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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Heh, Vic again. Should have known.

So Firestorm, why is One Piece good?
Amazing sense of adventure, exploration, and general wonder. Relationship between characters is great. Some of the arcs are just outstanding with the levels of emotion they reach. One of the very few shows from Japan where I've found the humour funny. It's pretty much the pinnacle of the long-running shounen anime IMO. Perfect for kids and adults alike. There's a reason it's the most popular manga in Japan.

I have to warn you, the first 20ish episodes are very slow though as they introduce the first few crew members. Not representative of the show. As a result it's hard to get into at first. Afterwards though you'll be willingly binging!

I actually buy every single volume of the manga. I don't even do that with Pokemon (just have 1 - 7). Also have 2 Zelda volumes (Ocarina of Time part 1 and part 2) and am going to buy FullMetal Alchemist box set. But One Piece is just something really special!


If I want to get into One Piece should I watch the anime or read the manga? I know the 4Kids butcher is horrible, but once I get through that (via subs) can I watch the Funimation version or should I stick to subs?

I don't like subs


If I want to get into One Piece should I watch the anime or read the manga? I know the 4Kids butcher is horrible, but once I get through that (via subs) can I watch the Funimation version or should I stick to subs?

I don't like subs
I love Luffy's Japanese voice. Personally I prefer watching things at first as it gets their voice in my head. The manga is probably better than the show (and definitely at the point it's at now as the anime is starting to stretch), but I also love a lot of the anime's music. I'm more of a cartoon person than a comic person. Funimation re-dubbed everything so you can watch the entire show dubbed. Much of it is up for legal streaming here:

Click Show Order -> DUB Only

A lot of people actually do both. I watched it subbed, then read through it after I purchased the series. Right now I only read it on a weekly basis due to it being further along, but am thinking of watching entire arcs at a time when they're done.


Damn. They haven't hit Water 7 yet for the dub. Starts summer 2012. I really liked it in anime format as I loved what the music and tone did for the emotion in that arc. If you're okay subbed I feel like watching the series like that would be the best way to go =P If not, watch dubbed up until end of Arabasta and move to manga maybe?

And yes, Funimation is amazing. They put up the subbed version of the newest episode for free, legal streaming an hour after it airs in Japan.

first twenty episodes are slow? :( that's like an entire series right there!
Some people like it earlier than me, but I seem to be terrible at getting into shows at first. It took until Sanji's intro arc for me to like it. What's important to note though is that Coby is gone after the first three episodes. DO NOT give up because of him!.


If I want to get into One Piece should I watch the anime or read the manga? I know the 4Kids butcher is horrible, but once I get through that (via subs) can I watch the Funimation version or should I stick to subs?

I don't like subs

If you don't like subs, I'm assuming you like dubs. The One Piece dub is really good, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care for dubs.

Beware, One Piece has 500+ episodes. If that's too daunting for you, I suggest reading the 60+ volumes of One Piece instead ;)


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amazing sense of adventure, exploration, and general wonder. Relationship between characters is great. Some of the arcs are just outstanding with the levels of emotion they reach. One of the very few shows from Japan where I've found the humour funny. It's pretty much the pinnacle of the long-running shounen anime IMO. Perfect for kids and adults alike. There's a reason it's the most popular manga in Japan.

I have to warn you, the first 20ish episodes are very slow though as they introduce the first few crew members. Not representative of the show. As a result it's hard to get into at first. Afterwards though you'll be willingly binging!

I actually buy every single volume of the manga. I don't even do that with Pokemon (just have 1 - 7). Also have 2 Zelda volumes (Ocarina of Time part 1 and part 2) and am going to buy FullMetal Alchemist box set. But One Piece is just something really special!

Coolio, but how are the plotlines? Do they twist and turn with new stuff happening, or is it like Bleach? Bleugh.

I'm curious as to how they can keep the show good, fresh, and consistent for 500+ episodes.


Coolio, but how are the plotlines? Do they twist and turn with new stuff happening, or is it like Bleach? Bleugh.

I'm curious as to how they can keep the show good, fresh, and consistent for 500+ episodes.


Yeah, give it a shot. It's nothing like Bleach or Naruto. The author actually cares.


Coolio, but how are the plotlines? Do they twist and turn with new stuff happening, or is it like Bleach? Bleugh.

I'm curious as to how they can keep the show good, fresh, and consistent for 500+ episodes.
I've watched Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece. I gave up on Bleach probably five years ago now. I stopped following Naruto but am back into reading it now. One Piece is on a much higher level than either of them.

