No Crobat from anyone? Man.
It's cool, but not cool enough.
No Crobat from anyone? Man.
No Crobat from anyone? Man.
Yeah, you just have to expose yourself to wild encounters a ton if you want to get a shiny. There's really nothing else to it.
i thought you hatched a shiny.
There's no problem with doing double power item breeding, right? They still work the same if you're using two?
New Game: Pokémon that look better than their evolutions.
Sort of agreed with most of those, except for Pimpkrow which you're still wrong about, and maybe Wigglytuff, which I <3.
The biggest one, for me: >
Togekiss' design has grown a lot on my but I still prefer Togetic's. Maybe if Togekiss had a neck I'd say they're equal...
New Game: Pokémon that look better than their evolutions.
What? No. I'm not a fan of Togetic. If I had my way, Togepi would evolve straight into Togekiss.
I really don't know how you could say that (except for differing tastes, etc.)
Togetic looks like a little cherub angel. Togetic looks like a no-neck fat bird.
And explain this to me: in evolution, how do you go from a species that has two working wings, two working arms, and two working feet and legs, to a species that has no arms and two pathetic little feet?
It'd be like humans evolving into a species with no thumbs. You don't go backwards you know!
Togetic looks like some freakish egg shaped thing.
and your problem is exactly why Togetic shouldn't exist. Iogepi's "arms" being underdeveloped wings is a much easier sell then them just disappearing completely when evolving into Togekiss.
becauseAlso, can't imagine why anyone would put Pimpkrow under Murkrow ._.
Sure, but it kinda beats the point if they're both awesome.
Pink Crobat is amazing.Now because of this thread I want a nasty plot shiny crobat. I haven't RNG'd a pokemon in hg/ss in a while :C
Sure, but it kinda beats the point if they're both awesome.
Anyone else really hope they bring back the pokeradar for Grey? It was so nice, actually having a method to get shinies.
Just out of curiosity, is everyone picking Scolipede because they actually like him or because he's the last in the evolutionary line?
Because design wise I think
New Game: Pokémon that look better than their evolutions.
I can't wait to see the madness when someone says "Pikachu"...
In general I really like Pokemon which sort of seem like they have freedom of movement to their design. Scolipede looks like he could curl up and stuff and it's pretty neat.i prefer scolipede. it's one of my favorite looking bug pokemon.
Also, can't imagine why anyone would put Pimpkrow under Murkrow ._.
It'd be like humans evolving into a species with no thumbs. You don't go backwards you know!
I know right? Wisey just blindly hates all the cross-gen Gen 4 evos. Except Togekiss evidently, which he's also wrong about...
(this one, like Togekiss, has grown on me as time goes on)
Froslass' design is pure garbage. I'd rather raise a Toxicroak.
Froslass' design is pure garbage. I'd rather raise a Toxicroak.
I'd rather french kiss a Toxicroak than have a Froslass on my team.
As for Weavile, I don't know, I got really attached to Sneasel's design in Gen 2. Weavile looks like it has some dumb lion's mane that makes it look like a girl. The jewel on its head and "necklace" doesn't help either.
Froslass' design is pure garbage. I'd rather raise a Toxicroak.
I'd rather french kiss a Toxicroak than have a Froslass on my team.
As for Weavile, I don't know, I got really attached to Sneasel's design in Gen 2. Weavile looks like it has some dumb lion's mane that makes it look like a girl. The jewel on its head and "necklace" doesn't help either.
Insulting Frosslass and Toxicroak? Disgraceful.
But poor taste is to be expected from a T.Hawk player...
You use Fuerte, whose entire chef storyline revolves around bad taste.
New Game: Pokémon that look better than their evolutions.
come at me bro