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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Frost_Ace said:
Syph Medwes said:
Gravijah said:
moomoo milk
The only real answer.
Glad to see so many people getting it right.
Andrex said:
Soda Pop



Alternative: Max Revive.
Just had to ruin everything, didn't you?


Billychu said:
why dont they make diablo with pokemon
And get who to make it? tPC doesn't have any existing relationships with any studios experienced with that kind of game, and I doubt any of the people currently making them have any interest in working a licensed title.


Does Jasmine wear that chest ribbon to hide the fact that she has.. well, no chest?

and is that why izzy likes her so much?
THATS NOT HIS HAIR YOU DAMN ARTISTS. .....sorry but that totally looks like his hair in the pic, also my caps lock was on before typing this >>.
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