Unlike the other two, there is an actual end objective and there are no false finishes. That's because it's a series that emphasizes the journey much more than the actual finish. Each arc is somewhat self-contained but at the same time is a part of something larger. You see the pieces of the larger picture as you go through the series even though you often don't realize it.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, Oda actually seems to have planned all this shit out or is at least doing a great job of faking it. It's not a case of "well now you have to fight this stronger enemy!".


I've actually be re-watching the Indigo series this past week. As a kid I could never catch all the episodes, so half of them are new and half of them are pleasantly familiar. Wish I could be playing along with FireRed, but these days ebay seems far too full of counterfeits (and convincing ones in photo form) to make it a worthwhile chance.


I've actually be re-watching the Indigo series this past week. As a kid I could never catch all the episodes, so half of them are new and half of them are pleasantly familiar. Wish I could be playing along with FireRed, but these days ebay seems far too full of counterfeits (and convincing ones in photo form) to make it a worthwhile chance.

Just ordered Pokemon Rumble Blast off of Amazon. A few friends of mine loved it, so I decided to give it a shot.

Plus, I need SOME kind of Pokemon action on my 3DS. I need my fix. ;___;

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
you're going on my list.

Also I highly vouch for One Piece no matter what form you view it in. Don't blame me if you experience Hype Backlash though .

Also vouching for One Piece, but you should absolutely read it. No filler, easily digested in its intended format and by far my favorite story I've ever read. Even beats Jesus.

Damn I love One Piece. It's the only thing I like more than Pokemon.

And that's saying something.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
it's so goddamn huge though. it has taken me like two years just to get through 10 volumes of pokemon adv/special!

Take it at your own pace! I loved it from the start, though some say it starts slow I guess. Never really got that. Hits the ground running for me and hell it only gets better.

Lol, just one page at a time/minute gravi . .

edit: and damn this place just became my new one piece safe haven after all the hate thats been riled up in the mangaf monstrosity. Why can't everyone just be happy?



How did I miss the One Piece talk? I'm going to give my opinion anyway!

One Piece is great. I'd say it's the best ongoing shonen manga. great sense of adventure, fun characters and a good overarching plot. And forget what Firestorm says, it's good from the first episode/chapter.

Personally, I say that the anime is fine for the first 300 episodes or so, but after that the pacing drops considerably and I'd recommend switching over to the manga.
First time I heard of One Piece it was through the 4kids version, I still liked it regardless of their almost hilarious butchery so I guess that says something about the quality of One piece itself.
Shame that the pacing for the anime becomes absolutely ridiculous, doesn't it become like single chapters stretched into a full episode?


First time I heard of One Piece it was through the 4kids version, I still liked it regardless of their almost hilarious butchery so I guess that says something about the quality of One piece itself.
Shame that the pacing for the anime becomes absolutely ridiculous, doesn't it become like single chapters stretched into a full episode?

Pretty much. It's only just bearable because so much happens in the average One Piece chapter to the point that one of the biggest complains is that there's too much going on.


Just watched 'Bye Bye Butterfree'. Great episode. The ending montage of song. So good.

And, actually, it's something I'd like Game Freak to consider exploring a little in future games - establishing more of an ecology. They have Pokémon swarms and now have changing seasons... why not have Summer having higher percentages of unevolved baby Pokémon, or in-game events that better flesh out the zoology of the region, like the anime example Butterfree mating migration? Nothing fancy, just some flavour text and animation here and there. It'd certainly add to the appeal of you raising 'living' creatures.


Just watched 'Bye Bye Butterfree'. Great episode. The ending montage of song. So good.

And, actually, it's something I'd like Game Freak to consider exploring a little in future games - establishing more of an ecology. They have Pokémon swarms and now have changing seasons... why not have Summer having higher percentages of unevolved baby Pokémon, or in-game events that better flesh out the zoology of the region, like the anime example Butterfree mating migration? Nothing fancy, just some flavour text and animation here and there. It'd certainly add to the appeal of you raising 'living' creatures.

While I'm normally against anything to do with baby Pokémon, it would be nice to have more of an ecology than "Ice type Pokémon show up more often in winter!". Bug types would be perfect for this.


While I'm normally against anything to do with baby Pokémon, it would be nice to have more of an ecology than "Ice type Pokémon show up more often in winter!". Bug types would be perfect for this.
Something I thought about for forever now is expanding on the "wild Pokemon having different moves" deal. Nothing as tedious and huge as different levelup systems depending on the area (though that would be incredible if they could pull it off) but more like, if you're gonna catch a certain Pokemon in a cave versus in a field, he may have a certain % chance of knowing an attack that is unobtainable otherwise. Or, obtainable otherwise, but through tricks like breeding and not in levelup.

It's indicating that something was happening there before you caught him. Pretty cool idea I think.

But really if they just made levelup attacks consistent between regions (a Pokemon retaining the levelup of the game he was caught in, or his ancestors were caught in if breeding), that alone would be a pretty big improvement in the integrity of the world.


