...why can't Dragonair learn Dive?!


Hey PokeGAF, I'm pretty sure I've never posted in here.

I keep getting up to "dungeons" and losing all motivation and not picking up the game for months at a time. Like, I've been on Victory Road in B/W for upwards of eight months now. I'll pick it up for five seconds, get bored, and put it down. It's weird because I love the world of Pokemon and the fiction and the mechanics of it all, but when I actually play the game I just sigh and put it back down.

I need motivation, PokeGAF. What should I do?
This is understandable, given the cave encounter rate in Black and White.

I recommend lots of Repels, and the knowledge that what comes after Victory Road is really frigging cool.


Agreed on Roxie being best Gym Leader.

Hey PokeGAF, I'm pretty sure I've never posted in here.

I keep getting up to "dungeons" and losing all motivation and not picking up the game for months at a time. Like, I've been on Victory Road in B/W for upwards of eight months now. I'll pick it up for five seconds, get bored, and put it down. It's weird because I love the world of Pokemon and the fiction and the mechanics of it all, but when I actually play the game I just sigh and put it back down.

I need motivation, PokeGAF. What should I do?

Buy some Repels, watch a walkthrough on how to get through Victory Road without getting lost, and you'll be out there ASAP.


Hey PokeGAF, I'm pretty sure I've never posted in here.

I keep getting up to "dungeons" and losing all motivation and not picking up the game for months at a time. Like, I've been on Victory Road in B/W for upwards of eight months now. I'll pick it up for five seconds, get bored, and put it down. It's weird because I love the world of Pokemon and the fiction and the mechanics of it all, but when I actually play the game I just sigh and put it back down.

I need motivation, PokeGAF. What should I do?

Perhaps you're getting tired of the Pokemon games themselves than the Pokemon. Depending on how Black and White 2 goes, it may start for me as well, I felt a slight bit of what you are referring to while playing Black.

But yeah, Repels are definitely nice for these situations.


can someone tell me if the encounter rate in BW2 was fixed? i know, i know, not supposed to talk about BW2 here. but that's not a spoiler and i NEED to know.


Perhaps you're getting tired of the Pokemon games themselves than the Pokemon. Depending on how Black and White 2 goes, it may start for me as well, I felt a slight bit of what you are referring to while playing Black.

But yeah, Repels are definitely nice for these situations.

I started getting it in Heart Gold. Just couldn't bring myself to finish it.
can someone tell me if the encounter rate in BW2 was fixed? i know, i know, not supposed to talk about BW2 here. but that's not a spoiler and i NEED to know.
I haven't heard about the encounter rate, but Repels automatically renew themselves without the need to go into the bag now, which helps.


I started getting it in Heart Gold. Just couldn't bring myself to finish it.

Now that I think about, Diamond and Pearl was actually the first time there was a moment where I felt I was forcing myself to beat the game. Platinum I didn't so much, HeartGold completely rejuvenated any of that, while the opposite for the next game for me.

However, I've played practically every version, and franchise fatigue isn't something new. I think it's the 2D to be honest, it's as if each game is the same in a way due to it.


Now that I think about, Diamond and Pearl was actually the first time there was a moment where I felt I was forcing myself to beat the game. Platinum I didn't so much, HeartGold completely rejuvenated any of that, while the opposite for the next game for me.

However, I've played practically every version, and franchise fatigue isn't something new. I think it's the 2D to be honest, it's as if each game is the same in a way due to it.

Same, I found DPPt to be dull and a chore to play through, I didn't even bother with the post game material.

I love White Version, I think its become my favourite.


Same, I found DPPt to be dull and a chore to play through, I didn't even bother with the post game material.

I love White Version, I think its become my favourite.

For me it was just a singular moment, it wasn't something that kept occurring in Diamond and Pearl. In Black and White I literally stopped playing the game half way and didn't come back for months. I didn't do something that extravagant for any Pokemon game before, I'm just referring to a moment where I first got a similar feeling.

It didn't occur with Ruby and Sapphire as I enjoyed nearly every bit of it.
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