I know a great site that's hiring if you're looking for a job.Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2 -- Animated Trailer (slight spoilers)
Breaking my own rules here, but meh, they're my rules.![]()

I know a great site that's hiring if you're looking for a job.Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2 -- Animated Trailer (slight spoilers)
Breaking my own rules here, but meh, they're my rules.![]()
I know a great site that's hiring if you're looking for a job.
It was also posted in this thread on Wednesday.But it's dubbed...
I got a lot of stuff going on right now OK?!![]()
I've always labelled myself the fool.
I've always labelled myself the fool.
What are some Pokemon names you were wrong about before hearing them in the anime?
Milotic, I thought "My-law-tic" instead of "My-low-tic".
Rayquaza, I thought "Ray-cua-zah" instead of "Ray-kway-zah".
I still pronounce Rayquaza wrong. Also, Arceus should be 'ar-see-uhs', not 'ar-kee-uhs'. Battle Revolution announcer > anime characters.
Alien in a foreign land, my foot!
I think the Arceus movie was the first time they used that as the new official pronunciation.It definitely should be ar-see-us, and I was wondering where I heard that officially before.
Does that mean it's Sasuke?It revenge kills everything @_@. I've been wanting to use this thing for 2 years...
Genesect has officially been released and let me tell you guys its fucking awesome.
I'm using this set btw:
Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
It revenge kills everything @_@. I've been wanting to use this thing for 2 years...
Genesect has officially been released and let me tell you guys its fucking awesome.
I'm using this set btw:
Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
It revenge kills everything @_@. I've been wanting to use this thing for 2 years...
What are some Pokemon names you were wrong about before hearing them in the anime?
Milotic, I thought "My-law-tic" instead of "My-low-tic".
Rayquaza, I thought "Ray-cua-zah" instead of "Ray-kway-zah".
Stealth Rock should be changed to Stealth Fire just so Scizor, Ferrothorn, and now Genesect will stop appearing everywhere.
If your team doesn't have Gengar...
I see.
I'm still deciding what team I'll use on B&W2.
~ Water Starter
~ Scrafty
Man, Chikorita shoulda been in this game.
You need a Flying-type and an Ice-type if you want to be successful at Black and White 2.
Not in the game.
Shouldn't Oshawatt be able to get Ice Moves? And I'll have to see what Flying types I should get.
Yes, but an ideal Samurott moveset (even in-game) is all physical (i.e. Waterfall, Megahorn, Superpower, Swords Dance) as it offers more coverage.
Man, Chikorita shoulda been in this game.
Isn't Samurott's special attack better than its physical attack? Without EV training, you might as well go for a mixed set with Ice Beam.
They want to sell copies, though.
All I know is, if I am not using a water starter (it still happens sometimes if I do), and Gyarados is in the game, it'll be in my party. Possibly the most story picked Pokemon that isn't a starter besides Bird Pokemon and Pikachu.
I've been looking through my old games, heres what Pokemon I used in the previous games.
Hehe, we have pretty similar teams in Leaf Green/Fire Red. I remember using a good percentage of those Pokemon in that game. I did have a Haunter and was eternally saddened I didn't have a way to evolve him.
Anything can make quick work of every trainer in the game.Swords Dance makes all the difference. If Samurott got Nasty Plot, then a Special set would be fine. However, due to the lack of strong Special moves available to Samurott until lategame, a Physical set will make quick work of pretty much every trainer in the game.