Let's get this back on track, eh?

I mean, incredible opening credits. At the time when those lyrics started up I was all :O - I must have seen that movie at least ten times in the cinema.

Watching that opening credits fight scene again, I'd say it really works. The music makes it. I'd be interested in seeing the Japanese version, because I honestly think one of the best things the American dub team achieved was the music, the main theme especially. And the movie version is perhaps even better in some ways. Not individually, no, but like how some art works because it is designed with someone knowing the reference in the first place. Like, say, a Tarantino film. If you do a straight comparison between his films and the films he references, those older films are most likely superior. However, if you know the older films inside out, then watch the Tarantino films, the whole experience is elevated to something unreal that is briefly transcendent of all source material.

That was what the Pokémon first movie opening credits fight scene is to me.

Of course, there is a heap in nostalgia in my enjoying that scene all these years later, but another heap of "oh, y'know, that's actually really quite good", which doesn't happen with many things I enjoyed as a kid when I re-visit them.
Best bit of the first movie dub, that.

Mainly because it contains very little actual dubbing.

I do love most of the music 4Kids used during their time on the show. PUSA need to hire David Rolfe back to do some kickass themes again.


The reason there's so much overlap in One Piece fans with Pokemon is it really does capture that feeling that the Pokemon universe evoked (discovery and exploration) when you were younger and first started the series.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I sort of prefer the movie version of the theme... but that's like 60% of the time. It depends on the mood I'm in.

As for the movie, it's on right now, but I'm going to wait until the 10:00 CN West showing.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I will the Darkrai movie's version of We Will Be Heroes better too, but that Arceus theme song is the best theme Pokemon's had since Unbeatable.

Do they use the shitty Black and White theme song in the Victini movie?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I was gonna do a whole "Dub Movie Review time!" but I don't have the patience to find screenshots nor the content to do a whole review... so here's some random thoughts I jotted down while watching. (This is for Black. I guess I am sort of interested in watching White to spot the differences.)

  • Like the intro song better than the TV version, but it's still not great. Way too mellow, doesn't go with the on-screen action at all.
  • As mentioned, great animation on Flame Charge vs. Aqua Jet.
  • Lol'd at Iris freaking out about Hydreigon. I was right there with her. Best Dragon of all time. OF ALL TIME
  • Samurott using his shell sword like a BAWS! Best Unova starter super confirmed.
  • How did Samurott's trainer survive that massive ember? It covered like half the town.
  • Victini's butt wings are still weird.
  • Is it me or is Ash acting much more like... a kid in this movie? I know that's his M.O. in Unova in general but it seems really exaggerated here. Advanced and Sinnoh Ash actually acted like he was a bit older, but I guess hitting the reset button on his appearance also did it to his maturity.
  • "What's Dragon Force?"
  • Someone (the king) died in a Pokemon thing? A human?! (I guess the Lucario movie had something similar...)
  • Team Rocket at cafe. *50 minutes later* Team Rocket randomly on side of hill. They've definitely ran out of ideas for normal-goofy Team Rocket, hence their change to black-suited srs Team Rocket. And the changing back and forth, here and in the anime proper, is jarring and confusing to say the least. Maybe they've been cloned...
  • Zekrom and Reshiram seem smaller than I thought they'd be.
  • Getting major Pokemon 2000 vibes with this castle in the sky thing.
  • Having Titanic flashbacks with Ash freezing to death and Victini going "No Jack no!"
  • In reality there's no way Victini would be able to use fire attacks at that altitude.

Parts of this movie I liked:

  • Animation is top notch for the most part, as is environment design. The past... five to ten movies have nailed the architecture stuff. Very well researched.
  • I loved that they used a good-intentioned villain this time around, even if it's more of an extension of the games. It's nice not having everything be, well, black and right this time.

Parts of this movie I didn't like:

  • Cilan and Iris were totally, completely useless. They need to find roles for these two to do in these movies. If they do that, it will go a long way in making these feel less like an extended episode.
  • Way too slow in the beginning. Basically nothing happened in the first half.
  • Even though I liked the "villain" was in a gray area (ha ha!), it wasn't handled that well and thus it felt like there was really no real conflict.

It's a decent movie by Pokemon standards. Not in my top four with 1, 2, 8, and 10, but it's not the worst either. Serviceable and handles the Reshiram/Zekrom thing pretty well. I did like that they could talk, although I also liked that the Sinnoh dragons didn't talk. I wonder if Reshi/Zekro will appear in the next movie or two, like the previous dragons... probably not. Meh. I thought that was a bright spot on the Sinnoh trilogy, how it was all connected by Dialga and Palkia effing everything up.
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